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4. Identify a specific recommendation 5. Support that recommendation with one piece of evidence to show that it would help resolve the strategic issue Please
4. Identify a specific recommendation 5. Support that recommendation with one piece of evidence to show that it would help resolve the strategic issue
Please answer both answer in paragraph length or longer
McDONALD'S IN 2019* On November 3, 2019, the McDonald's board of directors experiences for our customers," former CEO Steve dismissed Steve Easterbrook over violations of company Easterbrook said in a statement. 2 policy regarding a relationship with an employee and McDonald's has been trying to attract more customers named Chris Kempczinski the new CEO. Kempczinski had to its restaurants by offering more customized products that experience at Kraft Foods and PepsiCo prior to joining are also healthier. It has removed high fructose corn syrup McDonald's in 2015, most recently as president of the USA from its buns, changed from the use of liquid margarine to businessunit.InMarch2019,McDonalds,thelargestrestaurantrealbutter,decidedtousechickenthathasbeenraisedwithoutantibiotics,andtomakeuseofcage-freeeggs.Mike chain, announced it will acquire artificial-intelligence Andres, former president of McDonald's USA explained startup Dynamic Yield, a company focused on personaliza- why the firm has decided to make these changes: "Why take tion and decision logic technology. Access to this technol- a position to defend them if consumers are saying they drive-through menus based on factors such as time of day, These changes are expected to address some of chal- weather, and trending menu items. McDonald's plans to lenges that McDonald's has been facing in many markets, roll out the updated drive-through menus across the United including in the United States, where it has almost 15,000 States during the year. "With this acquisition, we're expand- of its 38,000 mostly franchised restaurants. It has lost a lot ing both our ability to increase the role technology and data of ground with consumers, especially millennials, who are toimplementourvisionofcreatingmorepersonalizedWendysaswellastonewdesignerburgeroutletssuchasFiveGuysandShakeShack.Changingtastesarealsore- EXHIBIT 1 Income Statement (\$ millions) Source: Annual Report of McDonald's Corporation, 2018. EXHIBIT 2 Balance Sheet (\$ millions) Sources: Annual Report. McDonald's Corporation, 2018; Annual Report. McDonald's Corporation, 2019. EXHIBIT 3 Breakdown of Revenues (\$ millions) Source: Annual Report of McDonald's Corporation, 2018. EXHIBIT 4 U.S. Customer Satisfaction Index for Selected Chains Source: American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). EXHIBIT 5 McDonald's Milestones Cantalupo realized that McDonald's often tended to new salad offerings. McDonald's has carried out extensive miss the mark on delivering the critical aspects of consis- experiments and tests with these, deciding to use higher qualtent, fast, and friendly service and an all-around enjoyable ity ingredients, from a variety of lettuces and tasty cherry toexperience for the whole family. He understood that its matoes to sharper cheeses and better cuts of meat. It offered franchisees and employees alike needed to be inspired as a choice of Newman's Own dressings, a well-known higherwell as retrained on their role in putting the smile back into end brand. "Salads have changed the way people think of our McDonald's experience. When Cantalupo and his team brand," said Wade Thoma, vice president for menu developlaid out their turnaround plan in 2003, they stressed upon ment in the U.S. "It tells people that we are very serious getting the basics of service and quality right, in part by re- instituting a tough "up or out" grading system that would about offering things people feel comfortable eating." McDonald's has also been trying to include more fruits kick out underperforming franchisees. "We have to rebuild and vegetables in its well-known and popular Happy Meals. the foundation. It's fruitless to add growth if the foundation It announced in 2011 that it would reduce the amount of is weak," said Cantalupo. 5 French fries and phase out the caramel dipping sauce that off the non-burger chains that the firm had recently ac- of fruits and vegetables has raised the firm's operating quired. He also cut back on the opening of new outlets, fo- costs, because these are more expensive to ship and store cusing instead on generating more sales from its existing because of their more perishable nature. "We are doing outlets. Cantalupo pushed McDonald's to try to draw more what we can," said Danya Proud, a spokesperson for the customers through the introduction of new products. The chain had a positive response to its increased emphasis on "We have to evolve with the times."7 The rollout of new beverages, highlighted by new coffeehealthier foods, led by a revamped line of fancier salads. The based drinks, represented the chain's biggest menu expanrevamped menu was promoted through a new world-wide ad sion in almost three decades. Under a plan to add a McCaf slogan "I'm loving it," which was delivered by pop idol Justin section to all of its nearly 14,000 U.S. outlets, McDonald's Timberlake through a set of MTV style commercials. has been offering lattes, cappuccinos, ice-blended frappes, When Jim Skinner took over from Cantalupo in 2004, he continued to push for McDonald's to change its image. Skinner felt that one of his top priorities was to deal with the growing concerns about the unhealthy image of Refurbishing the Outlets McDonald's, given the rise of obesity in the United States. As part of its turnaround strategy, McDonald's also been These concerns were highlighted in the popular documen- selling off the outlets that it owned. More than 80 percent tary, Super Size Me, made by Morgan Spurlock. Spurlock of its outlets are now in the hands of franchisees and other vividly displayed the health risks that were posed by a affiliates. Skinner began working with the franchisees to adsteady diet of food from the fast food chain. With a rise in dress the look and feel of many of the chain's aging stores. awareness of the high fat content of most of the products Without any changes to their dcor, the firm was likely to offered by McDonald's, the firm was also beginning to face be left behind by other savvier fast food and drink retailers. lawsuits from some of its loyal customers. The firm is in the midst of pushing harder to refurbish-or In response to the growing health concerns, one of the re-image-all of its outlets around the world. "People eat first steps taken by McDonald's was to phase out supersiz- with their eyes first," said Thompson. "If you have a restauing by the end of 2004. The supersizing option allowed cus- rant that is appealing, contemporary, and relevant both tomers to get a larger order of French fries and a bigger soft from the street and interior, the food tastes better."9 1996 drink by paying a little extra. McDonald's also announced The re-imaging concept was first tried in France in 1996 that it intended to start providing nutrition information on by Dennis Hennequin, an executive in charge of the chain's the packaging of its products. The information was easy to European operations, who felt that the effort was essential read and would tell customers about the calories, fat, pro- to revive the firm's sagging sales. "We were hip 15 years ago, tein, carbohydrates, and sodium that are in each product. but I think we lost that," he said. 10 McDonald's has been apFinally, McDonald's also began to remove the artery- plying the re-imaging concept to its outlets around the world, clogging trans fatty acids from the oil that it used to make with a budget of more than half of its total annual capital its French fries and subsequently announced plans to re- expenditures. In the United States, the changes cost as much duce the sodium content in all of its products by 15 percent. as $650,000 per restaurant, a cost that is shared with the But Skinner was also trying to push out more offerings franchisees when the outlet is not company owned. that are likely to be perceived by customers to be healthier. One of the prototype interiors that was tested out by McDonald's has continued to build upon its chicken McDonald's has curved counters with surfaces painted offerings using white meat with products such as Chicken in bright colors. In one corner, a touch-activated screen Selects. It has also placed a great deal of emphasis upon its allows customers to punch in orders without queuing. The interiors can feature armchairs and sofas, modern sandwich types. McDonald's is hoping that such a push tolighting, large television screens, and even wireless Internet ward more customization would bring more customers into access. The firm is also trying to develop new features for their outlets, bringing the U.S. counter/drive-through its drive-through customers, which account for 65 percent customer ratio closer to 50/50, up from the current 30/70. of all transactions in the United States. They include music McDonald's has also been working to simplify its menu, aimed at queuing vehicles and a wall of windows on the reducing the number of "value meal" promotions, groups of drive-through side of the restaurant allowing customers to items that together cost less than ordering items individually. seemealsbeingpreparedfromtheircars.ThechainhasevenbeendevelopingMcCafesinsideitsIthastweakedits"dollarmenu"replacingitwith"dollarvalueandmore"raisingthepricesformanyitemsaspartofabidto outlets next to the usual fast food counter. The McCaf con- get each customer to spend more. But McDonald's had introcept originated in Australia in 1993 and has been rolled out duced these bargain menus because its prices had risen over in many restaurants around the world. McDonald's has the years, driving away customers to cheaper outlets. Consebeen introducing the concept to the United States as part of the refurbishment of its outlets. In fact, part of the refur- coming from its "dollar menu" where everything cost a dollar. the refurbishment of its outlets. In fact, part of the refur- bishment has focused on the installation of a specialty bev- Over the past year, McDonald's saw a slight jump in erage platform across all U.S. outlets. The cost of installing U.S. sales after launching an all-day breakfast at most of its this equipment is running at about $100,000 per outlet, locations. The franchises had to be convinced to invest withMcDonaldssubsidizingpartofthisexpense.ThefirmhasplannedforallMcCafestoofferespresso-about$5,000toaddfoodpreparationspaceinordertoof- based coffee, gourmet coffee blends, fresh baked muffins, However, sales from the all-day breakfast have begun to flatand high-end desserts. Customers will be able to consume ten out, with a gradual decline in sales from customers who these while they relax in soft leather chairs listening to jazz, were coming in throughout the day to order breakfast. big band, or blues music. Commenting on this significant expansion of offerings, Marty Brochstein, executive editor More Gold in These Arches? erything about their burger, from the type of bun to the va- growth opportunity for McDonald's," Easterbrook said in a riety of cheese to the many, glossy toppings and sauces that recent news release. "The new partnership will combine can go on it. The firm has plans to gradually expand the one of the world's most powerful brands and our unparalconcept to more locations, but franchises are concerned leled quality standards with partners who have an unrant to make the required changes. "Customization is not McDonald's has also been trying to grow by reaching analystatJanneyMontgomeryScott.12Dubbedthe"CreateYourTaste"platform,McDonaldsatdifferenttimesoftheday.Ithastriedtotargetyoungadultsforbreakfastwithitsgourmetcoffee,eggsandwiches, was hoping to attract more younger customers who may be and fat-free muffins. It attracts working adults for lunch, moving away from frozen processed food that is loaded with preservatives. But it realized that there were considerable ers and fries. And its introduction of wraps has drawn in risks involved with making such a change. The burgers teenagers late in the evening after they have been partying. wouldbepricedhigherat$5.49,couldtakesevenminutestoprepare,andcouldonlybeorderedfrominsidethestoreandRestaurantanalystBryanElliottcommented:"Theyvetriedtobeallthingstoallpeoplewhowalkintheirdoor."14 prepare,andcouldonlybeorderedfrominsidethestoreandeventuallybroughttoyourtable.Franchisescomplainedthattriedtobeallthingstoallpeoplewhowalkintheirdoor."14Aboveall,McDonaldsisconcernedaboutthefindings this could not be offered to drive-through customers that of a recent survey that showed only 20 percent of millennimake up about 70 percent of the chain's business. als had even tried a Big Mac. It is also aware that despite Furthermore, such a change ran counter to the image for its efforts to diversify its menu, 30 percent of sales come inexpensive and fast food that McDonald's has worked hard from just five items: Big Macs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, to build over the years. Easterbrook has subsequently shifted McNuggets, and fries. It has managed to increase traffic to a more efficient and less expensive format called "Signa- during the late-night hours, but this may be hurt by their ture Crafted Recipes" that would allow both in-store and recent announcement that they would offer a more limited drive-through customers to choose a bun and one of four sample of their full menu between midnight and 5 am. Aboveall,theexpansionofthemenubeyondthestaple3.Strom,S.2016.Inashift,McMuffinswithrealbutter.NewYorkTimes, of burgers and fries does raise some fundamental questions. August 3, p. B2. Most significantly, it is not clear just how far McDonald's 4. The Economist. 2015. When the chips are down. January 10, p. 53. 1. PRNewswire, 2019, McDonald's Corporation Announces Leadership Transition, https://www.prnewswire.comews-releases/mcdonaldsUSA Today, November 14, p. 6 B. Tabuchi, H. 2015. McDonald's Chief Promises Turnaround in a corporation-announces-leadership-transition-300950405.html, 12. Tabuchi, H. 2015. McDonald's Chief Promi Restructuring. New York Times, May 4. November 3.; Grothhaus, M. 2019, Who is Chris Kempczinski 13. Tsang, A. and W. Sui-Lee. 2017. McDonald's China operations to be sold to locally led consortium. New York Times, January 9, p. B1. Mcdonald's new CEO?, Fastcompany, https://www.fastcompany. Kowitt, B. 2014. Fallen Arches: Can McDonald's get its mojo back? you-need-to-know, November 4. 14. Kowitt, B. 2014. Fallen Arche Fortune, December 1, p. 110 . 2. Taylor, K. 2019. McDonald's makes $300 million deal to sell things 15. Jargon, J. 2012. McDonald's is feeling fried. Wall Street Journal, like Amazon does. Business Insider, March 30. November 9, p. B2. McDONALD'S IN 2019* On November 3, 2019, the McDonald's board of directors experiences for our customers," former CEO Steve dismissed Steve Easterbrook over violations of company Easterbrook said in a statement. 2 policy regarding a relationship with an employee and McDonald's has been trying to attract more customers named Chris Kempczinski the new CEO. Kempczinski had to its restaurants by offering more customized products that experience at Kraft Foods and PepsiCo prior to joining are also healthier. It has removed high fructose corn syrup McDonald's in 2015, most recently as president of the USA from its buns, changed from the use of liquid margarine to businessunit.InMarch2019,McDonalds,thelargestrestaurantrealbutter,decidedtousechickenthathasbeenraisedwithoutantibiotics,andtomakeuseofcage-freeeggs.Mike chain, announced it will acquire artificial-intelligence Andres, former president of McDonald's USA explained startup Dynamic Yield, a company focused on personaliza- why the firm has decided to make these changes: "Why take tion and decision logic technology. Access to this technol- a position to defend them if consumers are saying they drive-through menus based on factors such as time of day, These changes are expected to address some of chal- weather, and trending menu items. McDonald's plans to lenges that McDonald's has been facing in many markets, roll out the updated drive-through menus across the United including in the United States, where it has almost 15,000 States during the year. "With this acquisition, we're expand- of its 38,000 mostly franchised restaurants. It has lost a lot ing both our ability to increase the role technology and data of ground with consumers, especially millennials, who are toimplementourvisionofcreatingmorepersonalizedWendysaswellastonewdesignerburgeroutletssuchasFiveGuysandShakeShack.Changingtastesarealsore- EXHIBIT 1 Income Statement (\$ millions) Source: Annual Report of McDonald's Corporation, 2018. EXHIBIT 2 Balance Sheet (\$ millions) Sources: Annual Report. McDonald's Corporation, 2018; Annual Report. McDonald's Corporation, 2019. EXHIBIT 3 Breakdown of Revenues (\$ millions) Source: Annual Report of McDonald's Corporation, 2018. EXHIBIT 4 U.S. Customer Satisfaction Index for Selected Chains Source: American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). EXHIBIT 5 McDonald's Milestones Cantalupo realized that McDonald's often tended to new salad offerings. McDonald's has carried out extensive miss the mark on delivering the critical aspects of consis- experiments and tests with these, deciding to use higher qualtent, fast, and friendly service and an all-around enjoyable ity ingredients, from a variety of lettuces and tasty cherry toexperience for the whole family. He understood that its matoes to sharper cheeses and better cuts of meat. It offered franchisees and employees alike needed to be inspired as a choice of Newman's Own dressings, a well-known higherwell as retrained on their role in putting the smile back into end brand. "Salads have changed the way people think of our McDonald's experience. When Cantalupo and his team brand," said Wade Thoma, vice president for menu developlaid out their turnaround plan in 2003, they stressed upon ment in the U.S. "It tells people that we are very serious getting the basics of service and quality right, in part by re- instituting a tough "up or out" grading system that would about offering things people feel comfortable eating." McDonald's has also been trying to include more fruits kick out underperforming franchisees. "We have to rebuild and vegetables in its well-known and popular Happy Meals. the foundation. It's fruitless to add growth if the foundation It announced in 2011 that it would reduce the amount of is weak," said Cantalupo. 5 French fries and phase out the caramel dipping sauce that off the non-burger chains that the firm had recently ac- of fruits and vegetables has raised the firm's operating quired. He also cut back on the opening of new outlets, fo- costs, because these are more expensive to ship and store cusing instead on generating more sales from its existing because of their more perishable nature. "We are doing outlets. Cantalupo pushed McDonald's to try to draw more what we can," said Danya Proud, a spokesperson for the customers through the introduction of new products. The chain had a positive response to its increased emphasis on "We have to evolve with the times."7 The rollout of new beverages, highlighted by new coffeehealthier foods, led by a revamped line of fancier salads. The based drinks, represented the chain's biggest menu expanrevamped menu was promoted through a new world-wide ad sion in almost three decades. Under a plan to add a McCaf slogan "I'm loving it," which was delivered by pop idol Justin section to all of its nearly 14,000 U.S. outlets, McDonald's Timberlake through a set of MTV style commercials. has been offering lattes, cappuccinos, ice-blended frappes, When Jim Skinner took over from Cantalupo in 2004, he continued to push for McDonald's to change its image. Skinner felt that one of his top priorities was to deal with the growing concerns about the unhealthy image of Refurbishing the Outlets McDonald's, given the rise of obesity in the United States. As part of its turnaround strategy, McDonald's also been These concerns were highlighted in the popular documen- selling off the outlets that it owned. More than 80 percent tary, Super Size Me, made by Morgan Spurlock. Spurlock of its outlets are now in the hands of franchisees and other vividly displayed the health risks that were posed by a affiliates. Skinner began working with the franchisees to adsteady diet of food from the fast food chain. With a rise in dress the look and feel of many of the chain's aging stores. awareness of the high fat content of most of the products Without any changes to their dcor, the firm was likely to offered by McDonald's, the firm was also beginning to face be left behind by other savvier fast food and drink retailers. lawsuits from some of its loyal customers. The firm is in the midst of pushing harder to refurbish-or In response to the growing health concerns, one of the re-image-all of its outlets around the world. "People eat first steps taken by McDonald's was to phase out supersiz- with their eyes first," said Thompson. "If you have a restauing by the end of 2004. The supersizing option allowed cus- rant that is appealing, contemporary, and relevant both tomers to get a larger order of French fries and a bigger soft from the street and interior, the food tastes better."9 1996 drink by paying a little extra. McDonald's also announced The re-imaging concept was first tried in France in 1996 that it intended to start providing nutrition information on by Dennis Hennequin, an executive in charge of the chain's the packaging of its products. The information was easy to European operations, who felt that the effort was essential read and would tell customers about the calories, fat, pro- to revive the firm's sagging sales. "We were hip 15 years ago, tein, carbohydrates, and sodium that are in each product. but I think we lost that," he said. 10 McDonald's has been apFinally, McDonald's also began to remove the artery- plying the re-imaging concept to its outlets around the world, clogging trans fatty acids from the oil that it used to make with a budget of more than half of its total annual capital its French fries and subsequently announced plans to re- expenditures. In the United States, the changes cost as much duce the sodium content in all of its products by 15 percent. as $650,000 per restaurant, a cost that is shared with the But Skinner was also trying to push out more offerings franchisees when the outlet is not company owned. that are likely to be perceived by customers to be healthier. One of the prototype interiors that was tested out by McDonald's has continued to build upon its chicken McDonald's has curved counters with surfaces painted offerings using white meat with products such as Chicken in bright colors. In one corner, a touch-activated screen Selects. It has also placed a great deal of emphasis upon its allows customers to punch in orders without queuing. The interiors can feature armchairs and sofas, modern sandwich types. McDonald's is hoping that such a push tolighting, large television screens, and even wireless Internet ward more customization would bring more customers into access. The firm is also trying to develop new features for their outlets, bringing the U.S. counter/drive-through its drive-through customers, which account for 65 percent customer ratio closer to 50/50, up from the current 30/70. of all transactions in the United States. They include music McDonald's has also been working to simplify its menu, aimed at queuing vehicles and a wall of windows on the reducing the number of "value meal" promotions, groups of drive-through side of the restaurant allowing customers to items that together cost less than ordering items individually. seemealsbeingpreparedfromtheircars.ThechainhasevenbeendevelopingMcCafesinsideitsIthastweakedits"dollarmenu"replacingitwith"dollarvalueandmore"raisingthepricesformanyitemsaspartofabidto outlets next to the usual fast food counter. The McCaf con- get each customer to spend more. But McDonald's had introcept originated in Australia in 1993 and has been rolled out duced these bargain menus because its prices had risen over in many restaurants around the world. McDonald's has the years, driving away customers to cheaper outlets. Consebeen introducing the concept to the United States as part of the refurbishment of its outlets. In fact, part of the refur- coming from its "dollar menu" where everything cost a dollar. the refurbishment of its outlets. In fact, part of the refur- bishment has focused on the installation of a specialty bev- Over the past year, McDonald's saw a slight jump in erage platform across all U.S. outlets. The cost of installing U.S. sales after launching an all-day breakfast at most of its this equipment is running at about $100,000 per outlet, locations. The franchises had to be convinced to invest withMcDonaldssubsidizingpartofthisexpense.ThefirmhasplannedforallMcCafestoofferespresso-about$5,000toaddfoodpreparationspaceinordertoof- based coffee, gourmet coffee blends, fresh baked muffins, However, sales from the all-day breakfast have begun to flatand high-end desserts. Customers will be able to consume ten out, with a gradual decline in sales from customers who these while they relax in soft leather chairs listening to jazz, were coming in throughout the day to order breakfast. big band, or blues music. Commenting on this significant expansion of offerings, Marty Brochstein, executive editor More Gold in These Arches? erything about their burger, from the type of bun to the va- growth opportunity for McDonald's," Easterbrook said in a riety of cheese to the many, glossy toppings and sauces that recent news release. "The new partnership will combine can go on it. The firm has plans to gradually expand the one of the world's most powerful brands and our unparalconcept to more locations, but franchises are concerned leled quality standards with partners who have an unrant to make the required changes. "Customization is not McDonald's has also been trying to grow by reaching analystatJanneyMontgomeryScott.12Dubbedthe"CreateYourTaste"platform,McDonaldsatdifferenttimesoftheday.Ithastriedtotargetyoungadultsforbreakfastwithitsgourmetcoffee,eggsandwiches, was hoping to attract more younger customers who may be and fat-free muffins. It attracts working adults for lunch, moving away from frozen processed food that is loaded with preservatives. But it realized that there were considerable ers and fries. And its introduction of wraps has drawn in risks involved with making such a change. The burgers teenagers late in the evening after they have been partying. wouldbepricedhigherat$5.49,couldtakesevenminutestoprepare,andcouldonlybeorderedfrominsidethestoreandRestaurantanalystBryanElliottcommented:"Theyvetriedtobeallthingstoallpeoplewhowalkintheirdoor."14 prepare,andcouldonlybeorderedfrominsidethestoreandeventuallybroughttoyourtable.Franchisescomplainedthattriedtobeallthingstoallpeoplewhowalkintheirdoor."14Aboveall,McDonaldsisconcernedaboutthefindings this could not be offered to drive-through customers that of a recent survey that showed only 20 percent of millennimake up about 70 percent of the chain's business. als had even tried a Big Mac. It is also aware that despite Furthermore, such a change ran counter to the image for its efforts to diversify its menu, 30 percent of sales come inexpensive and fast food that McDonald's has worked hard from just five items: Big Macs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, to build over the years. Easterbrook has subsequently shifted McNuggets, and fries. It has managed to increase traffic to a more efficient and less expensive format called "Signa- during the late-night hours, but this may be hurt by their ture Crafted Recipes" that would allow both in-store and recent announcement that they would offer a more limited drive-through customers to choose a bun and one of four sample of their full menu between midnight and 5 am. Aboveall,theexpansionofthemenubeyondthestaple3.Strom,S.2016.Inashift,McMuffinswithrealbutter.NewYorkTimes, of burgers and fries does raise some fundamental questions. August 3, p. B2. Most significantly, it is not clear just how far McDonald's 4. The Economist. 2015. When the chips are down. January 10, p. 53. 1. PRNewswire, 2019, McDonald's Corporation Announces Leadership Transition, https://www.prnewswire.comews-releases/mcdonaldsUSA Today, November 14, p. 6 B. Tabuchi, H. 2015. McDonald's Chief Promises Turnaround in a corporation-announces-leadership-transition-300950405.html, 12. Tabuchi, H. 2015. McDonald's Chief Promi Restructuring. New York Times, May 4. November 3.; Grothhaus, M. 2019, Who is Chris Kempczinski 13. Tsang, A. and W. Sui-Lee. 2017. McDonald's China operations to be sold to locally led consortium. New York Times, January 9, p. B1. Mcdonald's new CEO?, Fastcompany, https://www.fastcompany. Kowitt, B. 2014. Fallen Arches: Can McDonald's get its mojo back? you-need-to-know, November 4. 14. Kowitt, B. 2014. Fallen Arche Fortune, December 1, p. 110 . 2. Taylor, K. 2019. McDonald's makes $300 million deal to sell things 15. Jargon, J. 2012. McDonald's is feeling fried. Wall Street Journal, like Amazon does. Business Insider, March 30. November 9, p. B2Step by Step Solution
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