2) In the Action Menu program, ensure that if the user enters any command that is not allowed, the program will treat that input accordingly printing a message "that is not a valid command" and finish execution there. Also, include exception handling 3) Review the Reggaeton Generator program and ensure that each part is a single text string. E.g. the Stanza has to be a single string not a series of print statements. A helpful command for that is the In newline escape character. So by typing "In" you will introduce a new line in your text string 4) In the Reggaeton Generator program, pick any of the choices (noun, verb, etc) and make the user decide which word to use. The user should be able to choose any word from the list of available words. The song will need to use those 5 parts, in whatever order you decide, repeated as many times as you want. Also, your program will have a list of available choices for each word type and in the song you create one word from each type will be randomly selected: - Noun - MAMI, BEBE, PRINCESS, MAMI \#Maml appears twice because it is used a lot in reggaeton - Verb = YO QUIERO, YO PUEDO, YO VENGO A, VOYA - What = ENCENDELTE, AMALTE. LIGAL, JUGAL - Adjective = SUAVE, LENTO, RAPIDO, FUELTE - Time = Hasta que salga el sol, TOda la Noche, Hasta el Amanecel. TOdo el dia - HOW - SIN ANESTECIA SIN COMPROMISO. FEIS TO FEIS, SIN MIEDO So when running your program the song generated will contain for instance: PRINCESS, YO QUIERO, ENCENDELTE, LENTO, TODO EL DIA. SIN ANESTECIA Before typing the song, the program must display the words chosen and ask the user if the choice is fine. If it is, then the song will be displayed. If not, another random set of words would have to be chosen and then the song would be displayed