3. Use draw.io or any other software to provide a neat graphical representation of your ERD 4- Your database should include no less than 7 entities. 5- Clearly identify the Primary and foreign keys of each entity 6- Clearly provide proper list of attributes for each table to capture your business need 7- Provide proper attribute names, types and formats 8- Write the business rules that will be reflected on your ERD 9. Include with your submission a note pad file with the following SQL statements a. SQL statements to create 3 of the entities that you have decided on. b. SQL statements used to insert at least 5 records in these 3 tables. One of the inserted records should relate to you (have your information. For example if you are working with a student entity one of the student can be you c. 5 different SQL statements that will retrieve data from your database 10- Both files should be named as yourname + ID 11- This assignment should be submitted on or before Friday 12 Feb 10:00 am SAMPLE ERD (you CAN NOT use this example): Below find a sample of an ERD diagram that is designed for ABC College database. It could be used to track various information related to the college's activities. As you can see in the ERD the relationships are clear and the attributes of every entity are properly named. STUDENT student id student, name student address COURSE course name *course, number sches INSTRUCTOR instructor no Instructor name instructor faculty SEAT seat no sent position CASS course name section number num_registered dass date_time SECTION section number PROFESSOR professor_id professorame professor Faculty Assignment 1.2 Your assignment is to provide an ERD design for a database of your choice. You should submit a pdf with the following requirements: 1. Write your name and ID on the document 2. Provide a short narration of the business that you are designing the database model for 3. Use draw.io or any other software to provide a neat graphical representation of your ERD 4. Your database should include no less than 7 entities. 5. Clearly identify the Primary and foreign keys of each entity & Clearly provide proper list of attributes for each table to capture your business need 7. Provide proper attribute names, types and formats 8. Write the business rules that will be reflected on your ERD 9. Include with your submission a note pad file with the following SQL statements a. SQL statements to create 3 of the entities that you have decided on. b. SQL statements used to insert at least 5 records in these 3 tables. One of the inserted records should relate to you (have your information. For example if you are working with a student entity one of the student can be you c. 5 different SQL statements that will retrieve data from your database 10- Both files should be named as yourname + ID 11- This assignment should be submitted on or before Friday 12 Feb 10:00 am SAMPLE ERD (you CAN NOT use this example): Below find a sample of an ERD diagram that is designed for ABC College database. It could be used to track various information related to the college's activities. As you can see in the ERD the relationships are clear and the attributes of every entity are properly named. STUDENT studenti studentame COURSE Course name Cumber INSTRUCTOR intruder structor name SEAT CLASS curame Section number numregistered de date_time position SECTION section Number PROFESSOR pred professorame