3. [16 marks] The snippets of code below show Timero being used to time the execution of sections of code and the results for time and flag. In each case determine the minimum amount of time for the code to run in Toy and seconds. Read the code carefully! Show your work. Unsigned int time, Flag set_osc_32MHz(); OpenTimer (TIMER_INT_OPE & TO_SOURCE_INT 6 TO_16BIT 6 TO_PS_1_16); TMROIE - 0; WriteTimer0(0); // code to time time - ReadTimer00); flag - TMROIE; printf("u tu, time, f1 37346 0 TO SOURCE INT 6 TO 16BIT 6 TOPS 14); unsigned int time, flag: set_OSC8MHz(); Open Timer (TIMER_INTOFF TMROIF - 0; WriteTimer (0) // code to time time = Readiner(); flag - TROIF; printf("%u&u", time, 47000 1 TO_16BIT 6 TO_PS_1_2); unsigned int time, Elag; set Osc_1MHz(); OpenTimer (TIMER_INT_OFF 6 TO_SOURCE_INT TMROIF = 0; WriteTimero (30000); // code to time time - Readinero); flag - TMROIE; printf("u tu", time, flag); 60000 1 unsigned int time, flag: setosc BMHz(); OpenTimero(TIMER_INT_OFF & TO_SOURCE_INT TMRDIF - 0; Write Timer0(0); // code to time TO_8BIT 5 TO_PS_1_4): time - ReadTimero): flag - TMROIF printf("lu tu", tine, flag); 157 1 3. [16 marks] The snippets of code below show Timero being used to time the execution of sections of code and the results for time and flag. In each case determine the minimum amount of time for the code to run in Toy and seconds. Read the code carefully! Show your work. Unsigned int time, Flag set_osc_32MHz(); OpenTimer (TIMER_INT_OPE & TO_SOURCE_INT 6 TO_16BIT 6 TO_PS_1_16); TMROIE - 0; WriteTimer0(0); // code to time time - ReadTimer00); flag - TMROIE; printf("u tu, time, f1 37346 0 TO SOURCE INT 6 TO 16BIT 6 TOPS 14); unsigned int time, flag: set_OSC8MHz(); Open Timer (TIMER_INTOFF TMROIF - 0; WriteTimer (0) // code to time time = Readiner(); flag - TROIF; printf("%u&u", time, 47000 1 TO_16BIT 6 TO_PS_1_2); unsigned int time, Elag; set Osc_1MHz(); OpenTimer (TIMER_INT_OFF 6 TO_SOURCE_INT TMROIF = 0; WriteTimero (30000); // code to time time - Readinero); flag - TMROIE; printf("u tu", time, flag); 60000 1 unsigned int time, flag: setosc BMHz(); OpenTimero(TIMER_INT_OFF & TO_SOURCE_INT TMRDIF - 0; Write Timer0(0); // code to time TO_8BIT 5 TO_PS_1_4): time - ReadTimero): flag - TMROIF printf("lu tu", tine, flag); 157 1