16. Positioning a product is about a. Placing it on the shelf in the grocery store or convenient store. b. Describing the product's unique image. c. Changing its original purpose just before we plan its promotional message. d. Decisions about groups that are not going to be target markets. 17. Dallas recognized a distinct preference for a stronger barbeque flavored potato chip for those persons living in the Southwestern part of the U.S. Although we could say that Dallas utilized benefit segmentation basis to group the potato chip market, secondarily, he used segmentation base to make this distinct determination. The size of the group in this segment was largetenough that he chose to produce a special potato chip for this distinct group a. Geographic b. Demographic C. Psychographic d. Behavioral 18. Planning the marketing mix involves: a. Positioning the product for future sales. b. Deciding on the promotional mix that you will use for a particular product or service. c. Preparing the marketing action plans such as developing the product, pricing the product, placing the product, promoting the product, and managing the customer relationship. d. Preparing the marketing strategy which involves preparing the marketing research, segmenting the market, selecting target market(s), and positioning the product. 19. Which segmentation base is being used more frequently due to the fact that marketers have learned that one's lifestyle and attitudes are often better predictors of what people will buy, as opposed to their age and gender? a. Demographic b. Geographic c. Psychographic d. benefit he/she recognizes that this is one segment that a. 20. When the manager selects the the company can serve profitably. Segments b. Demographics c. Target market d. Tertiary market