13. 14. 15 16 l? Administration Sales Services 1030 Bank Account: Chequin g 421.3 7 2300 1itl'acation Payable 22.40 2310 EI Payable 36.29 2320 CPP Payable 2?.22 2330 Income Tax Payable 64.90 2390 EHT Payable 5.49 2400 RRSP Payable 25.00 2430 United Way Payable 20.00 2460 WSIB Payable 1?.53 640.20 640.20 In thejournal entry above 1.10 3.29 1.10 a. vacation payable shows no allocation because the entire amount is allocated to one divi b. the vacation pay amount had not been calculated c. vacation payable is not allocated d. each amount allocated uses different percentages for the allocation Import duties on purchases of inventory items a. are automatically recorded as liabilities to the Receiver General for Canada once the du properly set up b. require separate purchase and payment entries c. are always charged on foreign inventory purchases d. may be entered automatically from the rates in the inventory ledger . To change a quarterly budget to a monthly frequency you must a. recalculate the budget amounts for each month b. not exceed the scal period chosen for the company dates c. recalculate the budget amounts manually d. enter general settings and change the frequency to monthly for automatic calculations . 1n budget reports a. the position is favourable when the sales budget amount is higher b. the position is unfavourable when the actual sales amount is lower c. the position is favourable when the budget expense amount is lower d. the position is unfavourable when the actual expense amount is lower . Batch printing is available a. after you turn on the option in the print reports screen b. after you turn on the option in the invoices screen c. after you turn on the option in the forms settings screen d. at anytime, you do not need to turn on the feature