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$200,000 Calculating EPS and Multiple Securities At the end of 2020, the records of Wolverine Corporation reflected the following. Common stock, $10 par; authorized 40,000

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$200,000 Calculating EPS and Multiple Securities At the end of 2020, the records of Wolverine Corporation reflected the following. Common stock, $10 par; authorized 40,000 shares: issued and outstanding throughout the year, 20,000 shares Preferred stock, $50 par, 7%, cumulative, convertible into common stock, share for share; authorized, 4,000 shares; issued and outstanding throughout year, 800 shares Contributed capital in excess of par, common stock Retained earnings (no dividends declared during the year) Bonds payable, 10% nonconvertible, issued at par in 2016 Net income Stock options outstanding (all year for 4,000 shares of common stock at $15 per share) Income tax rate, 25% Average market price of the common stock during 2020, $25 per share 40,000 32,000 188,000 60,000 36,000 Required a. Is this a simple or a complex capital structure? Complex structure - b. Compute the required EPS amounts. Note: Enter the earnings per share amounts in dollars and cents, rounded to the nearest penny. Note: If an amount is not required, leave the answer blank (zero). Net Income Available to Weighted Avg. Common Common Stockholders Shares Outstanding 0 0 $ Per Share Basic EPS $ o o Diluted EPS $ 0 0 $

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