17 39 . Your lin audits Metropolitan Power Supply ( MPS ) The issue under consideration is like Treatment in the company's financial statements of $700 million in capitalized construction costs relating to Eagle Mountain , a partially completed nuclear power plant . Seven years ago , MPS began construction of Eagle Mountain , with an original cost cali male of $400 million and completion expected within five years Cost overruns were enor moms , and construction has been repeatedly delayed by litigation initiated by the antinuclea Li , lobby . At present the project is little more than So percent complete and construction has been halted because MPS does not have the funds to continue . I Eagle Mountain is ultimately completed the state utilities commission will determine the extent to which MPS may recover its construction costs through its rate structure . The commission's rulings are difficult to predict , but it is quite possible that the commission will not allow MPS to include all of the Eagle Mountain construction costs in its " rule base " If Battle Mountain were abandoned today . none of the construction costs would be recoverable The related write off would amount to over 79 percent of MPS's stockholders equity , but the company would survive MPS's management , however , remains committed to the completion of the Eagle Moun thin facility . Management has obtained authorization from the company's stockholders to issue $500 million in bands and additional shares of common stock to finance completion of the project I MPS incurs this additional debt and is still not able to make Eagle Mountain fully operational it is doubtful that the company can avoid bankruptcy In short management has elected to gamble all its chips are riding on Eagle Mountain