11-2 Help Save Dade Company reports the following components of stockholders equity on December 31, 2016 stock-$10 par value, 150,000 shares authorized S 600,000 60,00 shares issued and outstanding Faid-in capital in excess of par value, common stock Total stockholders equitY In year 2017, the following transactions affected as stockholders' equity accounts. Jas. 1 Purehased ,00D shares of ita own stock at $23 cast per share Jan. S Director, declared . S2 per share cash dividend payable on rebrary a to the rebury s atoekholder, et Feb 28 Paid the dividend declared on Januarys uly sSold 2,309 of ita treasuey shares at $27 eash per shace. Aug 22 Sold 3,700 of its treasury shares at $20 Sept. S Directors declared $2 per share eash dividend payable on oetober 28 to the september 25 stoekholders ot cash per share Oct 28 Paid the dividend declared on Septenber S bee 31 Closed the S213,500 eredit balasee t tron net ineone) in ue inc sunnary acooust to Betained tarnings. Requirement General Equity Ledger Trial Balance Statemest of Equty General Journal tab Prepare the necessary journal entries Statement of Retained Earnings tab Prepare the Statement of Retained Earnings for the Dade Corporation for the year ended December 31, 2017 Stocknolders Equity tab- Prepare the Stockholders' equity section of Dade Corporation's December 31, 2017 balance Impact on Equity tab For each transaction, indicate the total change in Stockholders' Equity, if any. Verify that total equty, as calculated, agrees with the amount reported on the Stockholoers' Equity tab General Journal 146347306-Financial-A ACC 1210 : S Ch 11 GL-P 11-2a declared a 2 per share cash dividend payable on Oetober 28 to the September 25 stockholders of a $2 per share cash dividend payable on October 28 to the s Sept. s Directors record oct. 28 Paid the dividend declared on Septesber s. Dec. 31 Closed the $233,500 eredit balance (from net income) in the I ncome Sunnary account to Retained Earninga. General Trial BalanceRE Requirement Journal Equity Dates: Jan 01 to: Dec 31 General Ledger Account Credit Balance Debit Balance 495,000 Jan 01 197,000 Jan 01 Balance Credit Balance Jan 01 805,000 Jan 01 73.500 Paid-in capital, Common Balance Date Debit Credit Balance Jan 01 600,000 90,000 Retained earnings Debit No. Balance Jan 01 500,000 Jan 01 General Journal Trial Balance> 1 or 1 MacBook Ai 20 Help Save & 1-2a S . S Di rector, deelared$2 perhar. eash dividend payable en Oetober 21 to the September 25 noekhalden of oet 28 Paid tho dividend declared on Septmber 5. bec. 31 closed the $233,500 eredit balance (Erom net income) in the Incone Sunmary aecount to Retained Earnings Statement of Stockholders Impact ern Requirement Joumal Ledger Thial alance Equity Equity Dates: Jan 01 te: Dec 31 1, 2017 Account Tite Debit 496,000 97,000 600.000 90.000 Paid-in capal, Common 233.500 14634730 ting : ACC 1210 Ch 11 GL-P 11-2 Saved in year 2017, the following transactions affected its stockholders' equity accounts. Jan. 1 Purchased 6,000 shares of it. own atoek at $2) eaah per share. an. 5 Directors declared 52 per share cash dividend payable on February 28 to the Tebruary 5 stookholders of reoord Feb. 28 Paid the dividend declared on January5 July Sold 2,300 of its treasury shares at $27 cash per share Aug. 22 Sold 3,700 of its treasury shares at $20 cash per share. Bept. S Directors declared a$2 per share cash divi dend payable on October 28 to the September 25 stockholdera of oet. 28 Paid the dividend declared on Septenber 5. Dec. 31 Closed the $233,500 eredit balance, (from net income) in the Sncome Surmary account to Retained Earnings. General GeneralTrial Baliance RE ourmal Statement of Stockholders Impact on Equity Equity Prepare the stockholders' equity section of Dade Corporation's balance sheet as of December 31, 2017 Dates: Jan 01 to: Dec 31 DADE CORPORATION Stockholders Equity Section of the Balance Sheet December 31, 2017 Total contributed capital Total stockholders' equity Statement of RE impact on Equity > 1 of 1 il acBook Ai 11-2 Help Save Dade Company reports the following components of stockholders equity on December 31, 2016 stock-$10 par value, 150,000 shares authorized S 600,000 60,00 shares issued and outstanding Faid-in capital in excess of par value, common stock Total stockholders equitY In year 2017, the following transactions affected as stockholders' equity accounts. Jas. 1 Purehased ,00D shares of ita own stock at $23 cast per share Jan. S Director, declared . S2 per share cash dividend payable on rebrary a to the rebury s atoekholder, et Feb 28 Paid the dividend declared on Januarys uly sSold 2,309 of ita treasuey shares at $27 eash per shace. Aug 22 Sold 3,700 of its treasury shares at $20 Sept. S Directors declared $2 per share eash dividend payable on oetober 28 to the september 25 stoekholders ot cash per share Oct 28 Paid the dividend declared on Septenber S bee 31 Closed the S213,500 eredit balasee t tron net ineone) in ue inc sunnary acooust to Betained tarnings. Requirement General Equity Ledger Trial Balance Statemest of Equty General Journal tab Prepare the necessary journal entries Statement of Retained Earnings tab Prepare the Statement of Retained Earnings for the Dade Corporation for the year ended December 31, 2017 Stocknolders Equity tab- Prepare the Stockholders' equity section of Dade Corporation's December 31, 2017 balance Impact on Equity tab For each transaction, indicate the total change in Stockholders' Equity, if any. Verify that total equty, as calculated, agrees with the amount reported on the Stockholoers' Equity tab General Journal 146347306-Financial-A ACC 1210 : S Ch 11 GL-P 11-2a declared a 2 per share cash dividend payable on Oetober 28 to the September 25 stockholders of a $2 per share cash dividend payable on October 28 to the s Sept. s Directors record oct. 28 Paid the dividend declared on Septesber s. Dec. 31 Closed the $233,500 eredit balance (from net income) in the I ncome Sunnary account to Retained Earninga. General Trial BalanceRE Requirement Journal Equity Dates: Jan 01 to: Dec 31 General Ledger Account Credit Balance Debit Balance 495,000 Jan 01 197,000 Jan 01 Balance Credit Balance Jan 01 805,000 Jan 01 73.500 Paid-in capital, Common Balance Date Debit Credit Balance Jan 01 600,000 90,000 Retained earnings Debit No. Balance Jan 01 500,000 Jan 01 General Journal Trial Balance> 1 or 1 MacBook Ai 20 Help Save & 1-2a S . S Di rector, deelared$2 perhar. eash dividend payable en Oetober 21 to the September 25 noekhalden of oet 28 Paid tho dividend declared on Septmber 5. bec. 31 closed the $233,500 eredit balance (Erom net income) in the Incone Sunmary aecount to Retained Earnings Statement of Stockholders Impact ern Requirement Joumal Ledger Thial alance Equity Equity Dates: Jan 01 te: Dec 31 1, 2017 Account Tite Debit 496,000 97,000 600.000 90.000 Paid-in capal, Common 233.500 14634730 ting : ACC 1210 Ch 11 GL-P 11-2 Saved in year 2017, the following transactions affected its stockholders' equity accounts. Jan. 1 Purchased 6,000 shares of it. own atoek at $2) eaah per share. an. 5 Directors declared 52 per share cash dividend payable on February 28 to the Tebruary 5 stookholders of reoord Feb. 28 Paid the dividend declared on January5 July Sold 2,300 of its treasury shares at $27 cash per share Aug. 22 Sold 3,700 of its treasury shares at $20 cash per share. Bept. S Directors declared a$2 per share cash divi dend payable on October 28 to the September 25 stockholdera of oet. 28 Paid the dividend declared on Septenber 5. Dec. 31 Closed the $233,500 eredit balance, (from net income) in the Sncome Surmary account to Retained Earnings. General GeneralTrial Baliance RE ourmal Statement of Stockholders Impact on Equity Equity Prepare the stockholders' equity section of Dade Corporation's balance sheet as of December 31, 2017 Dates: Jan 01 to: Dec 31 DADE CORPORATION Stockholders Equity Section of the Balance Sheet December 31, 2017 Total contributed capital Total stockholders' equity Statement of RE impact on Equity > 1 of 1 il acBook Ai