18. We wish to construct a byte-addressable memory system with a capacity of 2,048 bytes using 64x8 RAM chips. How many address lines must go to each RAM chip? 5 4 6 7
19. We wish to construct a byte-addressable memory system with a capacity of 2,048 bytes using 64x8 RAM chips. How many address lines must be decoded to generate the chip select inputs for the RAM chips?
20. Which of the following are advantages for Big endian over Little endian?
| High-precision arithmetic is faster. |
| Little endian machines are faster at certain string operations. |
| Big endian is more natural for people most people. |
| Some types of encoding, such as Huffman and LZW, is faster on Big endian machines. |
21. Using the MARIE instruction set on page 252 of your book, convert the following assembly code to binary: LoadI 101
22. Using the MARIE instruction set on page 252 of your book, convert the following assembly code to binary: Halt