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1. What is Ethics? A. The study of the rules societies make with respect to justice B. The study of right and wrong, good and

1. What is Ethics?

A. The study of the rules societies make with respect to justice
B. The study of right and wrong, good and evil, justice, and social and political ideals.
C. The study of individual choices about right and wrong, and good and evil


  1. What are morals?
A. The values and beliefs that an individual holds about what is right and wrong
B. The values and beliefs that a society or group holds about what is right and wrong
C. The values and beliefs specific to one context about what is right and wrong


  1. What is law?
A. Rules that are suggested by the leaders of a society so that the society prospers
B. Guidelines a society makes in order to allow its citizens to interact harmoniously
C. Written rules created by and enforced by the authority of a government and the courts


  1. What are factual statements?
Statements about what is conceptually right and wrong
Statements about what is fact versus opinion.
Statements aboutthe meaning of a term or the scope or boundary of a term when it is being defined

1 points


  1. What are moral statements?
A. Statements that something is right or wrong
B. Statements that something is an opinion rather than a fact
C. Statements that something is insufficiently or unclearly defined

1 points


  1. How are factual disagreements addressed?
A. Arguments are presented about what is true or false
B. Arguments are presented about the ethical issues presented in the statements
C. Arguments are presented about the clarity of the definitions in the statements


  1. How are conceptual disagreements addressed?
A. Arguments are presented about the appropriateness of one definition as opposed to another
B. Arguments are presented to discredit the information presented as subjective
C. Arguments are presented about whether the information presented is ethically right or wrong

1 points


  1. What is rights-based ethics?
A. An ethical theory that states every individual has rights by virtue of his or her existence as a human being, and those rights are paramount in the resolution of any ethical issue.
B. An ethical theory that states every individual has rights to freedom of thought and expression
C. An ethical theory that states every individual has the right to be treated fairly by those with power in a society


  1. Which ethical theory does the following statement belong to: "Those actions are right that produce the greatest total amount of human well-being"
A. Utilitarianism
B. Duty-based-ethics
C. Virtues-based ethics

1 points


  1. What is a Code of Ethics?
A. A document that spells out right and wrong within the context of a specific profession as information for those professionals practicing in the profession
B. A document that spells out the ethical responsibilities, or duties, that practitioners of the profession owe to those with whom they interact on a professional basis
C. A document that offers guidelines to professionals in a specific profession for what they can do to be perceived positively by the general public


  1. What is one application of a Code of Ethics?
A. As a tool around which to base an employee's performance appraisal
B. As a tool with which a professional can evaluate both past behaviour and future decisions
C. As a tool with which to determine whether to fire an employee


  1. What are two parties to whom members of OACETT owe a duty under the OACETT Code of Ethics?
A. The general public and family members
B. The profession and the general public
C. Students in college programs and clients


  1. What are two other resources that engineering technicians and technologists have available to them to solve ethical problems?
A. The OACTT Rules of Professional Conduct, and case studies documenting the experiences others have had in the past?
B. Textbooks on ethics and engineering, and the OACETT guidelines for ethical behaviour.
C. Other OACETT members who volunteer their time to mentor other members, and the OACETT Code of Conduct


  1. What is one difference between solving an engineering problem and solving an ethical problem?
A. Engineering problems require systematic, methodical thinking while ethical problems require out of the box thinking
B. Engineering problems usually involve quantitative information while ethical problems usually involve qualitative information
C. Engineering problems require technical information while ethical problems require subjective information

1 points


  1. What is one similarity between solving an engineering problem and solving an ethical problem
A. Both require systematic analysis
B. Both require the use of intuition
C. Both require knowledge of detailed technical information

1 points


  1. What is a relevance problem?
A. A problem in which there does not seem to be a strong connection between the outcome and the actions of the engineering technician or technologist
B. A problem in which there is uncertainty as to whether a particular ethical principle applies to the situation being analyzed
C. A problem in which two or more participants in a problem have varying degrees of responsibility for the outcome

1 points


  1. What is a conflict problem?
A. Two or more ethical principles seem to apply to a particular situation, however those discussing the problem are in conflict about the desired outcome to be achieved by applying these principles
B. Two or more ethical principles seem to apply to a particular situation, however they also seem to be suggesting opposing or incompatible actions
C. Two or more ethical principles apply to a particular situation and they complement each other to allow for a greater understanding of the situation

1 points


  1. What are two goals for engineering technicians and technologists to study ethics?
A. To develop a sense of ethical responsibility and to learn to tolerate disagreement and ambiguity
B. To be able to handle more complex engineering tasks and to become more confident overall
C. To get promoted and to become a better manager

1 points


  1. What is one ethical problem that may arise for engineering technicians and technologists
A. A failure to protest the use of inadequate designs
B. Not being aware of a law or regulation that applies in a specific situation
C. Not agreeing with the professional opinion of an equally qualified colleague

1 points


  1. What is another ethical problem that may arise for engineering technicians and technologists
A. Competing considerations in which two sets of principles, interests or obligations are in opposition to each other
B. Not being able to communicate effectively with non-experts also involved in the decision-making process
C. Facing time management challenges that require extra staff to be hired to complete a project on time

1 points


  1. Part 2:

There are two ethics case studies to read. There are five (5) multiple choice questions to answer for each case study. Each question is worth one (1) mark each, for a total of ten (10) marks. There is only one correct answer for each question. Choose only oneanswer from each of the available options and answer all questions.

Use the EGAD method outlined below to analyze the case studies before you attempt the multiple choice questions.

  1. Identify theEthical Issues
  2. Generatepossible courses of action to deal with the ethical issues
  3. Analyzethe results for each course of action.
  4. Make a logicalDecisionbased on the analysis in the previous step.

Ethics Case 1:

Julie is an engineering technologist for Canadian Woods Inc, a furniture manufacturer near Lake Louise, Alberta. She has just been promoted and included in her new responsibilities is the monitoring of water discharges and the preparation of reports for Alberta's Department of Natural Resources.

Julie has just prepared a report stating that the level of pollution in the plant's water discharges slightly exceeds the legal limits. Julie knows that her boss, Rob, will not be pleased with the report and is concerned that she might be sent back to her old position.

Julie submits the report in its original form to Rob, who asks her to "adjust" the data so the plant remains in compliance. He explains to Julie that there is little reason to believe the excess chemicals will harm either people who use the lake for recreational purposes or the lake's ecosystem. In addition he argues the firm may be forced to shut down or move by the Alberta government if there is bad publicity, as the plant is so close to a large tourist area. How should Julie respond to Rob's request?

What is one ethical issue that is central to this case?

A. Holding paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public
B. Honesty
C. Maintaining professional competency

1 points


  1. What is another ethical issue that is central to this case?
A. Confidentiality of company information
B. Accept only work you are qualified to do
C. Promote public appreciation of the profession

1 points


  1. Assume you have generated the following alternatives to deal with the ethical issues in this case:

G1.Julie agrees to adjust the data.

G2.Julie refuses to adjust the data and hands the report to Rob and tells Rob he has to make any adjustments himself.

G3.Julie refuses to adjust the data and asks for a meeting with Rob to discuss the issue further.

G4.Julie goes directly to the Department of Natural Resources and whistle blows on Rob and her company.

What is the appropriate analysis of AlternativeG2?

A. Once Julie turns over the report to Rob and lets him make adjustments or changes, her professional responsibilities end
B. Although, Julie has not falsified a report and upholds employer confidentiality, she is still breaching several clauses of the Code of Ethics
C. By handing the report to Rob, Julie is no longer in a conflict of interest

1 points


  1. What is the appropriate analysis of AlternativeG4?
A. G4 is a good alternative as it gives priority to protection of the environment which is paramount for Julie's profession
B. Although G4 may eventually be necessary, Julie should first try to convince Rob and perhaps his manager before whistle blowing on her company
C. G4 is not a good alternative as Julie's primary responsibilities are to her employer and her fellow employees

1 points


  1. Which of the following statements is the best decision and rationalization?
A. G2 will allow Julie to keep her job and will release her from any conflict of interest
B. G1 will allow Julie to keep her job and let her keep an eye on any further violations of the legal discharge limits
C. G3 gives Julie a chance to convince Rob that adjusting the data is ethically wrong and still allows her to maintain employer confidentiality

1 points


  1. Ethics Case 2:

Evan is an engineering technologist who is employed by Smart Solutions Inc., a Canadian firm which provides geotechnical engineering and materials testing services to independent businesses. One of Smart Solutions' clients is a wealthy entrepreneur, Tom Buckets, who has hired Smart Solutions to design quality programs for his company in Alberta. Tom isvery impressed by Evan's design work and has offered him a side consulting project for his new Texas subsidiary. Tom has offered to fly Evan down to Texas for the weekend on his private jet and pay for all his expenses. Tom explains to Evan that he just wants a general opinion about what needs to be done to improve the Texas operations and will pay him $200 per hour for his time He thinks it will only take Evan one or two days to assess the situation with the U.S. subsidiary. Evan does not have to take time off from his existing job as he can leave on Friday evening and be back at work on Monday morning without anyone knowing where he has been. What do you think Evan should do?

What is one ethical issue that is central to this case?

A. Adequate compensation for work performed
B. Act with integrity towards your employer
C. Report any hazardous, illegal or unethical professional decisions

1 points


  1. What is another ethical issue that is central to this case?
A. Conflict of interest
B. Present to clients the possible consequences if professional decisions are disregarded
C. Conduct yourself with fairness, courtesy and good faith towards others

1 points


  1. Assume you have generated the following alternatives to deal with the ethical issues in this case:

G1.Evan accepts Tom's offer and says nothing to his employer.

G2.Evan accepts Tom's offer and gives details of his trip to his employer when he returns on Monday.

G3.Evan asks for a meeting with his manager to get permission for the trip.

G4.Evan refuses Tom's offer.

What is the appropriate analysis of AlternativeG1?

A. Evan's primary duty is to himself and his career
B. Accepting Tom's offer without informing his employer would put Evan in a position of lack of integrity towards his employer
C. Since Evan is working on a new project outside of Canada and on his own time, a conflict of interest does not exist

1 points


  1. What is the appropriate analysis of AlternativeG2?
A. Accepting Tom's offer without getting his employer's permission beforehand would put Evan in a position of lack of fairness towards his employer
B. Evan has every right to pursue opportunities that allow him to use his expertise and earn income
C. Since Evan is working on a new project outside of Canada and on his own time, the project is none of his employer's business

1 points


  1. Which of the following statements is the best decision and rationalization?
A. G2 is the best option as it gives Evan time to assess the new situation before disclosing it to his employer
B. G4 is the best option as the only solution to any conflict of interest is to remove oneself from the situation
C. G3 is the best option as accepting Tom's offer without his employer's permission would be acting without integrity and fairness

1 points


  1. What is the OACETT Act?
A. The current legislation that designates OACETT as the professional association for engineering technicians and technologists in Ontario
B. a) The current legislation under which OACETT operates as a closely held corporation.
C. a) The current legislation governing all engineering technician and technology organizations in Canada.

1 points


  1. The OACETT Act is:

A. a) Ontario Statute Law
B. a) Ontario Common Law
C. Ontario Criminal law

1 points


  1. What is one of the objects or objectives of OACETT as written in the OACETT Act?

A. a) To secure employment for certified engineering technicians and technologists.
B. a) To establish, promote and enforce high ethical and professional standards of conduct for members.
C. To increase the political power of the profession within Ontario.

1 points


  1. What is a restricted title?

A. a) Only those who have requirements determined by the professional association with the right to the title can use the title.
B. a) Only those who have paid the required membership dues to the appropriate professional association can use the title.
C. Only those who are certified or licensed by the professional association with the right to the title can use the title.

1 points


  1. What national association does OACETT belong to?

A. a) Technology Professionals Canada
B. a) Canadian Technology Professionals
C. Technicians and Technologists of Canada.

1 points


  1. What is the purpose of the Engineering Technology Ring?
A. a) To publicly demonstrate loyalty to OACETT.
B. a) To advertise the professions of technician and technologist.
C. To publicly demonstrate membership in the engineering technician and technologist profession.

1 points


  1. What is the role of the Office of the Fairness Commissioner?

A. a) To oversee the professional licensing process of regulatory bodies and compulsory trades in Ontario.
B. a) To ensure that all college technician and technologist programs evaluate graduates fairly.
C. To enforce the different licensing and certification processes for trades and professions.

1 points


  1. What is the purpose of the professional member identification stamp?

A. a) The stamp identifies the member and his or her membership in that particular organization.
B. a) The stamp establishes the member's identity and his or her responsibility for the work bearing the stamp.
C. The stamp identifies the name of the professional organization.

1 points


  1. What is PLAR?
A. a) Prior Learning Assessment Recognition
B. a) Previous Learning Achievement Review
C. Priority Language Ability Review

1 points


  1. What is the purpose of IETO?
A. a) To assess all membership candidates to ensure that they meet the required standards.
B. a) To determine which applicants are of suitable character to be members of OACETT.
C. Togrant membership and certification to applicants who meet the standards of OACETT.

1 points


  1. What are the two main categories of membership?
A. a) Full Member and Student Member
B. a) Certified Member and Associate Member
C. Certified Member and Non-Resident Member

1 points


  1. What is one requirement for certification as an OACETT member?

A. a) Be a minimum of 18 years of age.
B. a) Have integrity and honesty.
C. Be a resident of or employed in Canada.

1 points


  1. What is one possible action of the Discipline Committee when a member is found to be guilty of professional misconduct orincompetence?

A. a) Inform his or her employer.
B. a) Inform his or her college.
C. Suspend membership.

1 points


  1. How can members resign their membership?

A. a) By submitting their resignation in writing to the Registrar.
B. a) By telephoning the Registrar.
C. By informing their Chapter Chair.

1 points


  1. What is professional practice?

A. a) The act of completing the designated professional work in a technically accurate manner.
B. a) The act of behaving maturely and professionally in a workplace context in order to build a successful career.
C. The act of behaving appropriately in a workplace context so as to bring prestige and respect to the profession and to ensure public safety.

1 points


  1. What are the OACETT Rules of Professional Conduct?

A. a) Rules that OACETT members should follow so that they are given respect in the workplace.
B. a) Rules that define professional misconduct for engineering technicians and technologists.
C. Rules that OACETT wants members to follow to increase the prestige of the profession.

1 points


  1. What is one example of professional misconduct as defined by the OACETT Rules of Professional Conduct?
A. a) Negligence.
B. a) Undertaking non-engineering work in a professional context.
C. Notifying the appropriate authorities about a breach of regulations by an employer.

1 points


  1. What are the three possible consequences of professional liability?

A. a) Discipline proceedings, criminal sanctions and civil (tort) action.
B. a) Fines, termination of membership in the relevant professional organization, and tort action.
C. Suspension of membership in the relevant professional organization, damages and loss of reputation.

1 points


  1. What is one benefit of volunteering in terms of an OACETT member's professional practice?

A. a) It allows the OACETT members to participate in shaping their profession.
B. a) It allows OACETT members to give the appearance of being involved in their profession.
C. a) It provides OACETT members with opportunities to pad their resumes.

1 points


  1. Why is it important for an OACETT member to maintain professional competence?

A. a) It allows members to serve their employers and clients effectively.
B. a) It allows members to command a higher salary.
C. It is required by the Code of Ethics.

1 points


  1. Part 2: There are two professional practice case studies to read. There are five (5) multiple choice questions to answer for each case study. Each question is worth one (1) mark each, for a total of ten (10) marks. There is only one correct answer for each question. Please choose only oneanswer from each of the available options. Please answer all questions.

Case Study 1

Sarah, a graduate of an accredited technologist program and an Associate Member of OACETT, has not had time to complete the process for certification as a C.E.T. She still has to write the Professional Practice Exam. She has been in the workforce for four years and has worked in her field for the full four years. She would like to apply for a promotion with her company. She has the technical skills and required work experience to be able to do the new job. However, the company posting for the job indicates that she needs to have a C.E.T. Sarah really wants the promotion. She figures she is close enough to being a C.E.T. She decides to indicate on her resume that she has her C.E.T. designation.

Her employer was interested in promoting Sarah to the new position. As part of their vetting process prior to scheduling interviews they checked the OACETT directory of certified members. Sarah's name was not there.

What is the central professional practice issue in this case?

A. Lying to an employer.
B. Misuse of title
C. Falsifying qualifications

1 points


  1. What should Sarah's employer do in this situation with respect to the central professional practice issue in the case?
A. Notify the OACETT Complaints Committee
B. Notify the OACETT Discipline Committee
C. Give Sarah a warning and place a reprimand in her personnel file

1 points


  1. What is one disciplinary measure Sarah could face from OACETT?
A. Payment of a fine to her employer
B. Suspension of her OACETT membership
C. Inform his or her college

1 points


  1. What IETO committee will make a decision about the outcome of this situation for Sarah?
A. The Membership Committee
B. The Discipline Committee
C. The Complaints Committee

1 points


  1. What should Sarah have done in this situation, rather than indicating that she was a C.E.T.
A. Apply for the position and hope that her other qualifications will be sufficient
B. Not apply for the position
C. Apply for the position and indicate in her cover letter that her C.E.T. is in progress

1 points


  1. Case Study 2:

John is a C.E.T. working full time job for a residential construction company. John's brother-in-law has part ownership in a company that conducts land surveys for private and commercial interests. John's construction company has an emergency. The land surveyor that they contracted for a project is unable to complete the contract due to a personal emergency. John gives his supervisor the name and contact information for his brother-in-law's land survey company and recommends the company as a good solution to the problem. His supervisor interviews John's brother-in-law and hires him for the land survey job. Neither John nor his brother-in-law mentions their relationship to the supervisor. When the land survey is complete John's employer finds out about the relationship.

What is the central professional practice issue in this case?

A. Lying to an employer
B. Conflict of interest
C. Withholding information from an employer

1 points


  1. What should John's employer do in this situation with respect to the central professional practice issue in the case?
A. Notify the OACETT Complaints Committee
B. Caution John about doing anything the same in the future and not use John's brother-in-law for any other projects
C. Withhold payment from John's brother-in-law because the work was secured under false pretenses

1 points


  1. What is one disciplinary measure John could face from OACETT if he is found guilty of professional misconduct?
A. A written apology to his employer
B. Payment of damages to his employer
C. Publication of the case and outcome in the Ontario Technologist

1 points


  1. What should John have done in this situation?
A. Not recommend his brother-in-law's land survey company to his supervisor
B. Recommend his brother-in-law's land survey company to his supervisor but disclose the relationship immediately when giving the recommendation
C. Recommend his brother-in-law's land survey company to his supervisor and disclose the relationship after his supervisor has interviewed his brother-in-law

1 points


  1. What should John do if he is found guilty of professional misconduct but does not agree with the decision?
A. Phone the Registrar to indicate he disagrees with the decision
B. Contact his local Chapter Chair to intercede on his behalf
C. Submit a request for an appeal in writing to the Registrar

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