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1.What are your observations regarding the sufficiency of the audit documentation? 2.What specific improvements would you make to the audit documentation? 3. Case 18-10 Antelope

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1.What are your observations regarding the sufficiency of the audit documentation?

2.What specific improvements would you make to the audit documentation?


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Case 18-10 Antelope Run Inc. Antelope Run Inc. (Antelope) is a manufacturer of health and fitness products. The following is an excerpt of the process narrative that management provided to the audit engagement team for one of its reporting units, Fit Stride, which produces wearable fitness trackers. Read the narrative and complete the required discussions that follow. Annual Forecasting Process Overview On an annual basis, during the month of September, Antelope prepares a revenue forecast for the fitness trackers reporting unit that includes projected revenue by product for the next five years. The preparation of the revenue forecast is owned by the Fit Stride director of sales and marketing (the \"Director\"), who relies on input from the sales managers, each of whom oversees sales of all Fit Stride products (Fit Band, Fit Clip, and Fit Belt) in their respective regions. The sales managers' input includes information on the following: The timing of new product launches. The price point for new products. Planned price changes in existing products. Customer relationship status. Customer demand cycles. Customer strategic plans, such as plans to add additional retail locations, customer contract terms, and historical sales trends by customer. Once the Director receives input from the sales managers, the revenue forecast is developed on a product-by-product basis using historical sales data for existing products or, for new product launches, historical sales data for similar products, in addition to the input provided by the sales managers as outlined above. The historical sales data used is disaggregated at the customer level. The Director also uses industry data to refine the revenue forecast, including data on the manufacture and retail of wearable fitness trackers. Example sources include analyst reports for peer companies, analyst reports for significant customers, and Heart Healthy Quarterly (a leading industry publication on fitness trackers). Annual Fitness Trackers Revenue Forecast Review Meeting The Director presents the revenue forecast to the fitness trackers business planning committee (the \"BPC\") for review and comment during its annual meeting. The BPC is composed of the following: Chief executive officer Antelope. Chief financial officer Antelope. Copyright 2018 Deloitte Development LLC All Rights Reserved. Case 25: Antelope Run Inc. Page 2 Chief operating officer Antelope. Chief legal office Antelope. Director of financial planning and analysis (FP&A) Antelope. Controller Fit Stride. Director of finance Fit Stride. The purpose of the BPC's review of the forecast is to ensure the forecast is an appropriate expectation of future results for the fitness trackers reporting unit because this information will be used in the annual goodwill impairment assessment for the reporting unit. The meeting begins with the presentation and review of the forecast by product. The following information is discussed: Forecasted vs. historical sales volumes for each fitness tracker product. Forecasted vs. historical sales price per unit for each fitness tracker product. Forecasted sales price per unit vs. comparable competitor's sales prices per unit for each fitness tracker product. Prior forecasted revenues by product vs. actual sales revenue for the prior three years. The meeting continues with the presentation and review of the forecast for the overall fitness trackers reporting unit. The following information is discussed: Forecasted vs. historical revenues. Forecasted vs. historical year-over-year percentage change in revenues. Current-year vs. prior-year forecasted revenues. Forecasted year-over-year percentage change in revenues vs. forecasted yearover-year percentage change in industry and peer-company revenues. Prior forecasted revenues by reporting unit vs. actual sales revenue for the prior three years. After the information has been presented, the Director is responsible for compiling the comments and questions posed by the BPC and making revisions to the forecast using Hyperion Financial Management software (Hyperion). The Director then sends an e-mail confirming the completion of the revisions, along with the revised forecast, to the Director of FP&A for final review and approval. The Director of FP&A reviews the amounts in the forecast in Hyperion to ensure the edits have been made appropriately and confirms completion of the review and approval of the revenue forecast via e-mail. Copyright 2018 Deloitte Development LLC All Rights Reserved. Case 25: Antelope Run Inc. Page 3 The risk of material misstatement (RoMM) has been identified as the following: RoMM Classification Significant RoMM Description Management's revenue projections and revenue growth rate assumptions that are used in various estimates may not be based on the best and most supportable information and contain a high degree of estimation uncertainty. Specifically, management's estimates of revenue growth are not only aggressive when compared to the historical performance of the Fit Stride products, but also incorporate subjective assumptions associated with revenue growth of the new Fit Belt product line. Management has identified the following relevant control to address the RoMM: Control Number C-5 Control Activity Description The BPC meets to review, challenge, and approve the revenue forecast for the fitness trackers reporting unit for appropriateness using historical performance, knowledge of management's strategic plans, industry projections, and peer-company data. Required: Evaluate the sufficiency of audit documentation, improvements to audit documentation, and key considerations for each of the following components of the audit documentation performed by the engagement team: Component A Control Description Component B Test of Design Component C Evaluation of Design Component D Test of Operating Effectiveness 1. Discussion 1 Sufficiency of Audit Documentation What are your observations regarding the sufficiency of the audit documentation? 2. Discussion 2 Improvements to Audit Documentation What specific improvements would you make to the audit documentation? 3. Discussion 3 Key Considerations What are some key points to remember when performing and documenting control procedures specific to each component? Copyright 2018 Deloitte Development LLC All Rights Reserved. Case 18-10 Handout 1 Antelope Run Inc. Controls With a Review Element Note: This handout is based on a form that audit teams can use to document their tests and evaluation of the design and operating effectiveness of controls in accordance with PCAOB standards. Although the form is presented in its entirety for informational purposes, certain input boxes of the form have been shaded gray because they are either given as case facts or are otherwise not applicable to this activity in the case. Component A Control Description Control Activity Summary Description C-5: Antelope Run Inc.'s (Antelope's) fitness trackers business planning committee (the \"BPC\") meets to review, challenge, and approve the revenue forecast for the fitness trackers reporting unit (Fit Stride) for appropriateness using historical performance and its knowledge of the company's strategic plans as well as industry projections and peer-company data. Control Description Detailed Description of How the Control Is Expected to Be Performed To review, challenge, and approve the revenue forecast for each fitness tracker product and for the fitness trackers reporting unit overall, the BPC performs the following procedures: Step 1 Sales Volume Step 1a: For sales volume, the BPC will compare the historical sales volumes for each product to the forecasted sales volume by comparing (based on judgment) the year-to-year percentage change in volume to identify any anomalies. The BPC will pose questions to the Fit Stride director of sales and marketing (the \"Director\") for further explanation to understand what is driving the forecasted sales volume. Step 1b: For sales price, the BPC will compare the historical sales price to the forecasted sales price by comparing the year-to-year percentage change in price to identify anomalies. The BPC will pose questions to the Director for further explanation to understand what is driving the forecasted sales price changes. Step 1c: The BPC will compare the forecasted price of each product to competitor prices and, based on judgment, identify differences to investigate. To complete this review, the BPC uses the following report: Forecasted sales price per unit vs. competitor sales prices per unit for each fitness tracker product. Step 1d: The BPC will also perform a retrospective review by comparing the forecasted revenues by product for each of the past three years to actual sales revenue in those years to evaluate (based on judgment) the reasonableness of the forecast. Step 2 Revenue The BPC reviews the revenue forecast for the fitness trackers reporting unit. Step 2a: The BPC will (1) compare the historical revenues to the forecasted revenues for the fitness trackers reporting unit overall and (2) compare the most recent three years' revenues to the annual percentage change in forecasted revenues to identify anomalies. The BPC will pose questions to the Director for the respective reporting units for further explanation to understand what is driving the forecasted revenue. Case 25 Handout 1: Antelope Run Inc. Page 2 Step 2b: The BPC will also compare the forecasted revenues to the prior-year forecast for the fitness trackers reporting unit overall to identify any anomalies. Step 2c: The BPC will also compare the percentage change in forecasted revenues to industry forecasts (e.g., Heart Healthy Quarterly publication and peer-company forecasts published by industry analysts) to identify any anomalies. Step 2d: Lastly, the BPC will also perform a retrospective review by comparing the forecasted revenues for the fitness trackers reporting unit for each of the past three years to actual sales revenue in those years to evaluate the reasonableness of the revenue forecast. Step 3: The revenue forecast for the fitness trackers reporting unit is revised. Risk of Material Misstatement Addressed by the Control RoMM Classification Significant Management's revenue projections and revenue growth rate assumptions that are used in various estimates may not be based on the best and most supportable information and contain a high degree of estimation uncertainty. Specifically, management's estimates of revenue growth are not only aggressive when compared to the historical performance of the Fit Stride products, but also incorporate subjective assumptions associated with revenue growth of the new Fit Belt product line. Significant Account(s) and Related Assertion(s) Addressed Significant Account: Goodwill Related Assertion: Valuation and Allocation Component B Test of Design Procedures Performed to Test the Design of the Control Test of design for each step of the review: Step 1: Inquiry X Observation X Inspection X To evaluate the design effectiveness of this control, we attended the annual BPC review meeting that took place on September 15 of the current year. The meeting included an evaluation of the revenue forecast assumptions used in management's projections on a product-by-product basis. We attended the meeting to observe the nature of the review performed by the BPC of the revenue forecast for the fitness trackers reporting unit by product. We also inspected the revenue forecast detail schedules (see working paper XXXX for each schedule used). We noted that each schedule included fluctuation analyses for each of the fitness tracker products, and that detail was at an appropriate level to facilitate the discussions that took place at the meeting. All variances outside management's established thresholds were discussed by the BPC. Copyright 2018 Deloitte Development LLC All Rights Reserved. Case 25 Handout 1: Antelope Run Inc. Step 2: Inquiry Page 3 X Observation X Inspection X To evaluate the design effectiveness of this control, we attended the annual BPC review meeting that took place on September 15 of the current year. The meeting included an evaluation of the revenue forecast assumptions used in management's projections for the fitness trackers reporting unit on an overall basis. We attended the meeting to observe the nature of the review performed by the BPC over the fitness trackers reporting unit revenue forecast. We also inspected the revenue forecast detail schedules (see working paper XXXX for each schedule used). We noted that each schedule included fluctuation analyses for each of the fitness tracker products, and that detail was at an appropriate level to facilitate the discussions that took place at the meeting. All variances outside management's established thresholds were discussed by the BPC. Step 3: Inquiry X Observation X Inspection X During the annual review meeting, in addition to observing the BPC's decision and agreement to reduce the fitness tracker reporting unit revenue forecast, we also inspected the meeting minutes and subsequent e-mail communications among the members of the BPC (dated October 10) to obtain evidence that the appropriate actions were taken after the meeting to adjust the forecast. We inquired with Antelope's controller and director of financial planning and analysis (FP&A), who corroborated that the forecast was adjusted for the recommendations that were made at the meeting. Component C Evaluation of Design How the Control Satisfies the Control Objectives Document whether the control satisfies the corresponding control objective, including whether it addresses the risks of material misstatement to the relevant assertion of the significant account or disclosure. Risk Addressed by the Control On the basis of our understanding of the detailed description of this control above, we have determined that the entity has a sufficiently precise control process to ensure that the revenue forecast for the fitness trackers reporting unit is reviewed, challenged, and approved. As such, the purpose of the control is appropriate given the risks associated with it. Competence and Authority of the Person(s) Performing the Control Document the person(s) who performs the control, including the competence and authority of the person(s). This content is not included for purposes of the case study; please do not consider. Frequency and Consistency of the Performance of the Control Document the frequency and consistency of performance of the control, that is, whether the review occurs often enough to prevent or detect misstatements before they have a material effect on the financial statements. This content is not included for purposes of the case study; please do not consider. Copyright 2018 Deloitte Development LLC All Rights Reserved. Case 25 Handout 1: Antelope Run Inc. Page 4 Level of Aggregation and Predictability Document the appropriateness of the level of aggregation and predictability of the control. This content is not included for purposes of the case study; please do not consider. Criteria for Investigation (i.e., threshold) and Process for Follow-Up Document the factors affecting the precision of the review, including the objective of the review and the appropriateness of the expectations, level of aggregation, and criteria for investigation for identifying potentially material misstatements. Also document the steps involved in identifying, investigating, and resolving significant differences from expectations. As noted in the detailed steps of the control, the BPC investigates the reasonableness of forecasted results as compared to historical, peer, and industry performance, with consideration of entityspecific events. If any variances are noted between the forecasted results and these other data points, the BPC will discuss and evaluate whether an adjustment to the forecast is necessary. If an adjustment is deemed necessary, the forecast will be adjusted in the Hyperion Financial Management software (Hyperion). Dependency on Other Control(s) or Information Is the control dependent on other controls? If yes, indicate which other control(s), where the other control(s) is (are) tested, and the conclusion reached on the design and operating effectiveness of the control. This content is not included for purposes of the case study; please do not consider. Information Used in the Review Is the effectiveness of the control dependent on information used in the review? This content is not included for purposes of the case study; please do not consider. If yes, identify the controls that address the accuracy and completeness of the information used in the review, where this information is tested, and the conclusions reached as a result of that testing. Design Effectiveness Conclusion Effective If design effectiveness conclusion is deemed ineffective, document the basis for this conclusion. N/A Risk Associated With the Control Considering the factors in PCAOB AS 2201.47, conclude on the risk associated with the control. Higher Document the basis for the conclusion on the risk associated with the control. Copyright 2018 Deloitte Development LLC All Rights Reserved. Case 25 Handout 1: Antelope Run Inc. Page 5 As noted above, this control is designed to address a significant risk of material misstatement. We considered the risk associated with the control to be \"higher\" on the basis of the nature of misstatements that the control is intended to prevent (valuation errors), as well as the complexity of the revenue forecasting process for Antelope's fitness trackers reporting unit, the specialized expertise required to operate the control effectively, and the significance of the judgments that are made in connection with its operation. Copyright 2018 Deloitte Development LLC All Rights Reserved. Case 25 Handout 1: Antelope Run Inc. Page 6 Component D Test of Operating Effectiveness Planned Nature, Timing, and Extent of Operating Effectiveness Testing Nature of Procedures For each step, we will supplement the procedures performed as a part of the design effectiveness testing to obtain evidence of operating effectiveness through the following additional procedures: Step 1: Inquiry X Observation X Inspec- X tion Reperformance X We will attend the BPC meeting to observe the performance of this control. In addition we will inspect the information reviewed and discussed as part of that meeting and reperform the review of the variances in the revenue forecast by product as discussed by the BPC. Step 2: Inquiry X Observation X Inspec- X tion Reperformance X We will attend the BPC meeting to observe the performance of this control. In addition, we will inspect the information reviewed and discussed as part of that meeting and reperform the review of the variances in the revenue forecast for the fitness trackers reporting unit as discussed by the BPC. Step 3: Inquiry X Observation X Inspec- X tion Reperformance X We will inspect the meeting minutes and any supporting documentation, if applicable, and verify that feedback provided by the BPC was incorporated into the final revenue forecast by product and by reporting unit. Any revisions noted will be traced from the draft revenue forecast to the final revenue forecast to determine whether they were appropriately addressed. To understand how the revisions were to be made, we will inspect the instructions noted by the BPC members in subsequent e-mail communications. We will also perform inquiries with BPC members to corroborate that the adjustments to the forecast were consistent with what they recommended at the meeting. Timing and Extent of Procedures Because this control operates annually, we will test that instance of the control. Control Activity Testing For each step, we will supplement the procedures performed as a part of the design effectiveness testing to obtain evidence of operating effectiveness through the following additional procedures: Selection Number 1 Selection Date N/A Exception or Deviation? Procedures Performed Step 1: We reperformed the review of the analysis by comparing the forecasted revenue amounts to historical No Copyright 2018 Deloitte Development LLC All Rights Reserved. Case 25 Handout 1: Antelope Run Inc. Page 7 amounts for the Fit Band product, as well as reperforming the retrospective review of the prior forecasted revenues vs. actual sales revenues for the prior three years for the Fit Band. Our conclusions were consistent with those reached by management at the meeting. When applicable, we inspected the Q2 Board of Directors meeting minutes to corroborate the items discussed by management during the meeting with respect to the Fit Band product. Step 2: We reperformed the review of the analysis by comparing the forecasted revenue amounts to historical amounts for the fitness trackers reporting unit overall, as well as reperforming a retrospective review of the prior forecasted revenues vs. actual sales revenues for the prior three years for the fitness trackers reporting unit overall. We recalculated the differences on the reports, noting that the variances were consistent with those discussed at the meeting. Step 3: No additional operating effectiveness procedures were deemed necessary beyond those procedures performed in the test of design. Operating Effectiveness Testing Conclusion Conclusion. If deemed ineffective, document the basis for this conclusion. Effective. N/A Copyright 2018 Deloitte Development LLC All Rights Reserved

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