3) We first change the entry in the empty-looking cells to any visible entry, such as letter 2. It is recommended to use a letter instead of a number in order to avoid any potential mix-up with actual expenditure data. Highlight the block A22C1267. Go to Find 8! Select. Choose Replace. Do not type anything in \"Find what\". Type any letter (say, 2] in "Replace with\". Tick "Match entire cell contents\". Click Replace All. Now you'll see all previously empty looking cells contain the letter you used. Do not close the "Find and Replace" menu yet. 4) Now, type the letter you used in \"Find what\". Then, delete the letter in \"Replace with\". Click Replace All. Now you'll see the letter entries are gone, and the cells are looking empty again. Do the same procedure as Step 2 above to check if you've successfully removed zero-length strings. You should get TRUE this time. This procedure exploits the fact that the Find and Replace function cannot distinguish between zero length and true blank and that no entry in "Replace with\" returns true blank. Admittedly. the procedure is long-winded, but is necessary for handling empty-looking non-blank cells (which, if not eliminated, will frustrate you during data analysis). Task 3.2 a] Produce a table of descriptive statistics to understand the distribution of each of the 3 expenditure variables. (Hint: Excel's Data Analysis will not produce some of the useful statistics you've learned.) bl Also produce a chart presenting 3 box-whiskers plots. cl Discuss the distributions of the 3 expenditure variables. using the statistics and chart that you produced above. {Hinrz Your discussion will become systematic if you talk about central location, symmetry and spread. Write one short paragraph about each of those three distributional features. Within each paragraphI in addition to discussing each variable's distribution, do not forget to point out differences and similarities across the 3 expenditure variables.) Task 3.3 Does the average educational expenditure per primary school child exceed $00,000 riels per academic year in Cambodia? Support your answer by providing a step-by-step hypothesis test at the 5% level of significance. Task 4. Exploring the muses of education-related expenditures The team now would like to conduct preliminary analysis on the determinants of household expenditure on school education. The members discussed potential factors affecting household expenditures on child education and. as a result, formulated the following linear regression model: Eur = Bo + .3114\": + BZMUI + 33K\" + syli + BSCH + 5 with EU: denoting the total expenditure on the education ofchildi in household I1 (in rielsJ, A\