1. Why is the topic important? Why did you choose the selected articles? 2. Summarize and provide your assessment and critique of each article clearly. (You are not expected to undersand the methodology and statistics used, howeves, if you do and desire to share, feel free) 1. What was the author's reasoning, theoretical support, and hypotheses for this rescarch? Are these logical and sivceinet assurnptions and propositions? 2. Cormpare the articles. How are the articles related? Are they? 3. Contrast the articles. 4. Do the articles complement each other and help to motivate esiearch in a specific direction? Or, do the articles contradict each ofher and leave open questions far future research? 5. What are the findings (iesults of the study)? Were the hypotheses supponted? 6. What are future directions for this type of research? Limitations of the research? 7 Critique, critique, critiquell Is there a better way to conduct this rescarch? Are there better questions to ask? Are there questions you wished the authors had asked? Etc, etc, ete. 8 Apply what you've leamed in class and in your experience to your anticies and precriation content: 3. Apply the findings to practice and evaluate how applicable this research and its findings are to practice' How can each article s findiags be applied io the ieal-world? Ot, can they? Can the findings help Human Resources andior other protessonals in tandestanding the topic betier? How would you epply these findinga wibin the workplace? Etcietc, etc We will do some schalarly research on whether and when employers should iaves in employee training this week: Please read the instruction. The stahdard economic theory predicts that firms will not invest in general training (where trained KSAOs are transternable to other organizations) and will underiavest in fimtspecific training (wheie trained KSAOs are NOT transferable to other organizations) because firms can lose training imestment to other fims if employees uwith jobs or are. pooched by competitors. Howevec, employer-sponsored training is prevaleat in practice. Why, whien, and whetber employers should invest in employee training and prrsent the main conciusions of thy rescarcb articies You can use scholar.google.com to find scholarly articles. I have helped you out some and provided a link below