2. A banking system implemented multilevel security to control access to data. The users in the banking system can have access to the below given table by giving an SQL command through an application. Users and their security level ate mentioned. Each data in the table has its security classification Answer the following questions based on the given information Users_Bank_Mgr- (S), Branch_Mgr(TS), Clerk (0) Table Name: Bank Mast Cut CS109 CSITO CS111 C Cowo Ahmed wiec wwwc Ace Type Current Lo TS Savings is CSIIRU Abdul U Just TS a) Fill in the data that can be accessible by the user according to their security clearance using filtering after executing "Select Cardshoan from Bask_Main where Acc No-'CS111"" Marks CUWA 13 USERS Bank_Mgr Clerk Branch_Mgr b) Identify the apparent key for the above table (Bank Main) and give ther? [ Marks 2. A banking system implemented multilevel security to control access to data. The users in the banking system can have access to the below given table by giving an SQLcommand through an application. Users and their security level ate mentioned. Each data in the table has its security classification. Answer the following questions based on the given information Lisers_Bank_Mgr - (S), Branch_Mgr(TS), Clerk (U) Lable Name: Bank Masi Acc_Type Current Curso CS109 CSI10C CSIC CUWA - Ahmed C wotec uve Abdul U Loan TS Savings TS CSITU Joint TS ) Fill in the data that can be accessible by the user according to their security clearance using filtering after executing "Select Cars from Bank_Main where Ace_Now'CS111: 13 Marks CUWS Ace Type USERS Bank_Mgr Clerk Branch Mgr b) Identify the apparent key for the above table (Bank Main) and give the reason? [1 Marks) 2. A banking system implemented multilevel security to control access to data. The users in the banking system can have access to the below given table by giving an SQL command through an application. Users and their security level are mentioned. Each data in the table has its security classification. Answer the following questions based on the given information. Users: Bank_Mgr - (S), Branch_Mgr(TS), Clerk (U) Table Name : Bank Mast Cust.de Cust. Name Ace_Type CS109 C Ahmed C Current S CS110C Taqdeer C Loan TS CS111 C Hanadi C Savings TS CS112 U Joint TS Abdul a) Fill in the data that can be accessible by the user according to their security clearance using filtering after executing "Select Cust.Name.Ass Type from Bank_Main where Acc_No='CS111';" [3 Marks) USERS Cust. Same Acc_Type Bank_Mgr Clerk Branch_Mgr b) Identify the apparent Key for the above table (Bank Main) and give the reason? [1 Marks)