2. Distinguish between master and auxillary status traits (Becker, p. 309). Which of the two most likely applies to the status of career criminal Master status is status that overrides all others in perceived importance .The master status , whether ascribed status or achieved status , overshadows all other social positions of the status . Master status is significant for social identity. Race or ethnic group and ethnic identity, sexual orientation and religion are some stand out examples of master status .The master status is the role to which one most relates the view of oneself .Criminal is an example of a master status that determines the community's identification of an individual . Sociologists use both the concepts of class and status to describe the systems of social stratication .The term master status was coined by Everett Hughes .Gender , age , and race are also common master statuses ,where a person feels the strongest allegiance to their core defining characteristics .Regardless of what master status a person identies with , it is often largely due to extenlal social forces like socialization and social interaction with others , which shape how we see and understand ourselves and our relationships with others .A status that dominates others and thereby determines a person's general position in society .Auxiliary traits are linked to master statuses , common preconceptions that people associate with these statuses . If individuals used the dominant function all the time , they would be one sided , always taking in information and never making decisions or always rushing to decisions and not stopping to take in information .Therefore ,there is a second preferred function called the auxiliary function .The auxiliary can be thought of as the rst mate on the ship where