[15 Texte Paddin QUESTION 1: POINTS Create a cross-platform mobile application that generate a stateful widget that interact with users similar to the screen shown in figure 05. Your layout should have the following: 1. 12.5 Points | Your code must have one build TextField widget that create two text fields one for first name and the other for last name: Apel Tigre als. Figure 01. build TextField widget starting code. 2. 12.5 Points) A buildRadioButtons widgets that represent the gender of use either male or female. Widget buildRadioluttons() paddingtonet Einsets only left). child Figure 02. buildRadioButtons widget starting code. 3. (2.5 Points A build DropDownList widget that allow users to select their marital status. Widget buildDropDownList() { return Padding padding: const Edge Insets.only(left: 30.), child: Row main xisAlignment: rainhxisAlignment.start, children widget Figure 03. buildDropDownList widget starting code. 4. 12.5 Points A build SlideBar widget that prompt user regard how much he/she loves flutter Widget til sidebar) reture Padding padding: const deinsets.olyfleft: 30.0), child: Column children widget comat textMuch Do you het rutzer). Figure 04. buildSlideBar widget starting code. 5. 12.5 Points] A bulidElevatedButton widget that when press it transfer all the data entered by user and show it as a paragraph in the next stateless widget sceen. Widget bullesideBar return Padding padding contrepoinets.cyleft: 30.6). child: Column children widgets cort Text How Much Do you like utter). Figure 05. build SlideBar widget starting code. 6. 12.5 Points Your screen should show the following stateless widgets PO. Duta When Press Submit button Figure 06. Stateless widget Screen. Appendix You are about to design a stateful widget which is a screen that contain all the tools/widgets that interact with use such as text field, radio button, dropdown list (or as it was called before combo box), a slide bar and elevated button. The application works like this: when user start entering data using widgets and text located under the submit elevated button shows and concatenate everything user entered. Once user fill all part of the fields and pressed submit button, then it will transfer all information filled into another screen and display it in a fancy way using paint library which you have googled in the first assignment Now let's try to explain more about this assignment. This project must contain three files, and you must add assets folder that include images folder as shown in the figure below: OPEN EDITORS Amandate morewidgets.dort detail progedert INTERACTION WITH USER > datool Idea android eges download.png > > OAK papetart mandant morwidgets.dan > test web Let me show you more about this application (the start of each dart file): Main.dart file ter Mayte, er der Strehorteandertal More Widgets.dart file sehrstute Met vildtfodring, Tettoiture Diput Decoration string label Klepet bullattutto Klepet odprt) Miert. Siara Met de Detail_page.dart file A LIPA State Casting set utal apply say, these By byl Statetages createstate fuite) 16 alestate Statut 1 T yar hallmartart total 11 Material Sca anderer cout Testb. 3. triatellitat start