1.4. What is the real number equivalent to FP number 0x3400 with 1-bit 1.5. What is the real number equivalent to FP number 0x3400 with 1-bit 1.6. What is the biggest positive FP number that can be represented in sign, 4-bit biased exponent, 11-bit fraction, and bias 7? sign, 4-bit biased exponent, 11-bit fraction, and bias 8? 16-bit format using 1-bit sign, 4-bit biased exponent, and 11-bit fraction, where bias is 7? 1.7. What is the biggest positive FP number that can be represented in 16-bit format using 1-bit sign, 4-bit biased exponent, and 11-bit fraction, where bias is 8? 1.8. Do the following assuming 16-bit FP numbers with 4-bit bias exponent, bias-7, and 11-bit fraction: a. What real number does an FP number with sign- 0, bias exponent - 1, and fraction 0 represent? b. What real number does an FP number with sign 1, bias exponent 14, and fraction ( represent? 1.9. Represent the following real numbers as 16-bit FP numbers with 4- bit biased exponent, bias = 7, and 11-bit fraction: a. 1.0 b. 0.5 c. 0.25 Page 65 984 op TR 1.6. What is the biggest positive FP number that can be represented in 16-bit format using 1-bit sign, 4-bit biased exponent, and 11-bit fraction, where bias is 7? 1.7. What is the biggest positive FP number that can be represented in 16-bit format using 1-bit sign, 4-bit biased exponent, and 11-bit fraction, where bias is 8? 1.8. Do the following assuming 16-bit FP numbers with 4-bit bias exponent, bias 7, and 11-bit fraction: a. What real number does an FP number with sign-0, bias exponent - 1, and fraction 0 represent? b. What real number does an FP number with sign 1, bias exponent- 14, and fraction (11112 represent? 1.9. Represent the following real numbers as 16-bit FP numbers with 4- bit biased exponent, bias -7, and 11-bit fraction: a. 1.0 b.0.5 c. 0.25 1.10. Do the following assuming 16-bit FP numbers with 4-bit bias exponent, bias 8, and 11-bit fraction: a. What real number does an FP number with sign bit 0, bias exponent- 1, and fraction 0 represent? b. What real number does an FP number with sign bit 1, bias 1.11. Represent the following real numbers as 16-bit FP numbers with 4- bit biased exponent, bias 8, and 11-bit fraction: up