33. The amortization period is the length of time it takes to repay a mortgage loan in full on a payment schedule. 34. An acceleration clause permits the mortgagee to demand immediate payment of the full amount of the loan in the event of a default. 33. A flared tenancy is a lease for an indefinite period of time. 36. A lease gives a tenant possession of the property while that landlord maintains ownership. 3?. En assigrnnent is when the tenant allows another person to occupy their leased premises during the term of the lease. 33. A sublet is when the tenant transfers the tenancy to another person for the remaining term of the lease. 39. Pl trademark protects terms, symbols, and designs that identify a product or company. 4!). The Industrial Desigrrct protects a unique shape, pattern, or element of design of a product. 41. A nondisclosure agreement is method of protecting confidential information. 42. A sole proprietorship is one person carrying on a business alone. _ 43. PaMers share ownership and responsibilities of the business. 44. A sole proprietor does not need legal assistance to register a proprietorship. 45. Unlimited liability means all business and personal assets may be at risk for a business liability. 46. A sole proprietor does not have the responsibility of vicarious liability. 4?. Sam and James opened up an accounting business together. They shared office space and administrative staff. However, they had separate clients. If Sam cheats on his client, then James is not responsible. 43. Pt. corporation is a separate entity with the legal abilities of a natural person. 49. A business can incorporate either provincially or federally. 50. Shares represent a shareholders' ownership interest in a corporation