4-46 Job costing, journal untries and ledger accounts. Eware Ldd, a bakerv, records the following trans. actions in its books for the month of August. a. Raw materials of $182,000 were purchased on credit. b. The tatal of stores requisitiens for direct materials issued for the period was 3165,000 . c. The fotal issues for indiruct matarials for the period was $10,000. d. Gross wages of $185.000 were incurred during the period consisting of wages paid to empleyees $105.000, tax deductions payable to the tax authority 560,000 and social insurance contribution fue 520.000. All of these were soitied promptly by cash. e. The allocation of the gross wages for that period was as follows direct wages $145,000 and indirect wages $40,000. 1. The enplayer's contnbution for social insurance contributian was $25,000. 9. Indirect factory expenses of $41,800 wore incurred durieg the period. h. Depreciation of factory machinery was 530,000 . 1. Dverhead expenses allocated to jobs by means of overhead allocation rates was $140.000 tor the period. 166 CHAPTERA JOB COSTEVG i. Non-manufecturing overhead incurred during the period was 540.000. k. The cost of jobs completed and transferred to finished goods inventory was $300,090. 1. The revenue value of baked items withdrawn from inventery and delivered to custemers was 400,000 for the period. m. The cost of baked items withdrawn from inventary and delivered to customers was $240.000 tor the period. 1. Show the journal entries for each transaction. 2. Show the T-account (ledger) of the major transactions. 4-46 Job costing, journal untries and ledger accounts. Eware Ldd, a bakerv, records the following trans. actions in its books for the month of August. a. Raw materials of $182,000 were purchased on credit. b. The tatal of stores requisitiens for direct materials issued for the period was 3165,000 . c. The fotal issues for indiruct matarials for the period was $10,000. d. Gross wages of $185.000 were incurred during the period consisting of wages paid to empleyees $105.000, tax deductions payable to the tax authority 560,000 and social insurance contribution fue 520.000. All of these were soitied promptly by cash. e. The allocation of the gross wages for that period was as follows direct wages $145,000 and indirect wages $40,000. 1. The enplayer's contnbution for social insurance contributian was $25,000. 9. Indirect factory expenses of $41,800 wore incurred durieg the period. h. Depreciation of factory machinery was 530,000 . 1. Dverhead expenses allocated to jobs by means of overhead allocation rates was $140.000 tor the period. 166 CHAPTERA JOB COSTEVG i. Non-manufecturing overhead incurred during the period was 540.000. k. The cost of jobs completed and transferred to finished goods inventory was $300,090. 1. The revenue value of baked items withdrawn from inventery and delivered to custemers was 400,000 for the period. m. The cost of baked items withdrawn from inventary and delivered to customers was $240.000 tor the period. 1. Show the journal entries for each transaction. 2. Show the T-account (ledger) of the major transactions