1D Motion - Data Analysis Data Analysis The same acceleration experiment was conducted as you did in class, but instead of just letting the racquet ball rolling down, this time, it started rolling upward, then coming back down. The data of ten measurements were included in a Capstone file you can download from the lab website. Please use the data to answer the following questions. You may need to refer to the lab manual and the separate document Uncertainty.docx for some information. Question 4: (3 points) Please apply data curve fit to the rolling down portion of data (there is instruction in the Capstone file), and determine the rolling down acceleration for each of the data curves, and also record the corresponding RMSE values below. Data curve 2 7 8 9 10 Acceleration (m/s?): RMSE (x10-3) Question 5: (4 points) Please process the acceleration data for the rolling down motion in Excel, and list the results below. Relative Standard Average Standard Deviation Deviation Acceleration (m/$2):1 Smart Gate Distance(I 0.900 Gate 1: 129.9 cm Gate 2: 39.89 cm Test 2 3 5 6 7 8 Mean st dev rel st dev Acceleration m/s^2 1.18 1.21 1.20 1.19 1.25 1.20 1.18 1.16 1.20 0.0260 0.0217 Vim/s 0.0100 0.110 0.230 0.330 0.190 0.260 0.210 0.210 Vfm/s 1.46 1.48 1.49 1.5 1.51 1.49 1.47 1.46 2 Data Curve Fitting Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mean st dev rel st dev RMSE 0.000529 0.000751 0.00203 0.00162 0.00124 0.0097 0.00131 0.00122 0.00230 0.00303 1.32 a 0.924 0.294 0.5524 0.625 0.407 0.184 -0.133 0.0537 b -0.591 0.441 0.344 -1.45 -0.857 0.234 0.28 0.554 C 0.166 -0.00585 0.077 0.874 0.0131 -0.21 -0.322 -0.202 St dev Rel st dev Acceleration m/s^2 1.848 0.588 1.1048 1.25 0.814 0.368 -0.266 0.1074 0.727 0.676 0.930 3 The smart gates had a smaller standard deviation, and a far smaller relative standard deviation. This leads me to find that the smart gates are more reliable and consistant. Exploration questions 1 Because the distance measure is cm and mm, you should emasure 2 decimal places to account for the 100 mm in a cm. The 2 decimal places correlates with the hundredths place. 2 We measured each 8 times for each method. 3 The average was 0.726 m/s^2 4 For the smart gate the result was 1.2, for the data curve/motion sensor the result was 0.727. These values are not close. 5 The smart gates had more consistant data based on the standard deviation and the relative standard deviation