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1. Who is ethically responsible for the rise and continuance of cyberbullying? 2. Should social-networking sites be censored in an effort to stop cyberbullying? M

1. Who is ethically responsible for the rise and continuance of cyberbullying?

2. Should social-networking sites be censored in an effort to stop cyberbullying?

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M Inbox ( 13 ) - mhumphres ( x Topic DT Real Time Ethica X Homework Help OBLA fron X Cyber bullying Case Study p x Cyberbullying Case Study : x VACANT UNITS / APPLICATI * + DO File file : 1/C Users / Melissa %20 Hump elissa %20 Humphres / Desktop / Cyberbullying $20 Case 20 Study . pdf Apps MY GMAIL IMO IMO OPS URIPIO Business Intelligence OneSite Accounting ( ) IRM PORTAL EN / TRACS . . Accounting Oneiste Expensify Expense In elearning What is Cyberbullying ? Cyberbullying is a unique form of bullying that continues in spite of the dire con sequences that can and do occur . Cyberbullying has gained significant media attention and countless incidents of bullying continue to occur . Although many cases are reported in the news , probably as many it not more go unreported Because of the news attention , the phenomenon generated an antibullying move ment in 2010 Bullying has been defined as something that one repeatedly does or says to gain power over another person . Unlike traditional bullying cyberbully . ing eliminates the need for physical contact with others in order to make them feel inferior . Cyberbullying is " when a child , preteen or teen is tormented three ned , harassed , humiliated embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child preteen or teen using the Internal , interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones . " Technology as an avenue for intimidation is a hot- button issue for school systems and parents alike . This is uncharted territory , and legislation does not always provide guidance and structu The reality is that bullying makes a significantly negative impact on the lives of today's youth , Cyberbullying directly impacts self - esteem and can , and has led to suicide among its adolescent victims . Schools parent s . parents , and peers must identify and intervene in cases of cyber bullying Increased awareness and edu cation about cyber bullying and its consequences can help create a safer online community . Individuals should be held morally responsible for the consequences of their actions online Why Cyberbullying ? A young adult's behavior is primarily motivated by a desire to meet his or her basic need for recognition , attention , and approval In a survey conducted in 1990 students in over 190 schools were asked the following question : " Is " Is it easier for you to get noticed or get attention in this school by doing something positive or something negative ? " Almost 100% replied " negative . " ? Adolescents turn to cyberbullying to fuel their need for attention and recognition from their peers It began primarily in chat rooms and instant messaging conversations , but has expanded to include social networking web sites ( Facebook and My Space ) and video - sharing web sites ( You Tube ) . Text messaging and anonymous web po ings are common methods of cyberbullying . Very Ilying . Very recently , cyberbullying has established a presence in portable gaming devices through rough virtual worlds " and interactive sites Cyberbullying is more attractive than traditional bullying for a variety of rea sons . First , technology provides the perpetrat strator with the option of anonymity Victims often do not know who is targeting the ng them because the bully is able to hide his or her identity through anonymous web posts or fictitious e mai andly , bullies are able to expand the scope of their impact because a larger Type here to search MM Inbox ( 13 ) - mhumphres ( x Topic DT Real Time Ethica X Homework Help OBLA fron X Cyber bullying Case Study p x Cyberbullying Case Study : x VACANT UNITS / APPLICATI * + DO File file : 1/C Users / Melissa %20 Hump elissa %20 Humphres / Desktop / Cyberbullying $20 Case 20 Study . pdf Apps MY GMAIL IMO IMO OPS URIPIO Business Intelligence OneSite Accounting ( ) IRM PORTAL EN / TRACS . . Accounting Oneiste Expensify Expense In elearning spsychologically easier to be a cyberbully than a traditional bully . A cyberbully does not have physically confront the victim and witness the immediate result of a message Some cyberbullies might not even recognize the severity of their actions , which ake place from and a different location . Lastly , the response to cyberbullying has been slow , suggesting to perpetrators that there are little or no consequences for malicious online actions . Why Is Cyberbullying a Major Issue ? oday's youth are " wired " and connected to technology 247 Statistics suggest that two thirds of American ) youth go online every day for school work to keep in touch with their friends , to play games , to learn about celebrities , to share their digital creations , or for many other reasons . " Given the accessibility of technology , it should be no surprise that individuals are using the Internet , ce phones , and other electronic instrument chronic instruments to bully each other A 2010 study re vealed that " 30% of middle school students were victims of at least one of nine forms of cyber bullying two or more times in the past 30 days " and - 220% of middle school students admitted to engaging in at least one of five forms o cyber bullying two or more times in the past 30 days . " Females are more likely to choose cyberbullying over traditional bullying . The rationale is that females prefer the nonconfrontational nature o I technology With such a large percentage of today's youth affected by cyberbullying something has to be done . Cyberbullying is damaging to the self esteem of in victims . Typically beginning around middle school 1 , sell-perception begins to dic late a child's sense of sell worth Teenagers often feel that they are defined by their erupting skin and morphing ng bodies , ( and many seventh grade students have a hard enough time just walking through the school doors . When dozens of kids vote online , which is not uncommon about whether a student is fat or stupid or gay , the impact can be devastating " Victims of " Victims of cyberbullying typically report feeling angry , frustrated , sad , embarrassed , and scared An adolescent's self -esteem can dramatically decrease during puberty . In one survey . when kids in kindergarten were asked if they like themselves , 95 or more said " yes . " By fourth grade , the percentage of kids who reported liking themselves was down to 6096 ; by eighth grade the percentage was down t 40/ ; and by twelfth grade it was down to 59% Meet the Victims Phoebe Prince . On January 14 , 2010 , Phoebe Prince was found dead in her South Hadley Massachusetts home . Phoebe was 13 years old and a recent im migrant from Ireland attending South Hadley High School . As a freshman in high school , she had a romantic ling with a senior football pl ha senior football player , upsetting the other girls at her school . They tormented her relentlessly calling her a " slut . They even followed her home one day . I one day , throwing things at her from their moving car Type here to search MM Inbox ( 13 ) - mhumphres ( x Topic DT Real Time Ethica X Homework Help OBLA fron X Cyber bullying Case Study p x Cyberbullying Case Study : x VACANT UNITS / APPLICATI * + DO File file : 1/C Users / Melissa %20 Hump elissa %20 Humphres / Desktop / Cyberbullying $20 Case 20 Study . pdf Apps MY GMAIL IMO IMO OPS URIPIO Business Intelligence OneSite Accounting ( ) IRM PORTAL EN / TRACS . . Accounting Oneiste Expensify Expense In elearning Immediately following the death of Phoebe Pri . Prince , the girls who bullied her mocked her death on the Internet . It was confirmed that Phoebe had been a victim of both cyberbullying and daily physical abuse . Many students reported school officials that Phoebe was the victim of harassment via social network ing sites like Facebook and text messages . Two students of South Hadley High School were later suspended as a result , Principal Daniel Smith observed that the bullying often surrounded arguments about teen dati ng . " Even in her death Facebook page created in her memory contained cruel messages posted by Megan Meier . Another high profile case was that of Megan Meier , a 13 year old girl whose suicide was the result of cyberbulying In October 2006 Tina and Ron Meier found their daughter's body in a bedroom closet . Megan had hanged herself A few weeks earlier , Megan established a relationship with a boy using the social networking site My Space . Megan and the boy , Josh Evans later discovered to be a fake cover name for another ( others ) to use as Megan's cyberbullies , quickly formed an ont online relationship . The catch as noted : Josh Evans was not a real person . Evans claimed to be a 16 - year-old boy who lived in a nearby town but was homeschooled . There were several red flags to suggest that Josh Evans did not exist , but to Megan Meier , an already insecure teenager on medica tion for depression , the boy seemed very real . The so called Josh even told Megan that he did not have a phone restricting him to virtual communication Megan's online relationship with Josh then look a turn for the worse . Megan received a message from Josh on My Space saying , " I don't know if I want to be friends with you any longer because I hear you're not nice to your friends . " A bully was using Josh's account to send cruel messages . Megan called her mother , de scribing electronic bulletins posted about her saying things like " Megan Meier is a slut . Megan Meier is fat . " " Megan had an existing history of depression , and these essages were a crushing blow to her self esteem . The stress of the situation wa 100 much for Megan and she took her own life shortly after these messages were The person orchestrating Josh Evan's fictitious account was actually a neighborhood mother Lori Drew , aged 47 at the time of Megan's death , was the mother of one of Megan's former friends . Lori Drew knew that Megan had boon prescribed antidepressants but still used the fraudulent identity to torment Megan Drew's reasoning was that Megan had been mean to her daughter and needed to be taught a lesson . This highly unusual case went to trial in November 2008 , and Drew was found guilty of three misdemeanors . She did not serve any jail time The Beverly Vista School In May of 2008 , Evan S. Cohen confronted the Beverly Vista School in Beverly Hills California , for disciplining his eighth- grade daughter , J . C . Cohen for cyberbullying J . C . had videoed friends at a cate egging another eighth-grade girl . In the video , J . C . and her friends make mean-spirited comments toward the victim , calling her " ugly , " " spoiled " and a " slut . " When the Type here to search MM Inbox ( 13 ) - mhumphres ( x Topic DT Real Time Ethica X Homework Help OBLA fron X Cyber bullying Case Study p x Cyberbullying Case Study : x VACANT UNITS / APPLICATI * + DO File file : 1/C Users / Melissa %20 Hump elissa %20 Humphres / Desktop / Cyberbullying $20 Case 20 Study . pdf Apps MY GMAIL IMO IMO OPS URIPIO Business Intelligence OneSite Accounting ( ) IRM PORTAL EN / TRACS . . Accounting Oneiste Expensify Expense In elearning Mr. Cohen , a lawyer in the the music industry , sued the school on behalf of h daughter . " What incensed me , " he said , " was that these people were going t suspend my daughter for something that happened outside of school " The legal test was whether or not the video had caused the school " substantial " dis ruption . According to the law , a student can only be suspended when his or her speech interferes " substantially " with the school's educational mission . The judge ruled in favor of Cohen , and the school district was required to pay Cohen's le gal expenses amounting to $107 150 . 80 10 " The Judge also threw in an aside that summarizes the conundrum that is adolescent development acceptable ci ility and school autho authority . The good intentions of the school notwithstanding , he wrote , it cannot discipline a student for speech , simply because young persons are unpredictable or immature , or because , in general teenagers are emotion ally fragile and may often fight over hurtful comments No case involving student online speech has yet been brought before the Supreme Court . Lower courts have ruled both ways , sometimes siding with schools disciplining their students and other times siding with the individual perpetrator Legislation for Cyberbullying In response to these and other cases , the Federal government has taken steps prevent and to manage cyberbullying , including the drafting of the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act ( HR . 1966 ) . This bill proposes that Chapter 41 of Title 18 of the United States Code ( related to extortion and threats ) be amended to define cyberbullying and related penalties . According to the Act , cyberbullying & not limited to social networking web sites but also includes e mail , instant mes saging , blogs , web sites , telephones , and text messages . " The bill would amend the federal criminal code to impose criminal pena ties on anyone who transmits in interstate or foreign commerce a communication intended to coerce intimi date , harass , or cause substantial emotional distress to another person electronic means to support severe , repeated and hostile behavior . " 1 2 The Megan Meier bill was introduced to the House of Representatives on April 2 2008 . It was referred to two subcommittees - the House Judiciary Com mittee and the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime , Terrorism , and Home land Security . The last action was on September 30 2009 , when subcommittee hearings were held . The bill has not become law . It was a part of a previous ses - sion of Congress and must be reint must be reintroduced in order to be reconsidered for law State governments are also considering laws against cyberbullying . On May 3 2010 Governor Deval Patrick signed new antibullying legislation that places greater responsibility on schools to intervene in bullying situations . " Bullying defined by the bill , encompasses crimes such as stalking and harassment . The anti -bullying legislation specifically holds provisions for anti - bully training , and mandates that all school employees , including teachers cafeteria staff , janitorial staff , etc . . must report and investigate incidents involving bullying . Teacher Type here to searchM Inbox ( 13 ) - mhumphres ( x Topic DT Real Time Ethica X Homework Help OBLA fron X Cyber bullying Case Study p x Cyberbullying Case Study : x VACANT UNITS / APPLICATI * + DO File file : 1/C Users / Melissa %20 Hump elissa %20 Humphres / Desktop / Cyberbullying $20 Case 20 Study . pdf Apps MY GMAIL IMO IMO OPS URIPIO Business Intelligence OneSite Accounting ( ) IRM PORTAL EN / TRACS . . Accounting Oneiste Expensify Expense In elearning Although a step in the right direction , the bill does not assign specific pena ties to those who do not intervene in instances of bullying . Following the bill 's implementation , bullying continues to be a major issue in Massachusetts schools On February 13 , 2013 , Illinois State Senate representative Ical Silverstein introduced the Internet Posting Removal Act - SB 1614 . When you read the bill solely through cyberbullying prevention lenses , it makes sense . But what happens when politicians start using the statute to silence critics ? Precise language is a must when it comes to laws loose lips sink shi As sink ships and loose language can annin late freedom The Impact of Facebook and Myspace The growth of social networking web sites such as Facebook and My Space in past decade has contributed to the prevalence of cyberbullying Both social networking giants have experience in dealing with cyberbullying Facebook and My Space have accessible help centers that provide postings and suggestions on how users can fight back against cyberbullying Facebook gives users the responsibility to manage cyberbullying On Face book's Help Menu , advisory information is available for teens and parents regard ng how to handle cyberbullying Facebook provides a mechanism for users to report abusive behavior by another user . After the abuse is reported , Facebook investigates the behavior . Facebook also gives users the ability to block specific individuals and restrict privacy settings . There are comprehensive instructions on Facebook's web site to make online safety as user friendly as possible Facebook also encourages users to avoid retaliation , recommending that vic time block or report abusers rather than respond via " inbox , wall posting , or Face book Chat " A section of Facebook's Help Center is dedicated to educating parents about ways to protect their teens from cyberbullying . This page emphas izes the need for communication among parents and teens regarding expecta tions and the use of common sense . Though Facebook cannot prevent and monitor every issue of online harassment , the company recognizes that cyberbullying is we and is doing what it can to empower user My Space , another social networking leader , recognizes the negative conse quences of cyberbullying and has similar content to help its users . My Space users have the ability to block individuals and report instances of harassment My Space has a zero tolerance policy for hate speech , harassment , and cyberbullying , and pledges to do its best to respond to reported situations within 4 8 hours . " Par - ents have the power to delete the contents of their son's or daughter's My Space page . The web site also provides safety tips for teens and parents , including links to more resources and safety videos My Space has developed a team of specialists to assist parents with inquiries regarding their teens' profiles . The Parent Care Team must be initiated for review by a parent and can perform actions other than simply deleting a teen's profile Type here to searchM Inbox ( 13 ) - mhumphres ( x Topic DT Real Time Ethica X Homework Help OBLA fron X Cyber bullying Case Study p x Cyberbullying Case Study : x VACANT UNITS / APPLICATI * + DO File file : 1/C Users / Melissa %20 Hump elissa %20 Humphres / Desktop / Cyberbullying $20 Case 20 Study . pdf Apps MY GMAIL IMO IMO OPS URIPIO Business Intelligence OneSite Accounting ( ) IRM PORTAL EN / TRACS . . Accounting Oneiste Expensify Expense In elearning instructions are available Although Facebook and My Space have taken steps to prevent cyberbullying on their respective web sites . these effort forts are not enough Cyberbullying is still a major issue on social networking sites and on other forms of media and com . munication . To push forward to a solution , questions must be raised about who should be held accountable in instances of cyberbullying Conclusion Cyberbullying is a real issue that deserves reco grition . We should be educating adolescents about the potentially damaging effects . Is of their actions , responding to incidents , and holding the appropriate people accountable in instances of cyberbullying All stakehol holders in cyberbullying should take this issue very seri ously . Cyberbullying can have an incredibly harmful effect on adolescents if no body intervenes Teenagers , parents , schools , and the government especially , have a moral responsibility to take action when they come across cyberbullying From an ethical perspective , we can no longer be bystanders Take a stand against cy berbullying Questions for Discussion 1 . Have you or someone you know ever been involved in cyberbullying as a bully or victim ? It so , what are the feelings and effects associated with cyberbullying in the situations with which you are familiar ? 2 . What are the issues with cyberbullying ? Explain 3 . Who are the stake holders in cyberbullying cases and what are the stakes for Who is ethically responsible for the rise and continuance of cyberbullying ? 5 . Should social networking sites be censored in an effort to stop cyberbullying ? 6 . Is it legal and ethical to censor social networking sites to stop cyberbullying 7 . What is Congress doing about this situation ? This case was developed from material contained in the following sources labough , Raven ( May 4 , 2010 ) Anti- Bullying Legislation in Massachusett New American https / / groups . yahoo . com / new / groups / Sep School / conversations messages / 26894 , accessed April 23 , 2014 Cullen , Kevin . ( February 2 2010 ) . " No Safe Haven for By for Bullies . Boston Globe http :! ! . com news / local / massachusetts / articles Untouchable Mean Girls " Boston Cullen , Kevin ( January 24 2010 ) . " The Untouchable Mean Girls " Boston Globe . http : / / www . boston .com / news / local / massachu local / massachusetts / articles / 2010 / 01 / 24 / the untouchable mean girls / accessed April 3 201 Type here to search

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