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26 27 4. Loungewear Department: After Mother's Day this year, the loungewear ment had customer returns of 8.5%. The department's gross sales amounted to

26 27 4. Loungewear Department: After Mother's Day this year, the loungewear ment had customer returns of 8.5%. The department's gross sales amounted to $835,380. As the buyer reviewed last year's figures for the same period, the customer returns were 10.5%, with gross sales of $726,149. Compute the department's performance in dollars and percentages for this year and last year, with regard to gross sales, customer returns, and net sales. 28 29 30 Loungeware net sales 31 Customer returns 32 Loungewear gross sales 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 5. I owel Department Net Sales: Ine tower department represents 2% of total store sales, which are $3,500,000. What are the net sales planned for the towel department? Total store sales % to total Towel department net sales LY % 89.5% TY % 10.5% 91.50% 8.5% $726,149.00 100.0% $835,380.00 100.00% $3,500,000 2.0% 40 41 42 43 44 6. Shoes/Sneakers Net Sales: Casual sneaker sales represent 4.5% and athletic shoe sales represent 8.2% of total store sales. If total store sales are $960,000, what are the dollar sales for each department? Total store sales % to total Sneakers/shoes net sales Casual Sneakers $960,000 4.5% Athletic Shoes $960,000 8.2% 45 46 Cost of Goods Sold Practice Problems 47 48 49 50 51 7.Total Billed Cost: The girls' buyer placed an order for the following merchandise: 150 sweaters with a billed cost of $7.75 each 175 knit tops with a billed cost of $4.50 each 250 leggings with a billed cost of $5.25 each 52 Calculate the total billed cost for this order. 53 54 55 Sweaters 56 Knit Tops 57 Leggings # Units Billed cost Total costs 150 $7.75 175 $4.50 250 $5.25 58 Total 59 8.Total Cost of Merchandise: A gift shop has workroom costs of $575. The billed cost of merchandise sold amounted to $59,000, with cash discounts earned of $1,180 and freight charges of $650. Find the total cost of the merchandise. 60 61 62 63 Total Cost of Merchandise 64 Gross Margin Practice Problems 65 Billed cost $59,000 Shipping $650 Workroom costs $575 Discounts Total cost $1,180 66 67 68 9. Gross Margin: Calculate the gross margin in dollars and percentage for the home department if: Net sales $149,000 Billed cost of merchandise = $84,250 69 70 Cost discount=6.5% Shipping charges = $840 71 72 73 COGS Billed Cost $84,250 Cost Discount % Cost Discount $ 6.50% Shipping $840 COGS 74 75 N $149,000 76 77 || $0 al Cost and Percentage
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