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3 Saleh is married (spouse does not work). claims two dependents who are under the age of 17. What is the amount of federal income

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3 Saleh is married (spouse does not work). claims two dependents who are under the age of 17. What is the amount of federal income tax withholding under the following conditions? Assume Saleh has only one job or that step 2 of Form W-4 is not checked. Use the Percentage Method Tables for Manual Payroll Systems with Forms W-4 from 2020 or later. Required: .. Saleh is paid semimonthly, and the gross pay is $3.705 per paycheck. b. Saleh is paid monthly, and the gross pay is $6.970 per paycheck. c. Saleh is paid weekly, and the gross pay is $5,020 per paycheck. Note: For all requirements, round your Intermediate computations and final answers to 2 decimal places. eBOOK Amount a. Federal income tax withholdings b. Federal income tax withholdings c. Federal income tax withholdings 2021 Percentage Method Tables for Manual Payroll Systems With Forms W-4 From 2020 or Later MONTHLY Payroll Period STANDARD Withholding Rate Schedules Form W-4, Step 2, Checkbox, Withholding Rate Schedules (Use these if the box in Step 2 of Form W-4 is NOT checked) (Use these if the box in Step 2 of Form W-4 IS checked) If the Adjusted Wage Amount If the Adjusted Wage Amount (line 1h) is: The tentative of the amount that (line 1h) is: The tentative of the amount that But less than amount to Plus this the Adjusted Wage But less than amount to Plus this the Adjusted Wage At least- withhold is: percentage- exceeds- At least- withhold is: percentage- exceeds- A B D E A B D E Married Filing Jointly Married Filing Jointly So $ 2,092 $ 0.00 0% SO $0 $ 1,046 $ 0.00 0% $0 $ 2,092 $ 3,750 $ 0.00 10% $ 2,092 $ 1,046 $ 1,875 $ 0.00 10% $ 1,046 $3,750 $ 8,846 $ 165.80 12% $3,750 $ 1,875 $ 4,423 $ 82.90 12% $ 1,875 $ 8,846 $ 16,488 $777.32 22% $ 8,846 $ 4,423 $ 8,244 $ 388.66 22% $ 4,423 $ 16,488 $ 29,579 $ 2.458.56 24% $ 16,488 $ 8,244 $ 14,790 S 1.229.28 24% $ 8.244 $ 29,579 $ 36,996 $ 5,600.40 32% $ 29,579 $ 14,790 $ 18,498 $ 2.800.32 32% $ 14,790 $ 36,996 $ 54,450 $ 7,973.84 35% $36.996 S 18.498 $ 27,225 $ 3,986.88 35% $ 18,498 $ 54,450 $ 14,082.74 37% $ 54.450 $ 27,225 $ 7,041.33 37% $ 27,225 Single or Married Filing Separately Single or Married Filing Separately SO $ 1,046 $ 0.00 0% SO SO $ 523 $ 0.00 0% SO $1,046 $ 1,875 $ 0.00 10% $ 1,046 $ 523 $938 $ 0.00 10% $ 523 $ 1,875 $ 4,423 $ 82.90 12% $ 1,875 $ 938 $ 2,211 $ 41.50 12% $ 938 $ 4,423 S 8,244 $ 388.66 22% $ 4,423 $ 2.211 $ 4,122 $ 194.26 22% $ 2,211 $ 8,244 $ 14,790 $ 1,229.28 24% S 8,244 $ 4,122 $ 7,395 $614.68 24% $ 4,122 $ 14,790 $ 18,498 $ 2.800.32 32% $ 14,790 $ 7,395 $ 9,249 S 1,400.20 32% $ 7,395 $ 18,498 $ 44.679 $ 3,986.88 35% $ 18,498 $ 9,249 $ 22,340 $ 1.993.48 35% $ 9,249 $ 44,679 $ 13,150.23 37% $ 44.679 $ 22,340 $ 6,575.33 37% $ 22,340 Head of Household Head of Household SO $ 1,567 $ 0.00 0% SO SO $ 783 $ 0.00 0% SO $ 1,567 $ 2,750 $ 0.00 10% $1,567 $ 783 $1,375 $ 0.00 10% $ 783 $ 2,750 $ 6,083 $ 118.30 12% $ 2,750 $ 1,375 $3,042 $ 59.20 12% $ 1.375 $ 6,083 S 8,763 $ 518.26 22% $6,083 $ 3,042 $ 4,381 $ 259.24 22% $ 3,042 $ 8,763 $ 15,308 $ 1,107.86 24% $ 8,763 $ 4,381 $ 7,654 $ 553.82 24% $ 4.381 $ 15,308 $ 19,017 $ 2,678.66 32% $ 15,308 $ 7,654 $ 9,508 $ 1,339.34 32% $ 7,654 $ 19,017 $ 45,200 $ 3,865.54 35% $ 19,017 $ 9,508 $ 22,600 $ 1,932.62 35% $9,508 $ 45,200 $ 13,029.59 37% $ 45,200 $ 22,600 $ 6,514.82 37% $ 22,600 2021 Percentage Method Tables for Manual Payroll Systems With Forms W-4 From 2020 or Later SEMIMONTHLY Payroll Period STANDARD Withholding Rate Schedules Form W-4, Step 2, Checkbox, Withholding Rate Schedules (Use these if the box in Step 2 of Form W-4 is NOT checked) (Use these if the box in Step 2 of Form W-4 IS checked) If the Adjusted Wage Amount If the Adjusted Wage Amount (line 1h) is: The tentative of the amount that (line 1h) is: The tentative of the amount that But less than amount to Plus this the Adjusted Wage But less than amount to Plus this the Adjusted Wage At least- withhold is: percentage- exceeds- At least- withhold is: percentage- exceeds- A B D E A B D E Married Filing Jointly Married Filing Jointly SO $ 1,046 $ 0.00 0% $0 SO $ 523 $ 0.00 0% $0 SO S 1,046 $ 1,875 $ 0.00 10% S 1,046 S 523 $ 938 $ $ 0.00 10% $ 523 S 1,875 $ 4,423 $ 82.90 12% $ 1.875 S 938 $ 2,211 $ 41.50 12% $ 938 $ 4,423 $ 8.244 $ 388.66 229% $ 4.423 $ 2,211 $ 4,122 $ 194.26 22% $ 2,211 $ 8,244 $ 14.790 $ 1,229.28 24% $ 8.244 $ 4.122 $ 7,395 $ 614.68 24% $ 4,122 $ 14,790 $ 18,498 $ 2,800.32 32% $ 14,790 $ 7,395 $ 9.249 $ 1,400.20 32% $ 7,395 $ 18,498 $ 27,225 $ 3,986.88 35% $ 18,498 $ 9,249 $ 13,613 $ 1,993.48 35% $ 9,249 $ 27,225 $ 7,041.33 37% $ 27,225 $ 13,613 $ 3,520.88 % 37% $ 13,613 Single or Married Filing Separately Single or Married Filing Separately SO $ 523 $ 0.00 0% $0 SO $ 261 $ 0.00 0% SO $ 523 $ 938 $ 0.00 10% $ 523 S 261 $ 469 $ 0.00 % 10% $ 261 $938 $ 2,211 $ 41.50 12% $938 $ 469 $ 1,106 $ 20.80 12% $ 469 $ 2,211 $ 4,122 $ 194.26 % 22% $ 2,211 $ 1,106 $ 2,061 S 97.24 22% $1,106 $ 4,122 $ 7,395 $ 614.68 24% $ 4,122 $ 2,061 $ 3,697 $ 307.34 24% $ 2,061 $ 7,395 S 9,249 $ 1,400.20 32% $ 7,395 $ 3,697 $ 4,624 S 699.98 32% $ 3,697 $ 9,249 $ 22,340 $ 1,993.48 35% $ 9,249 $ 4,624 $ 11,170 $ 996.62 35% $ 4,624 $ 22,340 $6,575.33 % 37% $ 22,340 $ 11,170 $ 3,287.72 37% $ 11,170 Head of Household Head of Household $0 $ 783 $ 0.00 0% SO SO $ 392 $ 0.00 0% SO $ 783 $1,375 $ 0.00 10% $ 783 $ 392 $ 688 $ 0.00 10% $ 392 $ 1,375 $ 3,042 $59.20 12% $ 1,375 S 688 $ 1,521 $ 29.60 12% S 688 $ $ 3,042 $4.381 $ 259.24 22% $ 3,042 $ 1,521 $ 2,191 S 129.56 22% $ 1,521 $ 4,381 $ 7,654 $ 553.82 24% $4.381 $ 2.191 $ 3,827 $ 276.96 24% $ 2,191 $ 7,654 $ 9,508 $ 1,339.34 32% $ 7,654 $ 3,827 $ 4,754 $ 669.60 32% $3,827 $ 9,508 $ 22,600 $ 1,932.62 % 35% $ 9,508 $ 4,754 S 11.300 $ 966.24 35% $4,754 $ 22,600 $6,514.82 37% $ 22.600 $ 11,300 $ 3.257.34 37% $ 11,300 2021 Percentage Method Tables for Manual Payroll Systems With Forms W-4 From 2020 or Later WEEKLY Payroll Period STANDARD Withholding Rate Schedules Form W-4, Step 2, Checkbox, Withholding Rate Schedules (Use these if the box in Step 2 of Form W-4 is NOT checked) (Use these if the box in Step 2 of Form W-4 IS checked) If the Adjusted Wage Amount If the Adjusted Wage Amount (line 1h) is: The tentative of the amount that (line 1h) is: The tentative of the amount that But less than amount to Plus this the Adjusted Wage But less than amount to Plus this the Adjusted Wage At least- withhold is: percentage exceeds- At least- withhold is: percentage exceeds- A B D D E E A B B D D E Married Filing Jointly Married Filing Jointly SO $ 483 $ 0.00 0% SO SO $ 241 $ 0.00 0% SO $ 483 $ 865 $ 0.00 10% $ 483 $ 241 $ 433 $ 0.00 10% $ $ 241 $ 865 $ 2.041 $ 38.20 12% S 865 $ 433 $ 1,021 S 19.20 12% $ 433 $ 2,041 $ 3,805 $ 179.32 22% $ 2,041 $ 1,021 $ 1,902 $ 89.76 22% $ 1,021 $ 3.805 $6,826 $ 567.40 24% $ 3,805 $ 1.902 $ 3.413 $ 283.58 24% $ 1,902 $6,826 $ 8,538 $ 1.292.44 32% $6,826 $ 3,413 $ 4.269 $646.22 32% $3,413 $ 8,538 S 12.565 $ 1,840.28 35% $ 8,538 $ 4,269 $ 6.283 $ 920.14 35% $ 4,269 $ 12,565 $ 3.249.73 37% $ 12,565 $ 6,283 $ 1,625.04 37% $ 6,283 Single or Married Filing Separately Single or Married Filing Separately SO $ 241 $ 0.00 0% % 0 SO SO $ 121 $ 0.00 0% SO $ 241 $ 433 $ 0.00 10% $ 241 S 121 $ 216 $ 0.00 10% $ 433 $ 1,021 $ 19.20 12% $ 433 $ 216 $ 510 $9.50 12% $ $ 216 $ 1,021 $ 1,902 $ 89.76 22% $ 1,021 S 510 $ 951 $ 44.78 22% $ 510 $ 1,902 S 3.413 S 283.58 24% $ 1,902 $ 951 $ 1,706 $ 141.80 24% S 951 $ $ 3,413 $ 4,269 S 646.22 32% $ 3,413 $ 1,706 $ 2,134 $ 323.00 32% $ 1,706 $ 4,269 S 10.311 $ 920.14 35% $ 4.269 $ 2,134 $ 5,155 $ 459.96 35% $ 2,134 $ 10,311 $ 3,034.84 37% $ 10,311 $ 5,155 $ 1,517.31 37% $ 5,155 Head of Household Head of Household SO S 362 $ 0.00 0% SO $ SO $ 181 $ 0.00 0% % $0 S 362 $635 S 0.00 10% S 362 $ 181 $ 317 $ 0.00 10% S 181 $ 635 $ 1,404 $ 27.30 12% S 635 $ 317 $ 702 $ 13.60 12% $ 317 $ 1,404 $ 2,022 $ 119.58 22% $ 1,404 $ 702 $ 1,011 $ 59.80 22% $ 702 $ 2,022 $ 3,533 $255.54 24% $ 2,022 $ 1,011 $ 1,766 $ 127.78 24% $3,533 $ 4,388 $ 618.18 32% $ 3,533 $ 1,766 $ 2,194 $ 308.98 32% $ 1,766 $ 4,388 10,431 $ 891.78 35% $ 4,388 $ 2.194 $ 5,215 $ 445.94 35% $ 2.194 $ 10,431 $ 3,006.83 37% S 10,431 $ 5,215 $ 1,503.29 37% $ 5,215 $ 121 $ 1,011

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