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4. (12 points) LGS Investment's database contains all of the information on the properties the firm has listed and sold. You are a manger with

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4. (12 points) LGS Investment's database contains all of the information on the properties the firm has listed and sold. You are a manger with this firm and want to use the database to determine the length of time each property was on the market before it sold. You also need to calculate the sales commission from each property sold. Two agents will receive commission on each transaction: the listing agent and the selling agent. You also need to summarize the sales data by employee and calculate the average number of days each employee's sales were on the market prior to selling and the total commission earned by the employees. The attached file Homes.accdb contains three data tables: Agents, Properties, and SubDivision. Create the following three queries: a. A query named Sales Report. This query contains the following fields: LastName from Agents table; DateListed, DateSold, SalePrice, SellingAgent, and ListingAgent from Properties table; Subdivisions from SubDivision table; a calculated field named DaysOnMarket (by subtracting DateListed from DateSold); a calculated field named ListComm (the commissions for listing agents using commission rate of 3.5% of sale price); and a calculated field named SellComm (the commissions for selling agents using commission ra 2.5% of sale price). Add criteria to the query to ensure the DateSold is not empty (in other words, properties that have not been sold). In Datasheet view, add the Total row, which calculates the average number of days on the market and the sum for the SalePrice and the two commission fields. Save the query. b. A copy of the Sales Report query named Sales Summary by Last Name. Remove the DateListed, SellingAgent, ListingAgent, and Subdividiosn fields. Display the Total row. Group by LastName and change the DateSold field Total row to Where, so the condition carries over, Show the sum of SalesPrice, the average of DaysOnMarket, and the sum of both ListComm and SellComm. Change the caption for the SalePrice field to TotalSales. Save the query. c. A copy of the Sales Summary by Last Name query named Sales Summary by Subdivision. Add Subdivision field. Modify the query so the grouping is based on the Subdivision field, not LastName. Sort the query results so the fewest Days of Market is first and the most Days of Market is last. Limit the results to the top five rows. Save the query. of Table Tools Homes (1): Database- CAUierslakingsbulAppDatalLocalPackages\Microsoft.MicroseftEdge_bwekybldibbwelTempState File Home Create External Data Database Tools Fields Table V Tell me what you want to do.. O Replace + Go To X Cut 21 Ascending Y Selection New ousls Calibri 11 Ra Copy Paste Al Descending Advanced Fiter Save Spelling Jiew Refresh Find Format Painter 2 Remove Sort Toggle Fiter All X Delete More A Select Clipboard Sort & Fiter Records Find Text Formatting minws All Access Obje. O I Properties I Agents I SubDivision ID First Name Last Name Home Phone. Title Cell Phone- Performanc- Click to Add Tables Juan Rosario-Galaro 228-9999 President 224-0000 NA Agents 2 Kia Hart 222-9999 Senior Age 224-0001 Excellent I Properties 3 David Royes Yang Good Good 226-9999 Agent 224-0002 SubDivision 4 Ko-Yun 5 Steven 6 Sophia 221-9999 224-0003 Agent Agent Trai Agent Trai Lookabil 222-0000 224-0004 Satisfactory Lee 228-0000 223-0005 Good (New) 3- Homes (1) Datbase CenakingAppoLecalPackageieonohMicresetidgekydtbbweTempeDounloadeHomes (accAccess 2007 -201 efor Tabie e Sign in Etenal Deta Database To Feds Table V Telme wlut you want te do. i Ancending T Selection Tta Replace New Calib Spelling il cending Fie Remove Sort loggle Fiher Advanced Seve Retuch Al XDelete More Find e Select Find let Fermatting Set Recends Properti Age Suboon Lsting Die . - Selling AgerListing Agen Style 1 Ranch 22 Story 4 Spit Level 3 Ranch 4 Split Level 5 Ranch Address Suboivision- City Sold -Date Listed Date Sod Lst Price Sale Price S//2012 7/22/2012 6//2012 - Square Feet Beds Baths 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3Dale City 3 Dale City 3Dale City No 1000 S146.000.00 928 21 2 1166 Avondale 2 1684 Riverdale 2 1166 Slverdale 14530 Oakdale 2 188 Hilendale No SI63,000.00 $170,000.00 $1,000.00 $212,000.00 1000 21 No 1000 20004 3000s 1023 2. No 671 No 4/22/2012 7/4/202 6/22/2012 a/012 6/22/2012 3056 2. 3. Dale City 3 Dale City a Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 1 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 34 Wood Town S239.600.00 1456 2 1255 Copperda 2 142 Gardenda 10006 32 Story 2 Split Foyer 1 Ranch 3 Ranch 22 Story 1 Split Level 2 Ranch 32 Story 4 Split Foyer S Ranch 6 Split Level 6Ranch 42 Story 2 Ranch 10007 S23900.00 1539 20008 $29,600.00 S75,600.00 1012 21 O 1605 Lakedale 2 1775 Jerrydale 1 214 Merrydale 1 209 Avondale 2 1877 Riverdale 2 172 slvendale 1 278 Oakdale 1 2011 Hllendale 1 400 Copperda 1 1422 Gardenda 1 55 Lakedale 1 1426 Jemydale 2 4514 Merryda 1 1721 Avondale 2 760 Riverdale 2 615 Silverdale 1 76 Oakdale 1 2037 Hllendal 2 1727 Copperda 1 205 wedgew 1 145 Welterwo 2 437 Copperwor 1 1009 tgewoo 1 121 idgewoc 1 64 Balsamwo 1 1012 Pinewoor 2 19238 Wedge 1 2429 Bearwoor 14115 Redwood 1 10 gewoo 1 1236 Balamw 2391 wedeewe 10009 1540 10010 /4/2012 $72,500.00 1030 Yes 21 /24/2012 6/22/2012 7/14/2012 2/1/2012 7/16/202 22/2012 22/2012 4/2/2012 7/22/2012 7/2/22 10011 I/2012 S5.000.00 4500 Yes Sass,600.00 30012 1003 1512 No Sas9,400.00 Sa,000.00 $412,000.00 S420,000.00 5420.000.00 10014 2056 No 10015 753 12 No 10017 1043 S420.000.00 S423.600.00 Sa.000.00 $436,000.00 10018 3000 20019 1488 30020 1s/2012 99000 Yes 10021 3 Spit Foyer 4 Split Level 2 Ranch S Ranch 2 Ranch 12 story 42 Story 22 Story 32 Story 4 Split Level S Ranch 0/24/2012 10022 S49,600.00 10023 S//2012 SA9,600.00 1497 20024 7/24/2012 7/25/2012 S440.000.0 21 /2012 S12,900.0 $456.000.00 64 Tes 10006 1749 No /25/2012 7/24/2012 10027 a0/17/2012 $a5,000.00 114000 110 Yes 3008 S471600.00 34 Wood Town No 30029 S476,800.00 100 14 Wood Town 14 Wood Town 1001 12/2012 S4720.00 S44.000.00 5500.000.00 S0.020.00 10/1/2012 Su5.990.00 2100 No 10012 /12/2012 912 14 Wood Town No 100s 12/2012 2767 2. 14 Wood Town No 20054 32 Story 1188 21oc/t1/ 14 Wood Town No 2 Split Foyer 3 Splt Level 3 Ranch S Sphit Level 6 Ranch 22 story 2 Solit Fover 1280 14 Wood Town Yes 4/12/2 /12/2012 1006 S504,420.00 14 Wood Towm 1008 $07,600.00 900 14 Wood Town 100 S0600.00 2200 14 Woed Town 3000 SSas00.00 56.00.00 10042 3/1/2012 14 Wood Town No Seach 14 Wood Town No 11R AM %3D 3- Heme ( Databae C kingApp ecageMoMicontdty TemptateDenadme ( (A 7-2016 e f Heme Eemal Duta Table Tlmewhat Felds nt to de X Cu Sgn in 2 Acendng Decending Adanced- SeRemoe Sot ggle Fi Selection New Ha Capy lom Pinter Cel Go Te- peing Refesh All XDelete Find ww. Sertfer Pnd Set Formattng Jl Access Obie. Pp Apnts Date Listed Subion . Date Sold 0/1/2012 usting Lint Price S12500.00 0/2/2012 S.00.00 Sale Price Square feet Bedh -Address 1 S37 Copperwe 1 9 Wedgew 2 2128 Wedgew 2423 Welterwo 2 304 Pinewoo 1 24 Bearwoe Baths Subbivision City Seling Ager Sold sting Agen 10043 Style 2 Ranch 2 Spln Level 2 Ranch S2 tory 3 Ranch 4 Split Level I Ranch 12ory 125000 1106 21 2012 3/4/2012 10044 14 Wood Town Yes 125000 10046 14 Wood Town 0/1/2012 SA.000.00 0/2/2012 S31.000.00 S,40.00 SS5.0.00 S58,000.00 S540,000.0 Tes 1004 1/2012 14 Wood fown res 12oe 342 14 Wood Town 3/1/2012 3/1/2012 Tes 10 34 Wood Town No 1987 1000 14 Wood Town No 1892 Ohinewoor 14 Wood fown No 1005a /2012 1500 1/2012 $540,000.00 14 Wood Town 2 201 Edgewoo 2 1948 Copper 2 3305 Welterwc 2 209 Redwoor 1 100s Ridgewoc 1 114 Wedgew 128 Sheiterwoo 21 4/2012 14 Wood Town Splt Foyer S541,72.0 N4/2012 14 Wood Town Ranch 120 14 Wood Town W/2012 4/2012 N4/202 4/2012 5/2012 0/1/2012 2 Spt Level 1 p foyer 2 Ranch 22 Shory 3 Ranch 4 Ranch Wood t 14 Wood Town 30060 34 1937 30061 1006 S542.22.0 Sa.000.00 14 Wood town 34 Wood Town 14 Wood Town 14 Wood Town 34 Wood Towm 30064 0/24/202 No 2HIMEdgewe 2 2412 Redwood 2 MIPinewo 4/202 S000.00 2000 100 10 /202 4 Sit foyer 2 Split Level 5 Spit Level S Ranch S59600.00 2000 14 Wood Town 14 Wood Town 14 wood Town 100 4/012 S559600.00 5559.000.c0 3457 10 No. os earwood 107asam 22weter 559.600.00 14 Wood fown 14 Wood Town 34 Wood fown 14 Wood Town 14 Wood Town 10 No Spie Foyer plit Feyer 4 Spt Level 100N Sses40.00 $575,600.00 $575.600 154 No 200 2 10 Copper 2 wede 2 24 a 1 0 Cepper 2 dgrwo 240 Ranch 200 Ss.000 3002 4 Wood Town 10/2/2012 S4.500 S8.000.00 S0.000.00 3 Spi foyer S Ranch 4 Ranch 3004 4 Wood Towm 3/1/212 34 Wood fown S9.600.00 4 Wood Towm Ranch 2453 1000 14 Wood Town S,000.00 S9.600.0 10/22 SL0.0 S.00.0 S4.000.0 4 Ranch 52Story 5 Spt feyer 62 Story 3 Ranch Ranch 2100 2 0 Copperw 1 1 heterw 10091 34 Wood Toown 1009s 4 Wood Town 14 Wood Town Town 14000 2008 100 ves 2 wetert a Copper 2 Cedar Po 2 29 o 21 Manes No 100 14 Wood Town Northem Heigl 6Norhem eig 2200 S5.600.00 2234 6Ranch 5e33.600.0 1story anch 1152 Northem Heet Table lools Homes (1) : Database- CAUserslskingsbulAppDataLocalPackages\Microsoft.MicroseftEdge_Bwekybldtbbwe\TempStatel File Home Create External Data Database Tools Fields Table O Tell me what you want to do. L Ascending otak Replace X Cut a Copy Selection New Calibri 11 Spelling EMore AL Descending Advanced- Save Go To View Paste Filter Refresh Find Format Painter Remove SortT Toggle Fite All X Delete R Select Views Clipboard Sort & Filter Records Find Text Formatting Properties Agents Subdivision- Fair Brook 2 The Orchards No SubDivision All Access Obje. SubDivision Pool Recreation C. Bike Trail Click to Add - Tables Yes No No Agents Yes Yes Properties 3 Dale Yes Yes Yes SubDivision 4 Eagle Valley 5 Fair Brook 6 North Point 7 Red Canyon 8 Seeley Lake 9 The Courses No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 10 The Estates No No No 11 The Orchards Yes Yes Yes 12 The Pines Yes Yes No 13 Water Valley No Yes Yes 14 Wood No No No 4. (12 points) LGS Investment's database contains all of the information on the properties the firm has listed and sold. You are a manger with this firm and want to use the database to determine the length of time each property was on the market before it sold. You also need to calculate the sales commission from each property sold. Two agents will receive commission on each transaction: the listing agent and the selling agent. You also need to summarize the sales data by employee and calculate the average number of days each employee's sales were on the market prior to selling and the total commission earned by the employees. The attached file Homes.accdb contains three data tables: Agents, Properties, and SubDivision. Create the following three queries: a. A query named Sales Report. This query contains the following fields: LastName from Agents table; DateListed, DateSold, SalePrice, SellingAgent, and ListingAgent from Properties table; Subdivisions from SubDivision table; a calculated field named DaysOnMarket (by subtracting DateListed from DateSold); a calculated field named ListComm (the commissions for listing agents using commission rate of 3.5% of sale price); and a calculated field named SellComm (the commissions for selling agents using commission ra 2.5% of sale price). Add criteria to the query to ensure the DateSold is not empty (in other words, properties that have not been sold). In Datasheet view, add the Total row, which calculates the average number of days on the market and the sum for the SalePrice and the two commission fields. Save the query. b. A copy of the Sales Report query named Sales Summary by Last Name. Remove the DateListed, SellingAgent, ListingAgent, and Subdividiosn fields. Display the Total row. Group by LastName and change the DateSold field Total row to Where, so the condition carries over, Show the sum of SalesPrice, the average of DaysOnMarket, and the sum of both ListComm and SellComm. Change the caption for the SalePrice field to TotalSales. Save the query. c. A copy of the Sales Summary by Last Name query named Sales Summary by Subdivision. Add Subdivision field. Modify the query so the grouping is based on the Subdivision field, not LastName. Sort the query results so the fewest Days of Market is first and the most Days of Market is last. Limit the results to the top five rows. Save the query. of Table Tools Homes (1): Database- CAUierslakingsbulAppDatalLocalPackages\Microsoft.MicroseftEdge_bwekybldibbwelTempState File Home Create External Data Database Tools Fields Table V Tell me what you want to do.. O Replace + Go To X Cut 21 Ascending Y Selection New ousls Calibri 11 Ra Copy Paste Al Descending Advanced Fiter Save Spelling Jiew Refresh Find Format Painter 2 Remove Sort Toggle Fiter All X Delete More A Select Clipboard Sort & Fiter Records Find Text Formatting minws All Access Obje. O I Properties I Agents I SubDivision ID First Name Last Name Home Phone. Title Cell Phone- Performanc- Click to Add Tables Juan Rosario-Galaro 228-9999 President 224-0000 NA Agents 2 Kia Hart 222-9999 Senior Age 224-0001 Excellent I Properties 3 David Royes Yang Good Good 226-9999 Agent 224-0002 SubDivision 4 Ko-Yun 5 Steven 6 Sophia 221-9999 224-0003 Agent Agent Trai Agent Trai Lookabil 222-0000 224-0004 Satisfactory Lee 228-0000 223-0005 Good (New) 3- Homes (1) Datbase CenakingAppoLecalPackageieonohMicresetidgekydtbbweTempeDounloadeHomes (accAccess 2007 -201 efor Tabie e Sign in Etenal Deta Database To Feds Table V Telme wlut you want te do. i Ancending T Selection Tta Replace New Calib Spelling il cending Fie Remove Sort loggle Fiher Advanced Seve Retuch Al XDelete More Find e Select Find let Fermatting Set Recends Properti Age Suboon Lsting Die . - Selling AgerListing Agen Style 1 Ranch 22 Story 4 Spit Level 3 Ranch 4 Split Level 5 Ranch Address Suboivision- City Sold -Date Listed Date Sod Lst Price Sale Price S//2012 7/22/2012 6//2012 - Square Feet Beds Baths 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3Dale City 3 Dale City 3Dale City No 1000 S146.000.00 928 21 2 1166 Avondale 2 1684 Riverdale 2 1166 Slverdale 14530 Oakdale 2 188 Hilendale No SI63,000.00 $170,000.00 $1,000.00 $212,000.00 1000 21 No 1000 20004 3000s 1023 2. No 671 No 4/22/2012 7/4/202 6/22/2012 a/012 6/22/2012 3056 2. 3. Dale City 3 Dale City a Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 1 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 3 Dale City 34 Wood Town S239.600.00 1456 2 1255 Copperda 2 142 Gardenda 10006 32 Story 2 Split Foyer 1 Ranch 3 Ranch 22 Story 1 Split Level 2 Ranch 32 Story 4 Split Foyer S Ranch 6 Split Level 6Ranch 42 Story 2 Ranch 10007 S23900.00 1539 20008 $29,600.00 S75,600.00 1012 21 O 1605 Lakedale 2 1775 Jerrydale 1 214 Merrydale 1 209 Avondale 2 1877 Riverdale 2 172 slvendale 1 278 Oakdale 1 2011 Hllendale 1 400 Copperda 1 1422 Gardenda 1 55 Lakedale 1 1426 Jemydale 2 4514 Merryda 1 1721 Avondale 2 760 Riverdale 2 615 Silverdale 1 76 Oakdale 1 2037 Hllendal 2 1727 Copperda 1 205 wedgew 1 145 Welterwo 2 437 Copperwor 1 1009 tgewoo 1 121 idgewoc 1 64 Balsamwo 1 1012 Pinewoor 2 19238 Wedge 1 2429 Bearwoor 14115 Redwood 1 10 gewoo 1 1236 Balamw 2391 wedeewe 10009 1540 10010 /4/2012 $72,500.00 1030 Yes 21 /24/2012 6/22/2012 7/14/2012 2/1/2012 7/16/202 22/2012 22/2012 4/2/2012 7/22/2012 7/2/22 10011 I/2012 S5.000.00 4500 Yes Sass,600.00 30012 1003 1512 No Sas9,400.00 Sa,000.00 $412,000.00 S420,000.00 5420.000.00 10014 2056 No 10015 753 12 No 10017 1043 S420.000.00 S423.600.00 Sa.000.00 $436,000.00 10018 3000 20019 1488 30020 1s/2012 99000 Yes 10021 3 Spit Foyer 4 Split Level 2 Ranch S Ranch 2 Ranch 12 story 42 Story 22 Story 32 Story 4 Split Level S Ranch 0/24/2012 10022 S49,600.00 10023 S//2012 SA9,600.00 1497 20024 7/24/2012 7/25/2012 S440.000.0 21 /2012 S12,900.0 $456.000.00 64 Tes 10006 1749 No /25/2012 7/24/2012 10027 a0/17/2012 $a5,000.00 114000 110 Yes 3008 S471600.00 34 Wood Town No 30029 S476,800.00 100 14 Wood Town 14 Wood Town 1001 12/2012 S4720.00 S44.000.00 5500.000.00 S0.020.00 10/1/2012 Su5.990.00 2100 No 10012 /12/2012 912 14 Wood Town No 100s 12/2012 2767 2. 14 Wood Town No 20054 32 Story 1188 21oc/t1/ 14 Wood Town No 2 Split Foyer 3 Splt Level 3 Ranch S Sphit Level 6 Ranch 22 story 2 Solit Fover 1280 14 Wood Town Yes 4/12/2 /12/2012 1006 S504,420.00 14 Wood Towm 1008 $07,600.00 900 14 Wood Town 100 S0600.00 2200 14 Woed Town 3000 SSas00.00 56.00.00 10042 3/1/2012 14 Wood Town No Seach 14 Wood Town No 11R AM %3D 3- Heme ( Databae C kingApp ecageMoMicontdty TemptateDenadme ( (A 7-2016 e f Heme Eemal Duta Table Tlmewhat Felds nt to de X Cu Sgn in 2 Acendng Decending Adanced- SeRemoe Sot ggle Fi Selection New Ha Capy lom Pinter Cel Go Te- peing Refesh All XDelete Find ww. Sertfer Pnd Set Formattng Jl Access Obie. Pp Apnts Date Listed Subion . Date Sold 0/1/2012 usting Lint Price S12500.00 0/2/2012 S.00.00 Sale Price Square feet Bedh -Address 1 S37 Copperwe 1 9 Wedgew 2 2128 Wedgew 2423 Welterwo 2 304 Pinewoo 1 24 Bearwoe Baths Subbivision City Seling Ager Sold sting Agen 10043 Style 2 Ranch 2 Spln Level 2 Ranch S2 tory 3 Ranch 4 Split Level I Ranch 12ory 125000 1106 21 2012 3/4/2012 10044 14 Wood Town Yes 125000 10046 14 Wood Town 0/1/2012 SA.000.00 0/2/2012 S31.000.00 S,40.00 SS5.0.00 S58,000.00 S540,000.0 Tes 1004 1/2012 14 Wood fown res 12oe 342 14 Wood Town 3/1/2012 3/1/2012 Tes 10 34 Wood Town No 1987 1000 14 Wood Town No 1892 Ohinewoor 14 Wood fown No 1005a /2012 1500 1/2012 $540,000.00 14 Wood Town 2 201 Edgewoo 2 1948 Copper 2 3305 Welterwc 2 209 Redwoor 1 100s Ridgewoc 1 114 Wedgew 128 Sheiterwoo 21 4/2012 14 Wood Town Splt Foyer S541,72.0 N4/2012 14 Wood Town Ranch 120 14 Wood Town W/2012 4/2012 N4/202 4/2012 5/2012 0/1/2012 2 Spt Level 1 p foyer 2 Ranch 22 Shory 3 Ranch 4 Ranch Wood t 14 Wood Town 30060 34 1937 30061 1006 S542.22.0 Sa.000.00 14 Wood town 34 Wood Town 14 Wood Town 14 Wood Town 34 Wood Towm 30064 0/24/202 No 2HIMEdgewe 2 2412 Redwood 2 MIPinewo 4/202 S000.00 2000 100 10 /202 4 Sit foyer 2 Split Level 5 Spit Level S Ranch S59600.00 2000 14 Wood Town 14 Wood Town 14 wood Town 100 4/012 S559600.00 5559.000.c0 3457 10 No. os earwood 107asam 22weter 559.600.00 14 Wood fown 14 Wood Town 34 Wood fown 14 Wood Town 14 Wood Town 10 No Spie Foyer plit Feyer 4 Spt Level 100N Sses40.00 $575,600.00 $575.600 154 No 200 2 10 Copper 2 wede 2 24 a 1 0 Cepper 2 dgrwo 240 Ranch 200 Ss.000 3002 4 Wood Town 10/2/2012 S4.500 S8.000.00 S0.000.00 3 Spi foyer S Ranch 4 Ranch 3004 4 Wood Towm 3/1/212 34 Wood fown S9.600.00 4 Wood Towm Ranch 2453 1000 14 Wood Town S,000.00 S9.600.0 10/22 SL0.0 S.00.0 S4.000.0 4 Ranch 52Story 5 Spt feyer 62 Story 3 Ranch Ranch 2100 2 0 Copperw 1 1 heterw 10091 34 Wood Toown 1009s 4 Wood Town 14 Wood Town Town 14000 2008 100 ves 2 wetert a Copper 2 Cedar Po 2 29 o 21 Manes No 100 14 Wood Town Northem Heigl 6Norhem eig 2200 S5.600.00 2234 6Ranch 5e33.600.0 1story anch 1152 Northem Heet Table lools Homes (1) : Database- CAUserslskingsbulAppDataLocalPackages\Microsoft.MicroseftEdge_Bwekybldtbbwe\TempStatel File Home Create External Data Database Tools Fields Table O Tell me what you want to do. L Ascending otak Replace X Cut a Copy Selection New Calibri 11 Spelling EMore AL Descending Advanced- Save Go To View Paste Filter Refresh Find Format Painter Remove SortT Toggle Fite All X Delete R Select Views Clipboard Sort & Filter Records Find Text Formatting Properties Agents Subdivision- Fair Brook 2 The Orchards No SubDivision All Access Obje. SubDivision Pool Recreation C. Bike Trail Click to Add - Tables Yes No No Agents Yes Yes Properties 3 Dale Yes Yes Yes SubDivision 4 Eagle Valley 5 Fair Brook 6 North Point 7 Red Canyon 8 Seeley Lake 9 The Courses No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 10 The Estates No No No 11 The Orchards Yes Yes Yes 12 The Pines Yes Yes No 13 Water Valley No Yes Yes 14 Wood No No No

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