1.Yourassetallocationbenchmarkhas 5assetclasses: USlargestocks, USsmallstocks, EAFEEquity, EMEquity,andREITS.Thecorrespondingbenchmarkweightsare: USlargestocks: 35% USsmallstocks: 5% EAFEequity: 40% EMequity: 15% REITS: 5% ThespreadsheetWeek3_Quiz_Q1 hasyourestimatesfortheannualexpectedreturnE()andvolatilityofeachassetclass, aswellthecorrelationofreturnsforallpairsofassetclasses. Tosavetime,anincompletecovariancematrixVbasedonsuchestimatesisalsoprovided. a)FindyourestimatesforthevectorofExpectedActiveReturnsE[]andcompletethecovariancematrixofreturnsV. b)FindtheoptimalportfolioforatargetActiveRiskof6%peryear,assumingthatshort-positionsareallowed. WhatistheInformationRatioofsuchportfolio? c)Whatistheprobabilitythattheoptimalportfoliofromb)willbeat(i.e.,outperform)thebenchmark? d)Whatistheprobabilitythattheoptimalportfoliofromb)willhavenegativereturns?
1.Yourassetallocationbenchmarkhas 5assetclasses: USlargestocks, USsmallstocks, EAFEEquity, EMEquity,andREITS.Thecorrespondingbenchmarkweightsare:
USlargestocks: 35% USsmallstocks: 5% EAFEequity: 40% EMequity: 15% REITS: 5%
ThespreadsheetWeek3_Quiz_Q1 hasyourestimatesfortheannualexpectedreturnE()andvolatilityofeachassetclass, aswellthecorrelationofreturnsforallpairsofassetclasses. Tosavetime,anincompletecovariancematrixVbasedonsuchestimatesisalsoprovided.
b)FindtheoptimalportfolioforatargetActiveRiskof6%peryear,assumingthatshort-positionsareallowed. WhatistheInformationRatioofsuchportfolio?
e)YourbuddyJohnSmarthashisownestimatesofexpectedreturnsE[]andV,whicharenotnecessarilyequaltoyours.EventhoughJohndidnotsharehisestimateswithyou, hetoldyouhisownoptimalunconstrainedportfolio,listedbelow.YoualsoknowthatJohnstargetActiveRiskisequalto 2.5%peryear,andthathisbenchmarkportfolioisidenticaltoyours.WhatistheoptimalunconstrainedportfoliothatusesJohnsE[]andVestimatesbuthastargetActiveRiskequalto 5%?
USlargestocks: 20% USsmallstocks: 6 % EAFEequity: 42% EMequity: 32% REITS: - 4%
f)WhatistheActiveRiskandExpectedActiveReturnofaportfoliothathas 50% intheoptimalportfolioyoufoundinb)andtheremaining50% intherisk-freeasset?Thereturnoftherisk-freeassetis 0.5%peryear.
2- Youare a USlong-onlyquantitativeportfoliomanager. InPortfolio123,createarankingsystembasedonthefollowingcombinationofsignals:
i) 40%Value,using: i.1) 60% EV/EBITDA: EV/Eval(EBITDATTM>0,EBITDATTM,NA) i.2) 20%:EarningsYieldfromEarningsForecasts: 0.5*(1/ProjPECurFY)+0.5*(1/ProjPENextFY) i.3) 20%:Priceto Sales:Pr2SalesTTM
ii) 30%Quality,using: ii.1) 50% inGrossProfitability:GrossProfitTTM/AstTotQ ii.2) 50% inPiotroskiScore:PiotFScore
iii) 30%PriceTrends,using: iii.1) 50%IndustryMomentum3-months:Pr13W%ChgInd iii.2) 50%IndustryMomentum6-months:Pr26W%ChgInd
Youshouldknowwhichwaythearrowspoint. UsePercentileNAsNegative(Portfolio123sdefaultoption).
a)Backtesttheperformanceoftherankingsystemaboveusing: Universe:S&P1500 Benchmark:S&P1500 RebalancingFrequency:every4weeks Numberofbuckets=10 Slippage=0,minimumprice= 3, Sector=All,Long
b)Explainin asmuchdetailasyoucanthecalculationsPortfolio123doestogeneratethebarchartsinitema).
c)Findthevector E[] asofFebruary21 2015usingtherankingsystemabove. Use astandarddeviationof2%peryear.ThespreadsheetWeek3_Quiz_Q2 hasusefuldata toanswerthisquestion.
d) IFyouhadacovariancematrixVforallstocks intheS&P 1500Universe, describehowyouwoulduseExceltofindthelong-only(i.e., noshortingallowed)portfoliothatinvestsinthetop 200 stocksaccordingtoyourrankingsystemandhitsatargetActiveRiskof4%peryear.
Asset Class US Large US Small EAFE Equity EM Equity REITs Expected Return Volatility 0.69% 14.61% -0.15% 19.46% 4.09% 17.20% 7.21% 23.55% 1.27% 22.14% V US Large US Large US Small ?????? EAFE Equity EM Equity REITs US Small 0.0213 ?????? 0.0221 0.0273 0.0233 Asset Class 1 US Large US Large US Large US Large US Small US Small US Small EAFE Equity EAFE Equity EM Equity Asset Class 2 US Small EAFE Equity EM Equity REITs EAFE Equity EM Equity REITs EM Equity REITs REITs EAFE Equity EM Equity REITs 0.0221 0.0273 0.0379 0.0272 0.0351 0.0272 0.0296 0.0359 0.0351 0.0359 0.0555 0.0330 0.0262 0.0326 0.0233 0.0330 0.0262 0.0326 0.0490 Correlation 0.910212 0.879807 0.794582 0.719385 0.814067 0.766391 0.766583 0.886384 0.687521 0.62609 Ticker A AA AAL AAN AAON AAP AAPL AAT AAWW ABAX ABBV ABC ABCB ABG ABM ABMD ABT ACAT ACC ACET ACIW ACM ACN ACOR ACXM ADBE ADC ADI ADM ADP ADPT ADS ADSK ADT ADTN AEE AEGN AEIS AEL AEO AEP AES AET AF AFAM AFFX AFG Name FloatPct (%) MktCap ($ mm) Agilent Technologies Inc 99.75 12651.67 Alcoa Inc 99.65 19041 American Airlines Group Inc 99.36 34473 Aaron's Inc 89.08 2294 AAON Inc 75.24 1188 Advance Auto Parts Inc. 99.43 11606 Apple Inc 99.85 682623 American Assets Trust Inc 86.57 1936 Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings Inc. 97.45 1121 ABAXIS Inc 94 1385 AbbVie Inc 99.82 96154 AmerisourceBergen Corp 94.3 21092 Ameris Bancorp 91.32 675 Asbury Automotive Group Inc 96.67 1778 ABM Industries Inc 93.37 1608 ABIOMED Inc 83.48 2125 Abbott Laboratories 99.74 67399 Arctic Cat Inc. 98.02 435 American Campus Communities Inc 99.17 4620 Aceto Corp 97.12 564 ACI Worldwide Inc 98.18 2123 AECOM Inc 98.46 2459 Accenture PLC 99.63 52667 Acorda Therapeutics Inc 97.97 1713 Acxiom Corp 93.13 1401 Adobe Systems Inc 99.55 34889 Agree Realty Corp 94.75 518 Analog Devices Inc. 99.19 16215 Archer-Daniels-Midland Co 97.64 30123 Automatic Data Processing Inc. 99.78 39763 Adeptus Health Inc 96.78 1325.3 Alliance Data Systems Corp 97.79 17158 Autodesk Inc. 89.15 12270 ADT Corp (The) 99.72 5908 ADTRAN Inc 99.17 1201 Ameren Corp 99.51 10985 Aegion Corp 97.88 573 Advanced Energy Industries Inc. 93.18 962 American Equity Investment Life Holding 96.23 1895 American Eagle Outfitters Inc. 91.21 2731 American Electric Power Co Inc 99.77 30728 AES Corporation (The) 91.24 8749 Aetna Inc. 99.38 32293 Astoria Financial Corp 82.13 1222 Almost Family Inc 69.94 287 Affymetrix Inc 82.29 813 American Financial Group Inc 79.65 5136 AFL AGCO AGN AGYS AHL AHS AIG AIN AIR AIRM AIT AIV AIZ AJG AJRD AKAM AKR AKRX AKS ALB ALE ALEX ALGN ALGT ALK ALL ALLE ALOG ALXN AMAG AMAT AMCX AMD AME AMED AMG AMGN AMP AMRI AMSF AMSG AMT AMWD AMZN AN ANDE ANF ANGO AFLAC Inc AGCO Corp Allergan PLC Agilysys Inc Aspen Insurance Holdings Ltd AMN Healthcare Services Inc. American International Group Inc Albany International Corp. AAR Corp Air Methods Corp Applied Industrial Technologies Inc Apartment Investment and Management Assurant Inc. Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings Inc Akamai Technologies Inc Acadia Realty Trust Akorn Inc AK Steel Holding Corp Albemarle Corp ALLETE Inc. Alexander & Baldwin Inc Align Technology Inc Allegiant Travel Co Alaska Air Group Inc. Allstate Corp (The) Allegion Plc Analogic Corp Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc AMAG Pharmaceuticals Inc Applied Materials Inc. AMC Networks Inc Advanced Micro Devices Inc AMETEK Inc Amedisys Inc Affiliated Managers Group Inc. Amgen Inc Ameriprise Financial Inc Albany Molecular Research Inc AMERISAFE Inc AmSurg Corp American Tower Corp American Woodmark Corp Inc AutoNation Inc Andersons Inc (The) Abercrombie & Fitch Co. AngioDynamics Inc 98.05 86.8 99.65 49.82 98.8 98.16 99.91 88.25 94.24 90.81 93.06 99.03 97.98 98.79 80.26 96.19 98.93 67.69 98.38 99.67 99.14 92.57 84.73 69.03 92.65 96.04 99.88 99.06 99.03 69.35 99.32 82.19 81.23 98.27 84.56 98.97 99.84 99.29 67.53 97.6 88.32 99.81 81.12 81.68 64.46 93.34 98.33 54.82 25714 4020 70606 237 2744 878 68602 1087 1140 1629 1673 5828 4497 7170 958 10363 2174 4570 672 3776 2521 1865 4271 3169 8924 29242 5174 1009 36336 973.33 27888 4810 1992 11780 940 11423 115718 22877 531 765 2655 38431 650 164856 6828 1279 1769 685 ANIK ANIP ANSS ANTM AON AOS APA APC APD APEI APH APOG ARCB ARE ARG AROC ARRS ARW ASB ASEI ASGN ASH ASNA ASTE ATI ATML ATNI ATO ATR ATU ATVI ATW AVA AVAV AVB AVD AVGO AVP AVT AVY AWK AWR AXE AXP AYI AZO AZZ B Anika Therapeutics Inc ANI Pharmaceuticals Inc ANSYS Inc Anthem Inc Aon PLC A. O. Smith Corp Apache Corp Anadarko Petroleum Corp Air Products and Chemicals Inc. American Public Education Inc Amphenol Corp Apogee Enterprises Inc ArcBest Corp Alexandria Real Estate Equities Inc. Airgas Inc. Archrock Inc ARRIS International plc Arrow Electronics Inc Associated Banc-Corp American Science and Engineering Inc. On Assignment Inc Ashland Inc Ascena Retail Group Inc Astec Industries Inc. Allegheny Technologies Inc Atmel Corp Atlantic Tele-Network Inc. Atmos Energy Corp AptarGroup Inc. Actuant Corp Activision Blizzard Inc Atwood Oceanics Inc. Avista Corp AeroVironment Inc AvalonBay Communities Inc. American Vanguard Corp Broadcom Ltd Avon Products Inc. Avnet Inc Avery Dennison Corp American Water Works Company Inc American States Water Co Anixter International Inc American Express Co Acuity Brands Inc. AutoZone Inc AZZ Inc Barnes Group Inc 97.11 55.82 99.25 99.83 99.07 83.19 99.45 99.68 90.11 95.8 99.11 97 92.98 98.3 89.83 90.48 91.28 98.92 98.96 98.46 89.85 90.89 85.91 82.28 98.84 95.57 60.89 98.67 97.47 91.72 69.37 92.95 98.85 85.71 99.59 86.41 91.41 99.86 99.45 99.57 99.69 98.38 83.18 84.84 98.95 99.01 96.68 82.21 580 633 7407 36439 25677 5320 23578 41398 31200 579 16758 1254 969 6960 8405 1833 3797 5397 2514 368 1839 8209 1877 815 3101 3477 1057 5713 4083 1457 15022.67 1839 2333 597 22836 325 26166 3364 5654 4829 10063.94 1522 2495 82546 6461 18999 1085 1870 BA BABY BAC BANR BAS BAX BBBY BBCN BBG BBOX BBT BBY BC BCC BCEI BCO BCOR BCPC BCR BDC BDX BEAV BEL BELFB BEN BF.B BFS BGC BGFV BGG BGS BH BHE BHI BID BIG BIIB BIO BJRI BK BKE BKH BKMU BKS BLD BLK BLKB BLL Boeing Co Natus Medical Inc Bank of America Corp Banner Corp Basic Energy Services Inc Baxter International Inc Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. BBCN Bancorp Inc Bill Barrett Corp Black Box Corp BB&T Corp Best Buy Co. Inc. Brunswick Corp Boise Cascade Co Bonanza Creek Energy Inc Brink's Co (The) Blucora Inc Balchem Corp Bard (C.R.) Inc Belden Inc Becton, Dickinson and Co B/E Aerospace Inc Belmond Ltd Bel Fuse Inc. Franklin Resources Inc Brown-Forman Corp Saul Centers Inc General Cable Corp. Big 5 Sporting Goods Corp Briggs & Stratton Corp. B&G Foods Holdings Corp Biglari Holdings Inc Benchmark Electronics Inc Baker Hughes Inc Sotheby's Big Lots Inc Biogen Inc Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc. BJ's Restaurants Inc Bank of New York Mellon Corp (The) Buckle Inc. (The) Black Hills Corp Bank Mutual Corp Barnes & Noble Inc TopBuild Corp Blackrock Inc Blackbaud Inc Ball Corp 92.6 96.09 99.88 92.38 93.73 99.76 96.64 96.14 92.08 98.45 99.51 85.96 98.97 98.69 91.32 92.38 93.65 98.37 99.16 98.38 99.28 93.99 85.87 90.48 62.61 73.99 53.97 97.71 83.5 95.64 97.29 74.4 98.92 94.63 81.29 97.73 99.86 70.86 67.81 99.64 58.25 98.83 92.23 68.67 96.78 97.34 99.05 98.09 102737 1211 159326 790 254 38124 13877 1030 507 324 25433 12334 5045 1594 1076 1089 554 1626 12810 3551 26496 6143 1142.58 279 32074 18788 1191 557 264 842 1601 777 1295 25110 2936 2433 91902 3315 1190 40256 2457 2240 297 1396 1325.3 56839 2023 8717 BMI BMS BMY BNED BOBE BOFI BOH BPFH BR BRC BRK.B BRKL BRKS BRO BRS BSX BWA BWLD BXLT BXP BXS BYD C CA CAA CAB CABO CACI CAG CAH CAKE CAL CALM CAM CAMP CASY CAT CATM CATO CATY CB CBB CBG CBM CBOE CBR CBRL CBS Badger Meter Inc. Bemis Co Inc Bristol-Myers Squibb Co Barnes & Noble Education Inc Bob Evans Farms Inc. BofI Holding Inc Bank of Hawaii Corp Boston Private Financial Holdings Inc Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc Brady Corp Berkshire Hathaway Inc Brookline Bancorp Inc Brooks Automation Inc Brown & Brown Inc Bristow Group Inc Boston Scientific Corp BorgWarner Inc Buffalo Wild Wings Inc Baxalta Inc Boston Properties Inc BancorpSouth Inc. Boyd Gaming Corp Citigroup Inc CA Inc CalAtlantic Group Inc Cabela's Inc Cable One Inc CACI International Inc. ConAgra Foods Inc. Cardinal Health Inc Cheesecake Factory Inc. (The) Caleres Inc Cal Maine Foods Inc Cameron International Corp CalAmp Corp Casey's General Stores Inc. Caterpillar Inc Cardtronics Inc Cato Corp (The) Cathay General Bancorp Chubb Ltd Cincinnati Bell Inc CBRE Group Inc Cambrex Corp CBOE Holdings Inc CIBER Inc. Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Inc CBS Corp 95.23 98.89 99.78 96.78 80.2 91.36 98.1 96.61 98.76 89.86 78.62 97.31 97.29 81.74 98.97 99.13 98.49 98.58 96.78 99.1 88.93 63.83 99.78 71.44 54.11 72.25 96.78 98.75 99.55 99.65 92.01 95.27 61.5 98.56 95.72 99.05 99.67 98.57 91.12 93.23 99.18 98.52 89.06 97.36 98.72 89.73 75.79 91.68 865 4350 99988 1325.3 1330 1245 2469 913 5759 1341 354626 676 864 4427 1967 19638 12280 3375 1325.3 21252 1911 1416 141972 13281 1965 3906 1325.3 2043 15090 27785 2595 1242 1696 8731 648 3536 48414 1496 1183 1907 35482 613 10764 695 5454 253 3215 28501 CBSH CBT CBU CC CCC CCE CCI CCL CCMP CCOI CCP CCRN CDI CDK CDNS CDR CEB CECO CELG CENTA CENX CERN CEVA CF CFG CFNL CFR CGI CGNX CHCO CHD CHE CHK CHRW CHS CHSP CI CIEN CINF CIR CKH CKP CL CLC CLD CLGX CLH CLI Commerce Bancshares Inc Cabot Corp Community Bank System Inc. Chemours Co (The) Calgon Carbon Corp Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc Crown Castle International Corp Carnival Corp Cabot Microelectronics Corp Cogent Communications Holdings Inc Care Capital Properties Inc Cross Country Healthcare Inc CDI Corp. CDK Global Inc Cadence Design Systems Inc Cedar Realty Trust Inc CEB Inc Career Education Corp Celgene Corp Central Garden & Pet Co Century Aluminum Co Cerner Corp Ceva Inc CF Industries Holdings Inc Citizens Financial Group Inc Cardinal Financial Corp Cullen/Frost Bankers Inc Celadon Group Inc Cognex Corp City Holding Co Church & Dwight Co. Inc. Chemed Corp Chesapeake Energy Corp C.H. Robinson Worldwide Inc. Chico's FAS Inc. Chesapeake Lodging Trust Cigna Corp Ciena Corp Cincinnati Financial Corp CIRCOR International Inc SEACOR Holdings Inc Checkpoint Systems Inc Colgate-Palmolive Co CLARCOR Inc. Cloud Peak Energy Inc CoreLogic Inc Clean Harbors Inc Mack-Cali Realty Corp 84.69 99.03 95.73 96.78 98.44 91.96 83.19 78.09 97.31 90.87 96.78 93.79 73.84 83.24 92.98 95 98.93 89.54 99.66 85.81 57.57 88.7 76.67 99.51 96.78 89.72 85.81 94.15 95.17 95.98 99.62 96.72 98.31 99.22 89.76 97.8 99.41 97.67 95.33 98.8 91.85 98.26 99.44 99.47 98.89 98.72 90.8 94.62 3853 2699 1370 1325.3 980 10177 28882 34157 1175 1721.4 1325.3 320 333 7253 5266 604 2303 375 95328 464 2055 22652 370 15186 1325.3 571 3934 564 3199 641 10813 1710 12724 10444 2550 2015 28060 1981 8233 873 1370 541 61538 3139 414 2979 2837 1737 CLMS CLW CLX CMA CMC CMCSA CME CMG CMI CMN CMO CMP CMS CMTL CNC CNK CNL CNMD CNO CNP CNSL CNX COF COG COH COHR COHU COL COLB COO COP COR CORE COST CPB CPF CPGX CPLA CPRT CPSI CPT CR CRAY CREE CRI CRL CRM CROX Calamos Asset Management Inc Clearwater Paper Corp Clorox Co (The) Comerica Inc Commercial Metals Co Comcast Corp CME Group Inc Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc Cummins Inc. Cantel Medical Corp. Capstead Mortgage Corp Compass Minerals International Inc. CMS Energy Corp Comtech Telecommunications Corp. Centene Corp Cinemark Holdings Inc Cleco Corp CONMED Corp CNO Financial Group Inc CenterPoint Energy Inc. Consolidated Communications Holdings I CONSOL Energy Inc. Capital One Financial Corp. Cabot Oil & Gas Corp Coach Inc Coherent Inc Cohu Inc Rockwell Collins Inc. Columbia Banking System Inc Cooper Companies Inc. (The) Conocophillips CoreSite Realty Corp Core Mark Holding Co Inc Costco Wholesale Corp Campbell Soup Co Central Pacific Financial Corp. Columbia Pipeline Group Inc Capella Education Co Copart Inc Computer Programs and Systems Inc Camden Property Trust Crane Co. Cray Inc Cree Inc. Carter's Inc. Charles River Laboratories International I inc Crocs Inc 81.73 97.49 99.69 98.99 99.18 99.04 94.27 98.07 99.68 76.58 98.31 99.39 98.49 95.01 94.68 90.19 98.74 80.93 98.99 99.23 95.15 99.28 99.33 98.42 99.14 98.59 98.17 99.57 98.47 99.04 99.93 96.68 97.47 99.06 63.36 53.32 96.78 80.64 90.54 92.89 97.16 84.63 95.45 98.77 75.67 98.15 92.84 98.02 225 1446 13805 7429 1579 136917 28574 22017 25326 1685 1152 2936 10380 536 6404 4301 3282 1311 3222.57 9924 938 6666 40514 10952 10250 1544 289 11345 1461 7590 77523 952 1540.57 62987 14317 739 1325.3 833 4624 552 7504 3595 1323.09 3947 4317 3243 35620 879 CRR CRS CRUS CRVL CRY CRZO CSAL CSC CSCO CSGS CSH CSL CSRA CST CSX CTAS CTL CTLT CTRE CTS CTSH CTXS CUB CUZ CVBF CVC CVG CVGW CVLT CVS CVX CW CWT CXO CXW CY CYH CYNO D DAKT DAL DAN DAR DBD DCI DCOM DD DDD CARBO Ceramics Inc. Carpenter Technology Corp Cirrus Logic Inc. CorVel Corp. CryoLife Inc. Carrizo Oil & Gas Inc Communications Sales & Leasing Inc Computer Sciences Corp Cisco Systems Inc CSG Systems International Inc. Cash America International Inc. Carlisle Companies Inc CSRA Inc CST Brands Inc CSX Corp Cintas Corp CenturyLink Inc Catalent Inc CareTrust REIT Inc CTS Corp Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp Citrix Systems Inc. Cubic Corp Cousins Properties Inc CVB Financial Corp Cablevision Systems Corp Convergys Corp Calavo Growers Inc CommVault Systems Inc CVS Health Corp Chevron Corp Curtiss-Wright Corp California Water Service Group Concho Resources Inc Corrections Corp of America Cypress Semiconductor Corp Community Health Systems Inc Cynosure Inc Dominion Resources Inc. Daktronics Inc Delta Air Lines Inc. Dana Holding Corp Darling Ingredients Inc Diebold Inc Donaldson Co Inc. Dime Community Bancshares Inc E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co 3D Systems Corp 84.95 97.79 99.4 35.84 89 92.02 96.78 99.6 99.86 90.57 97.87 97.79 96.78 98 99.51 80.86 99.5 96.78 94.4 92.8 99.37 99.37 80.84 94.66 91.16 73.68 98.27 81.79 92.96 99.73 99.72 98.98 98.47 98.4 98.95 92.1 86.09 94.95 99.51 81.54 99.34 99.58 76.8 99.06 93.37 86.92 99.82 94.69 764 2020 1662 683 316 2079 1325.3 8523 134699 847 600 5754 1325.3 3252 33147 9230 21212 1325.3 300 537 32960 9693 1401 2390 1547 5173 1923 632 1953 113178 193825 3195 1173.16 12536.69 4580 2401 5473 652 44904 537 39596 3547 2796 2016 5020 544 64444 3235 DE DECK DEI DEL DEPO DF DFS DG DGII DGX DHI DHR DHX DIN DIOD DIS DISCA DKS DLPH DLTR DLX DNB DNKN DNOW DNR DO DORM DOV DOW DPS DPZ DRE DRH DRI DRQ DSPG DST DTE DTSI DUK DV DVA DVN DW DWA DXPE DY EA Deere & Co Deckers Outdoor Corp Douglas Emmett Inc Deltic Timber Corp DepoMed Inc. Dean Foods Co Discover Financial Services Inc Dollar General Corp Digi International Inc Quest Diagnostics Inc D.R. Horton Inc. Danaher Corp DHI Group Inc DineEquity Inc Diodes Inc Walt Disney Co (The) Discovery Communications Inc Dick's Sporting Goods Inc. Delphi Automotive PLC Dollar Tree Inc Deluxe Corp Dun & Bradstreet Corp (The) Dunkin' Brands Group Inc NOW Inc Denbury Resources Inc. Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc. Dorman Products Inc Dover Corp Dow Chemical Co (The) Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc Domino's Pizza Inc Duke Realty Corp DiamondRock Hospitality Co Darden Restaurants Inc. Dril-Quip Inc. DSP Group Inc DST Systems Inc. DTE Energy Co DTS Inc Duke Energy Corp DeVry Education Group Inc DaVita HealthCare Partners Inc Devon Energy Corp Drew Industries Inc DreamWorks Animation Inc DXP Enterprises Inc Dycom Industries Inc. Electronic Arts Inc. 91.11 96.11 93.9 87.8 91.45 98.86 98.58 99.54 98.86 99.51 89.31 86.78 80.1 97.55 77.77 92.09 61.05 77.65 99.01 96.04 98.34 99.57 99.58 98.47 97.92 47.49 85.76 98.44 99.6 99.45 92.24 99.54 98.91 89.7 99.65 92.94 74.61 99.56 91.55 99.72 90.45 97.42 93.79 94.85 82.05 88.7 83.73 99.25 29433 2288 4123.73 786 1073 1700 24417 20348 233 10234 8958 58020 443 2024 1257 154632 14197 6063 20389 14625 3227 4134 4946.88 2671 2432 4324 1631 11604 53224 15027 5442 7460 2844 7614 2930 237 3636 15869 475 61608 2709 16129 24650 1189 1591 584 1049 17116 EAT EBAY EBIX EBS ECHO ECL ECOL ECPG ED EDR EE EFII EFX EGHT EGL EGN EGOV EGP EHTH EIG EIX EL ELY EMC EME EMN EMR ENDP ENH ENR ENS ENSG ENTA ENVA EOG EPAY EPC EPIQ EPR EQIX EQR EQT EQY ERA ES ESE ESIO ESL Brinker International Inc. eBay Inc. Ebix Inc Emergent BioSolutions Inc Echo Global Logistics Inc Ecolab Inc. US Ecology Inc Encore Capital Group Inc Consolidated Edison Inc. Education Realty Trust Inc El Paso Electric Co Electronics for Imaging Inc Equifax Inc. 8x8 Inc Engility Holdings Inc Energen Corp. NIC Inc EastGroup Properties Inc. eHealth Inc Employers Holdings Inc Edison International Estee Lauder Companies Inc. (The) Callaway Golf Co EMC Corp EMCOR Group Inc. Eastman Chemical Co Emerson Electric Co. Endo International plc Endurance Specialty Holdings Inc Energizer Holdings Inc EnerSys Inc Ensign Group Inc (The) Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc Enova International Inc EOG Resources Inc. Bottomline Technologies Inc Edgewell Personal Care Co EPIQ Systems Inc EPR Properties Equinix Inc Equity Residential EQT Corp Equity One Inc. Era Group Inc Eversource Energy ESCO Technologies Inc. Electro Scientific Industries Inc Esterline Technologies Corp. 98.79 92.03 82.25 76.39 75.68 90.17 98.93 84.53 99.85 99.18 98.61 98.86 98.23 95 85.51 99.3 92.56 96.17 72.86 98 99.67 59.93 99.27 99.6 97.2 99.23 83.19 98.98 94.94 98.26 98.67 89.82 48.95 88.5 99.05 97.48 98.26 68.74 97.76 83.86 97.85 99.05 54.85 87.59 88.5 96.85 96.54 99.53 3751 65826 849 1052 608.97 31143 897 957 20290 1642 1611 1819 10169 693 702 4637 1072 2064 182 655 22204 26911 633 51471 2646 10534 39665 12234 2735.18 7954.54 2653 931 807.77 635 48780 938 7955 633 3718 11563 28111 11278 3344 459 17598 944 192 3571 ESND ESRX ESS ESV ETFC ETH ETN ETR EV EVR EW EWBC EXAM EXAR EXC EXLS EXP EXPD EXPE EXPO EXPR EXR EXTN EZPW F FAF FARO FAST FB FBHS FBP FCF FCFS FCN FCPT FCS FCX FDS FDX FE FEIC FELE FF FFBC FFIN FFIV FHN FICO Essendant Inc Express Scripts Holding Co Essex Property Trust Inc. ENSCO Plc E*TRADE Financial Corporation Ethan Allen Interiors Inc Eaton Corp Plc Entergy Corp. Eaton Vance Corp. Evercore Partners Inc Edwards Lifesciences Corp East West Bancorp Inc. ExamWorks Group Inc Exar Corp Exelon Corp ExlService Holdings Inc Eagle Materials Inc Expeditors International of Washington In Expedia Inc Exponent Inc Express Inc Extra Space Storage Inc Exterran Corp EZCORP Inc Ford Motor Co First American Financial Corp FARO Technologies Inc Fastenal Co Facebook Inc Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc First BanCorp (Puerto Rico) First Commonwealth Financial Corp. First Cash Financial Services Inc FTI Consulting Inc. Four Corners Property Trust Inc Fairchild Semiconductor International Inc Freeport-McMoRan Inc FactSet Research Systems Inc. FedEx Corp. FirstEnergy Corp. FEI Co. Franklin Electric Co Inc FutureFuel Corp First Financial Bancorp. First Financial Bankshares Inc F5 Networks Inc First Horizon National Corp Fair Isaac Corp 99.04 99.7 99.1 99.48 99.28 90.54 99.57 99.51 95.59 95.08 98.78 98.7 88.01 98.56 99.77 94.96 96.4 98.17 77.1 96.22 80.92 94.86 96.78 91.92 91.09 95.83 98.46 91.86 74.59 99.24 11 98.18 97 98.71 96.78 99.08 98.17 97.67 92.75 99.62 99.6 82.91 50.59 97.81 95.15 99.5 98.66 98.44 1567 59233 14293 6974 6668 787 29943 15721 4760 1722 13400 5195 1475 425 30975 963 3580 8431 10873 1034 1102.54 7658 1325.3 552 56614 3649 956 13137 212320 7066 1169 724 1407 1669 1325.3 1823 17482 5970 47911 16968 3440 1627 481 1015 1583 8112 3043 2264 FII FINL FIS FISV FITB FIVE FIX FL FLIR FLO FLOW FLR FLS FMBI FMC FMER FN FNB FNBC FNFG FNGN FOR FORR FOSL FOXA FRAN FRED FRT FSLR FSP FSS FTD FTI FTK FTNT FTR FUL FULT FWRD GAS GB GBCI GBX GCI GCO GD GDOT GE Federated Investors Inc. Finish Line Inc (The) Fidelity National Information Services Inc Fiserv Inc. Fifth Third Bancorp Five Below Inc Comfort Systems USA Inc. Foot Locker Inc. FLIR Systems Inc Flowers Foods Inc. SPX FLOW Inc Fluor Corp Flowserve Corp. First Midwest Bancorp Inc FMC Corp. FirstMerit Corp Fabrinet F.N.B. Corp First NBC Bank Holding Co First Niagara Financial Group Inc Financial Engines Inc Forestar Group Inc Forrester Research Inc Fossil Group Inc Twenty-First Century Fox Inc Francescas Holdings Corp Fred's Inc Federal Realty Investment Trust First Solar Inc Franklin Street Properties Corp Federal Signal Corp. FTD Companies Inc FMC Technologies Inc Flotek Industries Inc Fortinet Inc Frontier Communications Corp H.B. Fuller Co. Fulton Financial Corp Forward Air Corp AGL Resources Inc. Greatbatch Inc Glacier Bancorp Inc Greenbrier Companies Inc. (The) Gannett Co Inc Genesco Inc. General Dynamics Corp Green Dot Corp General Electric Co 90.14 97.92 99.12 98.27 99.46 89.53 89.78 98.69 98.65 87.51 96.78 99.56 99.65 97.65 99.42 98.65 85.71 98.49 84.61 97.97 98.19 98.07 50.89 73.81 84.93 93.85 93.5 99.08 73.14 89.29 98.28 63.69 99.06 80.97 84.22 99.11 97 98.77 98.45 99.01 97.43 97.03 84.77 99.6 96.58 93.93 87.95 99.89 3308 1102 17718 17792 14256 1811.68 622 7618 4254 4106 1325.3 8388 7371 1160 7663 2710 577 2088 575.08 2870 1864 464 689 5074 72086 671 613 9795 4241 1290 956 649 8767 863 4930 6729 2069 1995 1358 6741 1211 1671 1396.4 7003.02 1720 44248 780 239908 GEF GEO GEOS GES GFF GGG GGP GHC GHL GIFI GIII GILD GIS GK GLF GLT GLW GM GME GMT GNCMA GNTX GNW GOOGL GOV GPC GPI GPN GPOR GPRE GPS GRMN GS GT GTLS GTY GVA GWR GWW GXP HA HAE HAFC HAIN HAL HAR HAS HAYN Greif Inc. GEO Group Inc (The) Geospace Technologies Corp Guess ? Inc. Griffon Corp. Graco Inc. General Growth Properties Inc Graham Holdings Co Greenhill & Co Inc Gulf Island Fabrication Inc G III Apparel Group Ltd Gilead Sciences Inc General Mills Inc. G&K Services Inc GulfMark Offshore Inc Glatfelter Corning Inc General Motors Co GameStop Corp. GATX Corp. General Communication Inc Gentex Corp Genworth Financial Inc Alphabet Inc Government Properties Income Trust Genuine Parts Co Group 1 Automotive Inc. Global Payments Inc. Gulfport Energy Corp Green Plains Inc Gap Inc. (The) Garmin Ltd Goldman Sachs Group Inc (The) Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co Chart Industries Inc Getty Realty Corp. Granite Construction Inc. Genesee & Wyoming Inc. Grainger (W W) Inc. Great Plains Energy Inc Hawaiian Holdings Inc. Haemonetics Corp Hanmi Financial Corp Hain Celestial Group Inc (The) Halliburton Co Harman International Industries Inc. Hasbro Inc. Haynes International Inc 59.84 97.81 97.19 72.23 64.85 98.8 95.99 76.39 93.92 90.91 84.81 99.3 99.59 97.15 96.84 98.85 99.78 86.64 97.62 99.18 58.23 96.44 99.81 84.49 98.5 97.3 76.77 99.02 99.51 88.5 57.47 49.93 88.8 99.51 98.87 72.11 98.58 94.98 88.8 99.36 76.56 99.34 95.15 97.33 99.54 99.25 88.85 98.32 1823 3227 315 1601 781 4217 26707 5418 1039 240 2184 158670 31315 1396 527 982 30283 52192 3853 2525 609 4887 3466 363566 1604 14207 1956 5852 3292 880 17465 10013 77843 6655 868.65 619 1334 4442 15903 4557 1049.9 2033 633 5326 33872 8880 6929 483 HBAN HBHC HBI HCA HCI HCN HCP HCSG HD HE HELE HES HF HFC HHS HI HIBB HIG HII HIW HLIT HLX HMN HMSY HNI HNT HOG HOLX HOMB HON HOS HOT HP HPE HPQ HPT HPY HQY HR HRB HRC HRL HRS HSC HSIC HSII HSNI HST Huntington Bancshares Inc Hancock Holding Co Hanesbrands Inc HCA Holdings Inc HCI Group Inc Welltower Inc HCP Inc Healthcare Services Group Inc Home Depot Inc. (The) Hawaiian Electric Industries Inc. Helen of Troy Ltd Hess Corp HFF Inc HollyFrontier Corp Harte Hanks Inc. Hillenbrand Inc Hibbett Sports Inc Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. (T Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc Highwoods Properties Inc. Harmonic Inc Helix Energy Solutions Group Inc Horace Mann Educators Corporation HMS Holdings Corp HNI Corp Health Net Inc. Harley-Davidson Inc. Hologic Inc Home Bancshares Inc Honeywell International Inc Hornbeck Offshore Services Inc. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide In Helmerich & Payne Inc. Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co HP Inc Hospitality Properties Trust Heartland Payment Systems Inc HealthEquity Inc Healthcare Realty Trust Inc Block (H&R) Inc Hill-Rom Holdings Inc Hormel Foods Corp Harris Corp Harsco Corp Henry Schein Inc Heidrick & Struggles International Inc HSN Inc Host Hotels & Resorts Inc 98.73 95.39 98.71 94.49 82.54 99.67 99.47 95.43 99.75 99.07 98.55 84.01 87.15 99.22 68.48 97.54 99.09 99.77 97.7 97.74 98.02 93.09 99.48 98.53 98.36 97.42 99.39 99.53 84.7 99.67 66.54 99.33 96.94 96.78 99.87 99.41 96.1 96.78 98.06 99.71 99.71 50.62 99.73 99.25 98.2 94.26 60.9 98.34 8131 2100 11126 30683 483 26833 21713 2226 137626 3518 2138 20177 1280 7047 452 1976 1176 16866 5655 4290 671 1981 1246 1736 2186 4303 13220 8486 2001 76528 806 12984 6446 1325.3 66453 4885 1801 1325.3 2952 9433 2743 13502 7019 1193 11661 404 4054 17298 HSTM HSY HTLD HUBB HUBG HUM HVT HW HWAY HWKN HYH HZO IART IBKR IBM IBOC IBP ICE ICON ICUI IDA IDCC IDTI IDXX IEX IFF IILG IIVI ILMN IM INDB INGN INGR ININ INN INT INTC INTL INTU IOSP IP IPAR IPCC IPG IPGP IPHS IPI IPXL HealthStream Inc Hershey Co (The) Heartland Express Inc Hubbell Inc Hub Group Inc Humana Inc. Haverty Furniture Companies Inc. Headwaters Inc Healthways Inc Hawkins Inc Halyard Health Inc MarineMax Inc Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp Interactive Brokers Group Inc International Business Machines Corp International Bancshares Corp Installed Building Products Inc Intercontinental Exchange Inc Iconix Brand Group Inc ICU Medical Inc IDACORP Inc. InterDigital Inc Integrated Device Technology Inc. IDEXX Laboratories Inc IDEX Corporation International Flavors & Fragrances Inc Interval Leisure Group Inc II VI Inc Illumina Inc Ingram Micro Inc. Independent Bank Corp. Inogen Inc Ingredion Inc Interactive Intelligence Group Inc Summit Hotel Properties Inc World Fuel Services Corp Intel Corp INTL FCStone Inc Intuit Inc. Innospec Inc International Paper Co Inter Parfums Inc Infinity Property and Casualty Corp Interpublic Group of Companies Inc. (The IPG Photonics Corp Innophos Holdings Inc Intrepid Potash Inc Impax Laboratories Inc 76.77 93.92 62.29 92.71 92.67 99.6 85.71 80.52 79.12 89.29 94.9 97.76 77.08 80.53 99.82 84.01 48.76 98.29 97.17 88.27 98.84 98.52 99.42 98.5 98.91 98.6 68.18 85.55 93.43 94.89 96.31 63.16 98.89 79.68 97.38 96.82 99.86 80.73 95.17 97.4 99 54.69 96.33 99.43 81.35 97.74 73.56 84.02 781 22580 2255 6267 1250 22454 554 1034 729 407 2073 618 1814 1749 151930 1502 568.33 23247 1578 1284 3414 1923 2719 7647 5760 8607 1318 1054 27716.98 3926 905 564.17 5751 854 1101 3529 160475 364.08 24780 964.17 22301 778 808 8339 3894 1295 1005 2594 IR IRBT IRC IRDM IRM ISCA ISIL ISRG IT ITG ITRI ITT ITW IVC IVZ JACK JAH JBHT JBL JBLU JBT JCI JCOM JCP JEC JJSF JKHY JLL JNJ JNPR JNS JOY JPM JW.A JWN K KALU KAMN KATE KBH KBR KELYA KEX KEY KEYS KFY KHC KIM Ingersoll-Rand PLC iRobot Corp Inland Real Estate Corp Iridium Communications Inc Iron Mountain Inc International Speedway Corp Intersil Corp Intuitive Surgical Inc Gartner Inc Investment Technology Group Inc. Itron Inc ITT Corp Illinois Tool Works Inc. Invacare Corp Invesco Ltd Jack in the Box Inc. Jarden Corp J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. Jabil Circuit Inc JetBlue Airways Corp John Bean Technologies Corp Johnson Controls Inc. j2 Global Inc J.C. Penney Company Inc. Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. J & J Snack Foods Corp Henry (Jack) & Associates Inc. Jones Lang LaSalle Inc Johnson & Johnson Juniper Networks Inc Janus Capital Group Inc Joy Global Inc JPMorgan Chase & Co John Wiley & Sons Inc. Nordstrom Inc. Kellogg Co Kaiser Aluminum Corp Kaman Corp Kate Spade & Co KB Home KBR Inc Kelly Services Inc. Kirby Corp KeyCorp Keysight Technologies Inc Korn/Ferry International Kraft Heinz Co (The) Kimco Realty Corp 94.9 96.08 96.84 81.95 86.73 69.02 98.85 98.83 96.66 89.83 98.94 99.48 96.3 90.6 98.28 99.06 93.24 79.19 90.89 83.2 95.8 99.72 94.57 95.28 97.97 78.97 98.74 99.18 99.91 87.89 98.3 99.15 99.36 79.03 73.58 72.09 96.93 97.99 99.63 87.66 94.04 74.25 85.39 99.77 99.72 98.8 96.78 96.12 17649 934 1139 798 7716 1344 1861 17950 7413 710 1453 3280 36392 470 15824 3269 9241 9281 3982 4900 879 30544 2694 2216 5020 1833 5018 6592 280798 9958 3269 4114 202011 3647 14486 23281 1236 1030 4008 1146 2398 635 4136 11164 5592 1435 1325.3 11374 KIRK KLAC KLIC KLXI KMB KMI KMPR KMT KMX KN KND KNX KO KOP KOPN KORS KR KRA KRC KRG KS KSS KSU KWR L LAD LAMR LANC LB LCI LDL LDOS LDR LECO LEG LEN LFUS LG LGND LH LHCG LHO LII LITE LIVN LKQ LL LLL Kirkland's Inc KLA-Tencor Corp Kulicke and Soffa Industries Inc KLX Inc Kimberly-Clark Corp Kinder Morgan Inc. Kemper Corp Kennametal Inc. CarMax Inc Knowles Corp Kindred Healthcare Inc Knight Transportation Inc Coca-Cola Co (The) Koppers Holdings Inc Kopin Corp Michael Kors Holdings Ltd Kroger Co. (The) Kraton Performance Polymers Inc Kilroy Realty Corp Kite Realty Group Trust KapStone Paper & Packaging Corp Kohl's Corp Kansas City Southern Quaker Chemical Corp Loews Corp Lithia Motors Inc. Lamar Advertising Co Lancaster Colony Corp L Brands Inc Lannett Co Inc. Lydall Inc. Leidos Holdings Inc Landauer Inc. Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc Leggett & Platt Inc Lennar Corp Littelfuse Inc Laclede Group Inc. (The) Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc Laboratory Corporation of America Holdi LHC Group Inc LaSalle Hotel Properties Lennox International Inc. Lumentum Holdings Inc LivaNova PLC LKQ Corp Lumber Liquidators Holdings Inc L-3 Communications Holdings Inc 71.87 99.56 98.27 88.85 99.6 83.73 94.35 99.15 99.41 99.61 97 75.39 90.31 96.98 73.53 91.26 93.63 88.38 98.24 99.13 88.09 98.86 98.57 96.24 79.27 81.99 84.21 68.99 84.16 73.87 90.45 98.92 97.65 93.74 97.43 87.36 98.54 96.58 86.71 99.57 74.52 99.44 91.44 96.78 82.23 98.93 96.75 99.15 399 9999 1164 2083 39438 42209 1839 2485 13098 1804 1193 2310 180119 372 229 14566 33558 635 6396 2551 2867 12123 12153 1047 14459 2211 5346 2459 24797 1691 473 3064 269 5275 5874 9208 2226 2322 1145 9745 513 4211 4722 1325.3 1469 7821 1709 10472 LLTC LLY LM LMNX LMOS LMT LNC LNCE LNN LNT LOGM LOW LPNT LPSN LPT LPX LQDT LRCX LSTR LTC LTXB LUK LUV LVLT LXK LXP LXU LYB LYV LZB M MA MAA MAC MAN MANH MANT MAR MAS MASI MAT MATW MATX MBFI MCD MCF MCHP MCK Linear Technology Corp Eli Lilly and Co Legg Mason Inc Luminex Corp Lumos Networks Corp Lockheed Martin Corp Lincoln National Corp Snyder's-Lance Inc Lindsay Corp Alliant Energy Corp LogMeIn Inc Lowe's Cos Inc. LifePoint Health Inc LivePerson Inc Liberty Property Trust Louisiana-Pacific Corp Liquidity Services Inc Lam Research Corp Landstar System Inc LTC Properties Inc. LegacyTexas Financial Group Inc Leucadia National Corp Southwest Airlines Co. Level 3 Communications Inc Lexmark International Inc. Lexington Realty Trust LSB Industries Inc LyondellBasell Industries NV Live Nation Entertainment Inc La-Z-Boy Inc Macy's Inc MasterCard Inc Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc Macerich Co (The) ManpowerGroup Manhattan Associates Inc ManTech International Corp Marriott International Inc. Masco Corp Masimo Corp Mattel Inc. Matthews International Corp Matson Inc MB Financial Inc McDonald's Corp Contango Oil & Gas Co Microchip Technology Inc McKesson Corp 98.83 87.49 76.53 87.96 61.05 84.84 99.6 74.25 97.33 99.78 90.88 99.74 97.25 79.82 99.23 93.8 80.19 99.45 99.02 97.96 91 85.86 99.59 82.61 98.35 97.96 78.75 95.29 71.89 97.57 99.63 99.86 98.45 99.28 99.14 98.88 63.45 82.82 98.45 83.99 99.66 95.63 98.46 94.9 99.91 82.39 97.16 99.62 10738 76567 6348 736 359 59148 12984 2044 1045 7611 1161 65998 2953 578 5969 2315 230 12176 2870 1635 761 8353 30666 11857 2466 2641 706 39862 4770 1385 22102 94545 5968 12121 5767 3332 1213 21374 8692 1338 9114 1528 1496 2124 89963 583 9063 49335 MCO MCRI MCS MCY MD MDC MDCO MDLZ MDP MDRX MDSO MDT MDU MDXG MED MEI MENT MET MGLN MHFI MHK MHO MINI MJN MKC MKSI MKTX MLHR MLI MLM MMC MMM MMS MMSI MNK MNRO MNST MNTA MO MOG.A MOH MON MOS MOV MPAA MPC MPW MPWR Moody's Corp. Monarch Casino & Resort Inc Marcus Corp (The) Mercury General Corp Mednax Inc M.D.C. Holdings Inc. Medicines Company (The) Mondelez International Inc Meredith Corp Allscripts Healthcare Solutions Inc Medidata Solutions Inc Medtronic PLC MDU Resources Group Inc. MiMedx Group Inc Medifast Inc. Methode Electronics Inc Mentor Graphics Corp Metlife Inc. Magellan Health Inc McGraw Hill Financial Inc Mohawk Industries Inc. M/I Homes Inc Mobile Mini Inc Mead Johnson Nutrition Co McCormick & Co Inc MKS Instruments Inc MarketAxess Holdings Inc Herman Miller Inc Mueller Industries Inc. Martin Marietta Materials Inc. Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc. 3M Co MAXIMUS Inc. Merit Medical Systems Inc Mallinckrodt Plc Monro Muffler Brake Inc Monster Beverage Corp Momenta Pharmaceuticals Inc Altria Group Inc Moog Inc. Molina Healthcare Inc. Monsanto Co Mosaic Company (The) Movado Group Inc Motorcar Parts of America Inc Marathon Petroleum Corp Medical Properties Trust LLC Monolithic Power Systems Inc 82.36 64.67 66 48.64 98.05 70.77 92.84 99.62 83.54 86.37 95.55 99.87 98.79 91.69 61.4 95.61 98.92 83.88 98.42 96.83 80.3 97.15 98.1 99.63 96.58 97.99 96.19 98.84 88.39 99.44 99.69 99.43 97.54 95.15 92.39 95.5 88.74 87.49 99.68 88.06 62.07 99.72 85.83 71.58 96.98 99.2 97.64 92.78 19054 291 517 3144 6812 1221 1874 59195 2318 2147 2327 69972 4387 871.69 382 1386 2647 52038 1662 24283 12031 505 1673 19905 9166 1858 2844 1731 1786 7246 29159 103082 3712 663 12287 1804 19605 569 104979 2913 2458 57056 18168 605 467.68 26018 2638 1843 MRCY MRK MRO MRTN MS MSA MSCC MSCI MSFT MSI MSM MSTR MTB MTD MTH MTRN MTRX MTSC MTX MU MUR MUSA MWW MYE MYL MYRG NANO NATI NAVG NAVI NBL NBR NBTB NCI NCR NDAQ NDSN NE NEE NEM NEOG NEU NEWP NFBK NFG NFLX NFX NI Mercury Systems Inc Merck & Co Inc. Marathon Oil Corp Marten Transport Ltd Morgan Stanley MSA Safety Inc Microsemi Corp MSCI Inc Microsoft Corp Motorola Solutions Inc MSC Industrial Direct Co Inc. MicroStrategy Inc M&T Bank Corp Mettler-Toledo International Inc Meritage Homes Corp Materion Corp Matrix Service Co MTS Systems Corp Minerals Technologies Inc. Micron Technology Inc. Murphy Oil Corp Murphy USA Inc Monster Worldwide Inc. Myers Industries Inc. Mylan NV MYR Group Inc Nanometrics Inc National Instruments Corp Navigators Group Inc (The) Navient Corp Noble Energy Inc Nabors Industries Ltd NBT Bancorp Inc Navigant Consulting Inc. NCR Corp Nasdaq Inc Nordson Corp Noble Corp plc NextEra Energy Inc Newmont Mining Corp Neogen Corp NewMarket Corp Newport Corp Northfield Bancorp Inc National Fuel Gas Co Netflix Inc Newfield Exploration Co NiSource Inc. 88.64 99.87 99.63 71.46 77.65 65.59 99.28 78.99 92.21 92.14 71.71 72.18 92.35 97.8 88.42 98.53 98.79 99.17 98.32 93.48 94.14 94.06 94.1 94.7 99.33 97.06 95.67 79.08 75.64 99.21 98.08 95.51 97.25 98.34 92.98 69.43 89.11 92.39 99.56 99.78 95.66 68.08 97.25 87.57 97.04 97.97 86.68 99.25 505 172452 17955 683.42 65963 1635 2648 6029 332007 15023 4639 1828 14948 8677 1424 664 509 1097 2254 31460 7971 3192 358 525 19887 524.6 375 3844 1059 7935 17377 3331 1006 701 4277 7683 4549 4092 47681 12545 1704 5597 737 729.35 5345 26692 4086 13653 NILE NJR NKE NKTR NLSN NNN NOC NOG NOV NP NPBC NPK NPO NR NRG NSC NSIT NSP NSR NTAP NTCT NTGR NTRI NTRS NUE NUVA NVDA NVR NWBI NWE NWL NWN NWSA NX NYCB NYT O OA ODFL ODP OFC OFG OGE OGS OHI OI OII OIS Blue Nile Inc New Jersey Resources Corp Nike Inc Nektar Therapeutics Nielsen Holdings NV National Retail Properties Inc Northrop Grumman Corp Northern Oil and Gas Inc National Oilwell Varco Inc Neenah Paper Inc National Penn Bancshares Inc National Presto Industries Inc. EnPro Industries Inc. Newpark Resources Inc. NRG Energy Inc Norfolk Southern Corp Insight Enterprises Inc Insperity Inc. NeuStar Inc NetApp Inc NetScout Systems Inc NETGEAR Inc NutriSystem Inc Northern Trust Corp Nucor Corp NuVasive Inc NVIDIA Corp NVR Inc. Northwest Bancshares Inc NorthWestern Corp Newell Rubbermaid Inc. Northwest Natural Gas Co News Corp Quanex Building Products Corp New York Community Bancorp Inc. New York Times Co (The) Realty Income Corp. Orbital ATK Inc Old Dominion Freight Line Inc Office Depot Inc Corporate Office Properties Trust Inc OFG Bancorp OGE Energy Corp. ONE Gas Inc Omega Healthcare Investors Inc. Owens-Illinois Inc. Oceaneering International Inc. Oil States International Inc. 99.21 98.68 79.22 98.89 99.43 98.65 92.36 89.2 99.7 98.16 84.92 71.3 91.79 97.06 98.7 99.55 98.82 66.28 88.39 99.21 87.75 97.34 92.31 99.53 99.51 98.52 95.09 82.66 97.17 99.32 99.3 98.94 65.2 92.2 96.64 92.78 99.37 90 78.47 89.31 99.03 98.33 99.27 99.28 98.63 91.82 99.35 91.92 368 2694 79704 1877.55 16600 5416 31222 383 23436 955 1427 436 1423 726 8335 31431 970 1062 1442 11831 1480 1168 513 15259 13924 2178 10439 5078 1118 2261 9995 1358 8637 682 6838 1892 12093 4162 6042 4094 2631 718 7012 2300 5588 3851 5498 2218 OKE OLN OMC OMCL OMI ONB ORCL ORI ORIT ORLY ORN OSIS OSK OUTR OXM OXY OZRK PACW PAHC PAY PAYX PB PBCT PBH PBI PCAR PCG PCH PCLN PDCE PDCO PEG PEI PEP PERY PES PETS PFE PFG PFS PG PGR PGTI PH PHM PII PJC PKE ONEOK Inc. Olin Corp Omnicom Group Inc. Omnicell Inc Owens & Minor Inc. Old National Bancorp Oracle Corp Old Republic International Corp Oritani Financial Corp O'Reilly Automotive Inc Orion Marine Group Inc OSI Systems Inc Oshkosh Corp Outerwall Inc Oxford Industries Inc. Occidental Petroleum Corp Bank of the Ozarks PacWest Bancorp Phibro Animal Health Corp Verifone Systems Inc Paychex Inc. Prosperity Bancshares Inc People's United Financial Inc Prestige Brands Holdings Inc Pitney Bowes Inc. PACCAR Inc PG&E Corp Potlatch Corp Priceline Group Inc (The) PDC Energy Inc Patterson Companies Inc Public Service Enterprise Group Inc Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trus PepsiCo Inc Perry Ellis International Inc Pioneer Energy Services Corp PetMed Express Inc Pfizer Inc Principal Financial Group Inc. Provident Financial Services Inc. Procter & Gamble Co (The) Progressive Corp (The) PGT Inc Parker-Hannifin Corp PulteGroup Inc Polaris Industries Inc Piper Jaffray Companies Inc. Park Electrochemical Corp 99.12 98.51 99.24 96.72 98.48 98.39 74.52 92.18 84.65 96.94 97.34 92.91 98.65 77.95 88.26 98.51 88.83 97.2 44.76 96.54 89.4 93.93 98.92 99.35 99.65 97.63 99.78 98.74 99.38 98.03 82.06 99.72 96.37 99.75 76.3 97.78 87.46 99.87 99.35 88.33 99.84 97.4 90.01 98.79 90.71 92.47 95.9 94.44 9167 1960 18068 1133 2159 1529 184232 3663 627 19184 251 1385 3348 1173 922 62034 2592 4405 1064.64 3557 16436 3195 4223 1787 4820 21351 27907 1619 52851 1648 5154 21591 1646 140951 373 264 318 196896 13793 1127 227626 15253 409 17311 7696 9600 771 455 PKG PKI PKY PLCE PLCM PLD PLKI PLT PLUS PLXS PM PMC PNC PNFP PNK PNM PNR PNRA PNW PNY POL POM POOL POST POWI POWL PPG PPL PPS PRA PRAA PRFT PRGO PRGS PRI PRLB PRSC PRU PRXL PSA PSB PSX PTC PTEN PVH PVTB PWR PX Packaging Corp Of America PerkinElmer Inc. Parkway Properties Inc. Childrens Place Inc (The) Polycom Inc ProLogis Inc Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen Inc Plantronics Inc. ePlus Inc Plexus Corp Philip Morris International Inc PharMerica Corp PNC Financial Services Group Inc. Pinnacle Financial Partners Inc Pinnacle Entertainment Inc. PNM Resources Inc. Pentair plc Panera Bread Co Pinnacle West Capital Corp Piedmont Natural Gas Co Inc. PolyOne Corp Pepco Holdings Inc. Pool Corp Post Holdings Inc Power Integrations Inc Powell Industries Inc PPG Industries Inc. PPL Corp Post Properties Inc ProAssurance Corp PRA Group Inc Perficient Inc Perrigo Co Plc Progress Software Corp Primerica Inc Proto Labs Inc Providence Service Corp (The) Prudential Financial Inc PAREXEL International Corp Public Storage PS Business Parks Inc. Phillips 66 PTC Inc Patterson-UTI Energy Inc PVH Corp PrivateBancorp Inc Quanta Services Inc. Praxair Inc. 98.34 98.97 71.41 97.04 98.92 99.29 86.26 98.74 80.54 98.72 99.74 95.97 99.67 93.63 87.57 99.17 99.48 93.78 99.39 98.63 98.38 99.59 94.99 98.62 94.47 77.1 99.42 99.85 97.96 97.93 98.24 96.38 99.51 87.57 91.45 88.43 74.93 99.25 97.5 84.3 72.33 99.77 98.36 97.88 94.18 97.22 98.12 99.81 7462 5163 2082 1278 1796 22999 1335 1967 501.55 1273 124850 693 44214 1284 1269 2429 11546 4634 7751 3133 3236 6914 2697 2117 1523 469 30587 23595 3309 2560 2480 591 20303 1256 2665 1662.29 581 34836 3352 34628 2264 38395 3843 2512 9090 2372 5764 35137 PXD PYPL PZZA QCOM QEP QLGC QLYS QNST QRVO QSII R RAI RAX RBC RCII RCL RDC RE RECN REG REGN REX REXX RF RGA RGEN RGLD RGR RGS RHI RHT RIG RJF RKUS RL RLI RMAX RMBS RMD RNR ROCK ROG ROIC ROK ROL ROP ROST ROVI Pioneer Natural Resources Co PayPal Holdings Inc Papa John's International Inc QUALCOMM Inc. QEP Resources Inc QLogic Corp Qualys Inc QuinStreet Inc Qorvo Inc Quality Systems Inc Ryder System Inc Reynolds American Inc Rackspace Hosting Inc Regal Beloit Corp Rent-A-Center Inc Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd Rowan Companies plc Everest Re Group Ltd Resources Connection Inc Regency Centers Corp. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc Rex American Resources Corp Rex Energy Corp Regions Financial Corp Reinsurance Group of America Inc. Repligen Corp Royal Gold Inc Sturm Ruger & Co Inc. Regis Corp Robert Half International Inc. Red Hat Inc Transocean Ltd Raymond James Financial Inc. Ruckus Wireless Inc Ralph Lauren Corp RLI Corp RE/MAX Holdings Inc Rambus Inc Resmed Inc RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd Gibraltar Industries Inc Rogers Corp. Retail Opportunity Investments Corp Rockwell Automation Inc. Rollins Inc. Roper Technologies Inc Ross Stores Inc Rovi Corp 98.71 96.78 70.5 99.74 98.86 99.29 66.93 79.04 98.02 73.26 98.45 57.79 76.21 98.84 97.29 77.79 91.45 76.82 95.78 98.28 72.83 78.25 87.59 99.71 99.18 94.33 99.2 98.41 80.27 95.5 99.23 99.95 88.06 93.07 68.83 88.23 99.23 99.38 98.69 96.37 86.49 98.54 98.24 99.2 43.17 98.24 97.54 99.25 21526 1325.3 2550 103309 3642 1178 1264.66 227 5367 982 4391 36101 6454 3078 1813 16568 2630 7755 629 6364 42352 444.25 192 11780 5686 794 4712 784 869 7892 11697 5904 7430 890.43 14636 2022 385.78 1290.97 8770 3719 468 1351 1621 14889 4810 15759 19120 2197 RPM RRC RRD RRGB RRTS RS RSG RSTI RT RTEC RTN RUTH RYAM RYN SAFM SAFT SAH SAIA SAIC SAM SANM SBNY SBRA SBSI SBUX SCAI SCG SCHL SCHW SCI SCL SCOR SCSC SCSS SE SEE SEIC SEM SENEA SF SFM SFNC SGMS SGNT SGY SHLM SHOO SHW RPM International Inc Range Resources Corp. R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co Red Robin Gourmet Burgers Inc Roadrunner Transportation Services Hold Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co Republic Services Inc. Rofin Sinar Technologies Inc Ruby Tuesday Inc Rudolph Technologies Inc. Raytheon Co. Ruth's Hospitality Group Inc Rayonier Advanced Materials Inc Rayonier Inc. Sanderson Farms Inc Safety Insurance Group Inc Sonic Automotive Inc. Saia Inc Science Applications International Corp Boston Beer Co Inc. (The) Sanmina Corp Signature Bank Sabra Health Care REIT Inc Southside Bancshares Inc Starbucks Corp Surgical Care Affiliates Inc SCANA Corp Scholastic Corp Schwab (Charles) Corp Service Corp International Stepan Co comScore Inc ScanSource Inc Select Comfort Corp Spectra Energy Corp Sealed Air Corp SEI Investments Co Select Medical Holdings Corp Seneca Foods Corp. Stifel Financial Corp. Sprouts Farmers Market Inc Simmons First National Corp Scientific Games Corp Sagent Pharmaceuticals Inc Stone Energy Corp Schulman (A.) Inc Steven Madden Ltd Sherwin-Williams Co (The) 98.18 98.57 99.18 98.54 73.6 96.62 69.65 98.76 96.53 95.43 99.3 95.56 93.2 98.99 87.98 83.3 56.69 98.25 98.79 68.4 98.73 98.14 97.72 93.03 97.25 36.76 89.99 86.45 87.46 96.45 84.86 96.59 99.28 98.07 99.76 98.48 83.53 66.7 65.72 95.07 82.22 89.66 48.01 72.96 95.25 97.37 88.98 84.78 6401 7559 3291 1088 771 4089 14106 754 374 333 30845 502 730 3719 1850 930 1268 1043 2244 4082 1762 5894 1557 516 65683 1241.98 9068 1203 33918 4735 856 1420 984 1590 22438 8581 6696 1770 278 3112 5484.95 676 1001 819 773 1014 2222 26041 SIG SIGI SIVB SJI SJM SKT SKX SKYW SLAB SLB SLCA SLG SLGN SLM SM SMCI SMG SMP SMRT SMTC SNA SNCR SNDK SNH SNI SNPS SNV SNX SO SON SONC SPG SPLS SPN SPOK SPPI SPTN SPXC SRCL SRDX SRE SSD SSI SSP SSS STBA STC STE Signet Jewelers Ltd Selective Insurance Group Inc SVB Financial Group South Jersey Industries Inc. J.M. Smucker Co (The) Tanger Factory Outlet Centers Inc. Skechers U.S.A. Inc SkyWest Inc Silicon Laboratories Inc. Schlumberger Ltd U S Silica Holdings Inc SL Green Realty Corp. Silgan Holdings Inc SLM Corp SM Energy Co Super Micro Computer Inc Scotts Miracle-Gro Company (The) Standard Motor Products Inc. Stein Mart Inc Semtech Corp Snap-On Inc Synchronoss Technologies Inc SanDisk Corp Senior Housing Properties Trust Scripps Networks Interactive Inc Synopsys Inc Synovus Financial Corp. SYNNEX Corp Southern Co (The) Sonoco Products Co Sonic Corp Simon Property Group Inc. Staples Inc. Superior Energy Services Inc. Spok Holdings Inc Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Inc SpartanNash Co SPX Corp Stericycle Inc SurModics Inc Sempra Energy Simpson Manufacturing Co. Inc. Stage Stores Inc Scripps (E.W.) Co. (The) Sovran Self Storage Inc. S&T Bancorp Inc Stewart Information Services Corp STERIS plc 92.69 97.15 99.19 99 95.34 95.89 78.71 89.62 92.4 99.83 99.72 99.09 68.48 99.23 98.27 77.83 91.67 90.17 63.42 97.58 99.07 84.32 99.48 99.63 55.27 99.14 98.51 72.59 99.92 98.09 95.32 99.09 99.17 98.92 79.44 81.09 96.98 96.79 97.88 98.27 94.2 82.47 96.99 51.6 97.31 97.55 79.41 98.93 9713 1461 5749 1936 10504 3774 3056 644 1859 105073 1358 11809 3249 3863 2549 1671 3850 835 618 1698 7711 1798 16749 4748 9747 6705 3508 2888 45638 4480 1617 61741 10914 3079 371 460 969 3479 11130 312 27532 1598 636 1117 3194 819 788 3875 STI STJ STL STLD STMP STR STRA STT STX STZ SUNE SUP SUPN SVU SWC SWK SWKS SWM SWN SWX SXC SXI SXT SYF SYK SYKE SYMC SYNA SYRG SYY SZMK T TAP TASR TBI TCB TCBI TCO TDC TDS TDW TDY TE TECD TECH TEL TER TESO SunTrust Banks Inc. St. Jude Medical Inc. Sterling Bancorp Steel Dynamics Inc Inc Questar Corp Strayer Education Inc State Street Corp Seagate Technology Plc Constellation Brands Inc SunEdison Inc Superior Industries International Inc. Supernus Pharmaceuticals Inc SUPERVALU INC. Stillwater Mining Co Stanley Black & Decker Inc Skyworks Solutions Inc Schweitzer-Mauduit Intl Inc Southwestern Energy Co Southwest Gas Corp SunCoke Energy Inc Standex International Corp Sensient Technologies Corp Synchrony Financial Stryker Corp Sykes Enterprises Inc Symantec Corp Synaptics Inc Synergy Resources Corp Sysco Corp Sizmek Inc AT&T Inc Molson Coors Brewing Co TASER International Inc TrueBlue Inc TCF Financial Corp Texas Capital Bancshares Inc Taubman Centers Inc. Teradata Corp Telephone and Data Systems Inc. Tidewater Inc. Teledyne Technologies Inc. TECO Energy Inc. Tech Data Corp Bio-Techne Corp TE Connectivity Ltd Teradyne Inc. Tesco Corp 99.77 97.56 96.17 95.64 89.92 98.6 95.37 98.89 99.18 85.04 91.69 97.57 52.14 71.98 99.18 99.13 99.16 97.84 98.8 98.52 93.22 97.73 98.06 96.78 82.46 90.34 99.83 97.19 85.69 99.74 72.8 99.86 90.5 97.76 98.12 91.43 98.84 95.69 99.15 82.58 99 98.18 98.71 97.3 98.37 99.73 93.79 98.42 20153 18809 1106 4096 725 4548 731 29691 18559 21360 5068 486 364.9 2513 1642 14670 15713 1184 8754 2859 1001 886 2938 1325.3 34446 980 17095 2816 977 23004 181 170756 14077 1418 916 2462 1868 5189 6831 2509 1455 3474 5004 2184 3445 27016 3918 406 TEX TFX TG TGI TGNA TGT THC THG THO THRM THS TIF TILE TIME TJX TKR TLMR TLN TLRD TMK TMO TMP TMST TNC TNGO TOL TPH TPX TR TREE TREX TRIP TRMB TRMK TRN TROW TRST TRV TSCO TSN TSO TSRA TSS TTC TTEC TTEK TTI TTMI Terex Corp Teleflex Inc Tredegar Corp Triumph Group Inc. TEGNA Inc Target Corp Tenet Healthcare Corp Hanover Insurance Group Inc (The) Thor Industries Inc. Gentherm Inc TreeHouse Foods Inc Tiffany & Co. Interface Inc Time Inc TJX Companies Inc (The) Timken Co (The) Talmer Bancorp Inc Talen Energy Corp Tailored Brands Inc Torchmark Corp Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc Tompkins Financial Corp TimkenSteel Corp Tennant Co Tangoe Inc Toll Brothers Inc. TRI Pointe Group Inc Tempur Sealy International Inc Tootsie Roll Industries Inc. LendingTree Inc Trex Co Inc TripAdvisor Inc Trimble Navigation Ltd Trustmark Corp Trinity Industries Inc. T. Rowe Price Group Inc TrustCo Bank Corp NY Travelers Companies Inc (The) Tractor Supply Co Tyson Foods Inc. Tesoro Corp Tessera Technologies Inc Total System Services Inc. Toro Co (The) TeleTech Holdings Inc Tetra Tech Inc TETRA Technologies Inc. TTM Technologies Inc 95.7 99.56 81.84 90.69 99.6 94.71 84.4 98.55 95.38 97.89 96.96 93.76 96.66 99.45 99.2 89.24 96.78 96.78 77.61 97.9 99.63 76.31 86.61 98.02 94.85 91.23 96.78 79.77 41.85 51.14 98.51 78.08 99.59 98.55 98.43 96.32 92.84 99.49 99.35 79.84 94.13 83.83 97.12 97.2 33.99 98.79 95.63 64.55 2450 4537 693 2764 7003 46697 4153 3015 3008 1310.91 3834 11207 1044 2729 45426 3371 1325.3 1325.3 2235 6472 50087 760 1232 1200 444 6060 1325.3 3352 1883 466.4 1361.09 9577 6196 1441 4116 20554 610 33129 11089 14624 10373 1954 6583 3614 1077 1441 393 579 TTWO TUES TUMI TUP TWC TWI TWX TXN TXRH TXT TYC TYL TYPE UA UAL UBA UBSI UCBI UDR UE UEIC UFCS UFI UFPI UFS UGI UHS UHT UIHC ULTI UMBF UMPQ UNF UNFI UNH UNM UNP UNT UPS URBN URI USB USCR USPH UTEK UTHR UTI UTX Take-Two Interactive Software Inc Tuesday Morning Corp. Tumi Holdings Inc Tupperware Brands Corp Time Warner Cable Inc Titan International Inc Time Warner Inc Texas Instruments Inc Texas Roadhouse Inc Textron Inc Tyco International Plc Tyler Technologies Inc. Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc Under Armour Inc United Continental Holdings Inc Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc. United Bankshares Inc United Community Banks Inc UDR Inc Urban Edge Properties Universal Electronics Inc United Fire Group Inc UNIFI INC. Universal Forest Products Inc Domtar Corp UGI Corp Universal Health Services Inc. Universal Health Realty Income Trust United Insurance Holdings Corp Ultimate Software Group Inc (The) UMB Financial Corp Umpqua Holdings Corp UniFirst Corp United Natural Foods Inc Unitedhealth Group Inc Unum Group Union Pacific Corp Unit Corp United Parcel Service Inc Urban Outfitters Inc United Rentals Inc. U.S. Bancorp US Concrete Inc US Physical Therapy Inc Ultratech Inc United Therapeutics Corp Universal Technical Institute Inc. United Technologies Corp 91.83 96.24 82.5 98.63 99.88 74.81 99.82 99.56 88.46 99.67 99.52 95.39 97.93 81.83 99.74 82.8 90.08 81.61 98.67 99.52 97.22 83.19 79.18 96.38 94.53 99.04 90.79 92.11 79.61 97.06 83.07 92.69 74.11 96.38 98.39 99.42 99.55 92.87 77.52 74.62 99.14 99.77 69.55 90.27 81.43 92.96 73.13 92.75 2629 776 1538.59 3406 38225 479 65617 55942 2334 11755 17133 3503 1134 15403 25648.1 771 2343 1055 8488 2365 1007 700 586 1000 2469 6372 10147 695 511 4193 2209 3415 2334 3864 102213 7825 104421 1476 89747 4681 8109 74851 354.03 475.8 451 6695 203 104640 UVE UVV V VAC VAL VAR VASC VDSI VECO VFC VIAB VIAV VICR VIVO VLO VLY VMC VMI VNO VOXX VRA VRSK VRSN VRTS VRTU VRTV VRTX VSAT VSH VSI VSTO VTR VVC VVI VZ WAB WABC WAFD WAGE WAT WBA WBS WCG WCN WD WDC WDFC WDR Universal Insurance Holdings Universal Corp Visa Inc Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corp Valspar Corp (The) Varian Medical Systems Inc Vascular Solutions Inc VASCO Data Security International Inc Veeco Instruments Inc V.F. Corp Viacom Inc Viavi Solutions Inc Vicor Corp. Meridian Bioscience Inc Valero Energy Corp Valley National Bancorp Vulcan Materials Co Valmont Industries Inc Vornado Realty Trust VOXX International Corp Vera Bradley Inc Verisk Analytics Inc Verisign Inc Virtus Investment Partners Inc Virtusa Corp Veritiv Corp Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc ViaSat Inc. Vishay Intertechnology Inc. Vitamin Shoppe Inc Vista Outdoor Inc Ventas Inc. Vectren Corp Viad Corp Verizon Communications Inc Wabtec Corp Westamerica Bancorporation Washington Federal Inc. WageWorks Inc Waters Corp Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc Webster Financial Corp WellCare Health Plans Inc Waste Connections Inc. Walker & Dunlop Inc Western Digital Corp WD-40 Co Waddell & Reed Financial Inc. 87.53 98.5 79.86 81.67 91.83 99.73 95.4 73.76 98.84 99.33 89.27 99.67 42.52 98.61 99.44 95.46 99.36 93.16 90.17 82.03 53.72 98.94 99.26 96.93 89.62 36.24 99.28 55.85 91.02 97.38 88.5 99.43 99.7 95.83 99.89 94.12 95.6 98.64 99.74 95.66 79.05 98.58 92.45 99.34 63.69 99.69 94.28 95.91 797 931 157016 2524 6859 9343 468.22 853 1174 29944 26238 2819 415 720 27664 2108 9286 2956 20733 193 772.72 10653.98 6648 1229 1079 814 26628 2634 2008 1305 2912 23490 3953 541 189925 8032 1047 1937 1943 9910 69741 2750 3197 5364 564.66 22752 1202 3759 WEC WEN WERN WETF WEX WFC WFM WGL WGO WHR WIBC WIRE WLTW WM WMB WMT WNR WOOF WOR WPG WPX WR WRB WRI WRK WRLD WSM WSO WST WTFC WTR WTS WU WWAV WWD WWE WWW WY WYN WYNN X XEC XEL XL XLNX XOM XOXO XRAY WEC Energy Group Inc Wendy's Co Werner Enterprises Inc. Wisdomtree Investments Inc WEX Inc Wells Fargo & Co Whole Foods Market Inc WGL Holdings Inc. Winnebago Industries Inc. Whirlpool Corp Wilshire Bancorp Inc Encore Wire Corp Willis Towers Watson plc Waste Management Inc. Williams Cos Inc. (The) Wal-Mart Stores Inc Western Refining Inc VCA Inc Worthington Industries Inc. WP GLIMCHER Inc WPX Energy Inc Westar Energy Inc. Berkley (W R) Corp Weingarten Realty Investors WestRock Co World Acceptance Corp Williams-Sonoma Inc. Watsco Inc. West Pharmaceutical Services Inc. Wintrust Financial Corp. Aqua America Inc Watts Water Technologies Inc Western Union Co WhiteWave Foods Co (The) Woodward Inc World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. Wolverine World Wide Inc. Weyerhaeuser Co Wyndham Worldwide Corp Wynn Resorts Ltd United States Steel Corp Cimarex Energy Co. Xcel Energy Inc. XL Group Plc Xilinx Inc. Exxon Mobil Corp XO Group Inc DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc 99.7 74.96 56.02 81.75 98.95 90.37 99.12 99.31 98.44 97.09 89.64 96.57 96.78 99.65 94.14 48.71 73 80.42 73.09 98.98 99.31 99.32 79.84 91.69 98.47 68.99 92.24 71.84 97.76 98.14 99.36 80.51 99.84 98.31 88.86 42.71 96.78 98.19 98.9 79.86 99.29 97.9 99.77 99.1 99.69 99.66 83.33 93.63 12577 3857 2055 2298.52 3578 268445 18775 2862 535 15528 713 635 1325.3 23547 32763 274230 3754 4444 2003 2743 2168 5582 6217 4583 9086 668 7216 3808 3504 2035 4780 2063 8901 5742 2891 913.95 2861 18802 10322 14995 3555 9004 18969 89765 10072 370183 442 7089 XRX XXIA XYL Y YHOO YUM ZBH ZBRA ZEUS ZION ZLTQ ZTS ZUMZ Xerox Corp Ixia Xylem Inc Alleghany Corp Yahoo Inc YUM! Brands Inc. Zimmer Biomet Holdings Inc Zebra Technologies Corp. Olympic Steel Inc Zions Bancorporation ZELTIQ Aesthetics Inc Zoetis Inc Zumiez Inc 93.94 86.65 99.39 95.96 92.2 99.6 99.63 95.05 82.78 97.54 82.36 91.63 72.79 14708 792 6203 7178 43076 31586 18979 4249 151 4864 1217.6 21416 1090Step by Step Solution
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