1.1 In reference to the events highlighted in the case study, crifically discuss the impacts of project risks, and provide relevant recommendations to the ACME Fabricators Board of Directors on how they should conduct risk management in their fulure projects. Your response should refer to relevant examples. (20 marks) 1.2 As discussed in the case study, it is important that belore a project is execuled a clear projoct management plan is dralled. In the context of the ACME Fabncalors project, discuss the significance of a project management plan. (20 marks) SECTION B [60 MARKS] Answer any THREE questions of your choice QUESTION 2 (20 MARKS) Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills, lools and techniques to satsfy stakeholder expectations from a project (PMBOK Guide, 2004). In light of this statement, examine the faclors that you consider influental in defermining the success of a project. Your response should include relevant examples QUESTION 4 (20 MARKS) The success of any project is dependent on a diverse range of skills, abillies and compelencies of the project manager which should bolh inspire the project leam b succeed and win the confidence of the cusbmer. Comment on this stalement by describing the compelencies required of a project manager QUESTION 5 (20 MARKS) Project Quality Management addresses the management of project deliverables of the project, it applis to all projects regardless of the nature of their deliverables Modem quality management approaches seek to minimize variation and to deliver results that meet defined stakeholder requirements (Projoct Management hastitute, 2020) In light of the statement provided, outtine the main reasons why there has been a growing emphasis among projecl managers lowards managing qualily 1.1 With reference to the case sludy provided critically discuss the primary reasons contributing to the failure of building projects. Your response should provide relevant examples. (15 marks) 1.2 In reference to the reasons provided in question 1.1 above, discuss the impacts of project failures and suggest solutions that can be considered by project managers to mitigate against future project failures. (15 marks) 1.3 With reference to construction projects, critically discuss the contents of a project quality plan. Your response should refer to relevant examples (10 marks) Answer AWY THREE (3) questions below QUESTION 2 (20 marks) As a project maragement student, you have been roquested to prosent a papor to a lean of delogites from the department of public works and you are expectod to describe the relevance of "Quidruple Constrants" of projed managernont Discuss the conlents of your response. (20 marks) QUESTION 3 Cntically docuss the contents of a project communcalion mainx. Your rosponse should reter to any projact of yout chose. (20 marks) QUESTION 4 various tools and lechniques that can bo utilsed in risk identificatina Darrol Smith the project manager at Group Five has requested you to provide him with advice on an eflective model that can be implemenled to offectively manage project stakoholders. QUESTION ONE (20M To ensure success of her business in the food and hospitality industry, Mrs Marumola knows that everything revolves around providing a perfect and exceptional experience to the custorners. She therefore designed a training project for her staff. Discuss the importance of aligning a project with the organisational strategy and how this benefits Mrs Marumola's business. QUESTION TWO (20M Cost management is of great importance to ensure the successful completion of the project Advise Mrs Marumola on cost estimation and budgeling. QUESTION THREE 120N A propect goes through different phases. These phases make up the path that takes the propoct from the: beginning to the end Therefore they are important for planning as they detine and guide the stops if lakes to complete a propect. Explain the FOUR (4) phases or the life cycle to Mrs Marumola. QUESTION FOUR An organisational struclure defines all the official reporting lines, including the number of levels in the herarchy and the managerial span of control. Describe the functional structure and its advantages. QUESTION FIVE Cnical success factors help the project manager to focus on elements vital to the success of the project and achieving its goals and objectives. Briefly explain FIVE (5) of these factors. QUESTION FOUR (20 Marks) An orgatisafonal sfructure defines alt the official feporteng lones, including the number of levels in the herarchy and the managenal span of control. Descnbe the lunctionai structure and is advantages. QUESTION HVE (20 Marks) and achoving is pouls and obyoctives. Briefly explain FIVE (5) of these foclors. END OF PAPER 1.1. In a world that is corpplex and unpredictable, and where resources are scarce, mansgerent is expochod to dolivor on its mandate either to produce goods and servoes wilhin sol budgots, qualty (20 marks) standards and lime frames irrospective of this volilllly. This inoans that varoun activites and as spoesied by the cuslomer to ther satistaction. Folorring to the case study, idonity and dacuas 10 (IEN) doterminants of propoct succoss 1.2. Projects are characterised by typical constrainls of scope, cost and time which are the triple (5 marks) construnis. With and aid of an exarple docuss the relahonshe between these: Question 2 21 Despite the solutions to the probloms that City Green Books there ane sall polontial problems that (20 marks) can derail a progect, even when applying project management lools. Mentify ind disciass 10 polental probleins that can doral a propect (5marks) Books was to draw up a Proped Plan. Discuss the importance of thes docurnent 32. With refervece to the cine abovo, if s evident that communicaton is a chief ingredient in ensuring (5 marks) 3.3 Deviloping a Propod Commanication Plan for Cly Ceven Books company (10 marks) Question 4 4.1 Risk Manogoment rolales to a proactive approach to idontifying and managing ovonts within the (15 maks) intomal ervircnmont and threaks in the extemal emvronment with a likelhood to affect a propect's oulcomes ind success as howe happened in the cise of City Croon Books. Wentify and istocuss the 4 (FCUR) stages of Risk Managoment Question 1 (20 Marka) lochreques thal ford coud use. Question 2 (20 Marks) suppler notwork, bringng the fotal to 60,00x Dis to the expansion ford wil be enploying new pensorali Descrbe the buman resources plan that Ford can iso to ensure that they employ the frod sutatia stall in the varous depatrocits. SECTION B [60 Mapks] Answer ANY THREE (P) questions in this section. Question 3 (200 Marks) of lime each phase fakes well vary deponding on the spocific reparenonls of the propet With the aid of an example, explain the four phases of the projed lifocyed Question 4 (20 Marks) Qunation 3 (25) Marta) Question 4 (20 Marin) Question S (200 Marks) doadrantapes. Question 6 (20) Harks) END OF PAPER