4. Tertite Tempe fils temporary employenent posilons for loesi businesset. Somen busineses poy in advance for services, ochers are billed ater services have bean performed. Advance payments are eredited to an acoount enelied Uneamed Fees. Adjusting dritriet are performbd on a monthly basit. Bulow is an Unacquated Trial Balance dated December 31, Current Yost. (Bear in mind that adpoting entrles have already been made far the fot 11 moethn, but not for December) (20 PCNTI) Additional Information: 1. Accrued but unrecorded fees eamed as of December 31 amount to $1,500. is NYU TARDON school 2. Records show that $2,500 of chsh receipts onginaly rncorsed as uneamed fees had been earned as of December 31. 3. The sompany purchased a six-month inaurance polcy on Segtember 1. Current Year for $1,600. 4. On December 1, Current Year, the compehy paid its rent through Fabruary 28. Upcoming Year. 5. Office Supplies on hand on December 31 amount to 54t0 6. Al equipment was purchased when the business frat formed. The eatinalad ille of equipment at that fime was 10 yean (or 120 monhs). 7. On August 1, Cument Year, the company bondwed 512,000 by seging atmonth, BS note payable. The entire nole, plis 6 montis accued intartet is due on February 1. Upcoming Year. 8. Acerued but unreconded salartes on December 31 amount is \$,700. 9. Fafimaled income Tares Fxpense for the entire yoar totuls 515,000 . Taxas are doe in the First Quarter, Upcoming Yeur instructions: a. Prepere the necessary adfusting entriet, including an erplanaton. b. Given the Unsdyusted Teial Bulonoe for Temife Temps, provide the affucting. enties to complete the Terife Tempe Adeuted Tilai Besiance Eacel Woribook c. Prepare Terific Temps Income Stawenent, Statement of Retained Famings and Bulanse Sheet. 4. Tertite Tempe fils temporary employenent posilons for loesi businesset. Somen busineses poy in advance for services, ochers are billed ater services have bean performed. Advance payments are eredited to an acoount enelied Uneamed Fees. Adjusting dritriet are performbd on a monthly basit. Bulow is an Unacquated Trial Balance dated December 31, Current Yost. (Bear in mind that adpoting entrles have already been made far the fot 11 moethn, but not for December) (20 PCNTI) Additional Information: 1. Accrued but unrecorded fees eamed as of December 31 amount to $1,500. is NYU TARDON school 2. Records show that $2,500 of chsh receipts onginaly rncorsed as uneamed fees had been earned as of December 31. 3. The sompany purchased a six-month inaurance polcy on Segtember 1. Current Year for $1,600. 4. On December 1, Current Year, the compehy paid its rent through Fabruary 28. Upcoming Year. 5. Office Supplies on hand on December 31 amount to 54t0 6. Al equipment was purchased when the business frat formed. The eatinalad ille of equipment at that fime was 10 yean (or 120 monhs). 7. On August 1, Cument Year, the company bondwed 512,000 by seging atmonth, BS note payable. The entire nole, plis 6 montis accued intartet is due on February 1. Upcoming Year. 8. Acerued but unreconded salartes on December 31 amount is \$,700. 9. Fafimaled income Tares Fxpense for the entire yoar totuls 515,000 . Taxas are doe in the First Quarter, Upcoming Yeur instructions: a. Prepere the necessary adfusting entriet, including an erplanaton. b. Given the Unsdyusted Teial Bulonoe for Temife Temps, provide the affucting. enties to complete the Terife Tempe Adeuted Tilai Besiance Eacel Woribook c. Prepare Terific Temps Income Stawenent, Statement of Retained Famings and Bulanse Sheet