36% D Fri Sep 174350 PM Capsim Portal x G Keep in mind tha $20.00- $23.33 17,334-19,000 0.5 year away from ideal 0.5 away from ideal 80%-100% 80%-100% Price" $23.34-$26.67 15,667-17,333 1 year away from ideal 0.6-1 away from deal 51%-80% 51%-80% $26.67-$30.00 14,000-15,666 1+ years away from idea 1 away from ideal 0%-50% 0%-50% Overall The top two buyingT criteria is listed in the Capstone Courier Segment Analysis reports) The top two buying ariteria for the The top two buying criteria for the if you are not able to meet sagment were rated A and the awareness and accessbry segment rated B and the the criteria to score an A awareness and accessibility were rated at lst a B or B, then your score wll be a C rated at least a B Keep in mind that consumers want a low priced product with high reliability, so that will Impact the "grade" that is assigned to your High End Price Price Price Price Price Reiabaty Age Age Age Positioning Accessibiuty Overal Overail Overall Overall Overa 8 36% D Fri Sep 174350 PM Capsim Portal x G Keep in mind tha $20.00- $23.33 17,334-19,000 0.5 year away from ideal 0.5 away from ideal 80%-100% 80%-100% Price" $23.34-$26.67 15,667-17,333 1 year away from ideal 0.6-1 away from deal 51%-80% 51%-80% $26.67-$30.00 14,000-15,666 1+ years away from idea 1 away from ideal 0%-50% 0%-50% Overall The top two buyingT criteria is listed in the Capstone Courier Segment Analysis reports) The top two buying ariteria for the The top two buying criteria for the if you are not able to meet sagment were rated A and the awareness and accessbry segment rated B and the the criteria to score an A awareness and accessibility were rated at lst a B or B, then your score wll be a C rated at least a B Keep in mind that consumers want a low priced product with high reliability, so that will Impact the "grade" that is assigned to your High End Price Price Price Price Price Reiabaty Age Age Age Positioning Accessibiuty Overal Overail Overall Overall Overa 8