4.5 Roster Stores the student information in an ArrayList list. Read the comments and implement the pseudocode. Please complete the code. /** * The Roster
4.5 Roster
Stores the student information in an ArrayList list. Read the comments and implement the pseudocode.
Please complete the code.
* The Roster class encapsulates an ArrayList which stores the information for each student in the gradebook.
public class Roster {
// Declare mStudentList
* Roster()
* Create mStudentList.
* addStudent()
* Add (append) pStudent to mStudentList.
* getStudent()
* Searches mStudentList for a Student with pLastName.
* index = Call, pLastName)
* If index == -1 Then Return null
* Else return the Student object in mStudentList at index
* getStudentList()
* Accessor method for mStudentList.
public ArrayList getStudentList() {
return mStudentList;
* setStudentList()
* Mutator method for mStudentList.
public void setStudentList(ArrayList pStudentList) {
mStudentList = pStudentList;
* sortRoster()
* Called to sort the roster by last name.
* Call Sorter.sort() passing the list of students
* Returns a String representation of this Roster. Handy for debugging.
public String toString() {
String result = "";
for (Student student : getStudentList()) result += student + " ";
return result;
Here is the rest of the code,
import; import; import javax.swing.JFrame;
/** * The Main class containing the main() and run() methods. */ public class Main {
// The Roster of students that is read from "gradebook.txt". private Roster mRoster;
// A reference to the View object. private View mView;
/** * This is where execution starts. Instantiate a Main object and then call * run(). */ public static void main(String[] pArgs) { Main main = new Main();; }
public void exit() { try { GradebookWriter writer = new GradebookWriter("gradebook.txt"); writer.writeGradebook(getRoster()); System.exit(0); } catch (FileNotFoundException pExcept) { getView().messageBox("Could not open gradebook.txt for writing. " + "Exiting without saving."); System.exit(-1); } }
/** * Accessor method for mRoster. */ public Roster getRoster() { return mRoster; }
/** * Accessor method for mView. */ public View getView() { return mView; } private void run() { JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true);
setView(new View(this));
try { GradebookReader reader = new GradebookReader("gradebook.txt"); setRoster(reader.readGradebook());
} catch (FileNotFoundException pExcept) { getView().messageBox("Could not open gradebook.txt for reading. Exiting."); System.exit(-1); }
/** * search() is called when the Search button is clicked on the View. The input parameter is the non-empty last name * of the Student to locate. Call getStudent(pLastName) on the Roster object to get a reference to the Student with * that last name. If the student is not located, getStudent() returns null. */ public Student search(String pLastName) { return getRoster().getStudent(pLastName); }
/** * Mutator method for mRoster. */ public void setRoster(Roster pRoster) { mRoster = pRoster; }
/** * Mutator method for mView. */ public void setView(View pView) { mView = pView; } }
import java.util.ArrayList;
/** * The Student class stores the grade information for one Student. */ public class Student implements Comparable
// Declare the instance variables. private String mFirstName; private String mLastName; private ArrayList
/** * Student() * * PSEUDOCODE: * Save pFirstName and pLastName. * Create mexam1List * Create mHomeworkList */ public Student(String pFirstName, String pLastName) { mFirstName = pFirstName; mLastName = pLastName; mexam1List = new ArrayList<>(); mHomeworkList = new ArrayList<>(); }
/** * addexam1() * * PSEUDOCODE: * Call add(pScore) on getexam1List() to add a new exam1 score to the list of exam1 scores. */ public void addexam1(int pScore) { getexam1List().add(pScore); }
/** * addHomework() * * PSEUDOCODE: * Call add(pScore) on getHomeworkList() to add a new homework score to the list of homework scores. */ public void addHomework(int pScore) { getHomeworkList().add(pScore); }
/** * compareTo() * * PSEUDOCODE: * Return: -1 if the last name of this Student is < the last name of pStudent * Return: 0 if the last name of this Student is = the last name of pStudent * Return: 1 if the last name of this Student is > the last name of pStudent * Hint: the last names are Strings. */ @Override public int compareTo(Student pStudent) { int result = this.getLastName().compareTo(pStudent.getLastName());
if (result > 0) { result = 1; } else if (result < 0) { result = -1; } return result; }
/** * getexam1() * * Accessor method to retreive an exam1 score from the list of exam1s. */ public int getexam1(int pNum) { return getexam1List().get(pNum); }
/** * getexam1List() * * Accessor method for mexam1List. */ protected ArrayList
/** * getFirstName() * * Accessor method for mFirstName. */ public String getFirstName() { return mFirstName; }
/** * getHomework() * * Accessor method to retrieve a homework score from the list of homeworks. */ public int getHomework(int pNum) { return getHomeworkList().get(pNum); }
/** * getHomeworkList() * * Accessor method for mHomeworkList. */ protected ArrayList
/** * getLastname() * * Accessor method for mLastName. */ public String getLastName() { return mLastName; }
/** * setexam1() * * Mutator method to store an exam1 score into the list of exam1 scores. */ public void setexam1(int pNum, int pScore) { getexam1List().set(pNum, pScore); }
/** * setexam1List() * * Mutator method for mexam1List. */ protected void setexam1List(ArrayList
/** * setFirstName() * * Mutator method for mFirstName. */ public void setFirstName(String pFirstName) { mFirstName = pFirstName; }
/** * setHomework() * * Mutator method to store a homework score into the list of homework * scores. */ public void setHomework(int pNum, int pScore) { getHomeworkList().set(pNum, pScore); }
/** * setHomeworkList() * * Mutator method for mHomeworkList. */ protected void setHomeworkList(ArrayList
/** * setLastname() * * Mutator method for mLastName. */ public void setLastName(String pLastName) { mLastName = pLastName; }
/** * toString() * * Returns a String representation of this Student. The format of the * returned string shall be such that the Student information can be printed * to the output file, i.e: * * lastname firstname hw1 hw2 hw3 hw4 exam11 exam12 */ @Override public String toString() { String result = getLastName() + " " + getFirstName() + " "; for (Integer grade : getHomeworkList()) { result = result + grade.toString() + " "; } for (Integer grade : getexam1List()) { result = result + grade.toString() + " "; } result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1);
return result; } }
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextField;
/** * The View class implements the GUI. */ public class View extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
public static final int FRAME_WIDTH = 500; public static final int FRAME_HEIGHT = 250;
// Declare instance variables private JButton mClearButton; private JTextField[] mexam1Text = new JTextField[CourseConstants.NUM_exam1S]; private JButton mExitButton; private JTextField[] mHomeworkText = new JTextField[CourseConstants.NUM_HOMEWORKS]; private Main mMain; private JButton mSaveButton; private JButton mSearchButton; private JTextField mSearchText; private Student mStudent;
/** * View() * * The View constructor creates the GUI interface and makes the frame * visible at the end. */ public View(Main pMain) {
// Save a reference to the Main object pMain in mMain. mMain = pMain;
JPanel panelSearch = new JPanel(); mSearchText = new JTextField(25); panelSearch.add(mSearchText); mSearchButton = new JButton("Search"); mSearchButton.addActionListener(this); panelSearch.add(mSearchButton);
// PSEUDOCODE: // Create a JPanel named panelHomework which uses the FlowLayout. // Add a JLabel "Homework: " to the panel // Create mHomeworkText which is an array of CourseConstants.NUM_HOMEWORKS JTextFields // For i = 0 to CourseConstants.NUM_HOMEWORKS - 1 Do // Create textfield mHomeworkText[i] displaying 5 cols // Add mHomeworkText[i] to the panel // End For JPanel panelHomework = new JPanel(); panelHomework.add(new JLabel("Homework:")); for (int x = 0; x < CourseConstants.NUM_HOMEWORKS; ++x) { mHomeworkText[x] = new JTextField(5); panelHomework.add(mHomeworkText[x]); }
// Create the exam1 panel which contains the "exam1: " label and the two exam1 text fields. The pseudocode is omitted // because this code is very similar to the code that creates the panelHomework panel. JPanel panelexam1 = new JPanel(); panelexam1.add(new JLabel("exam1:")); for (int x = 0; x < CourseConstants.NUM_exam1S; ++x) { mexam1Text[x] = new JTextField(5); panelexam1.add(mexam1Text[x]); }
JPanel panelButtons = new JPanel(); mClearButton = new JButton("Clear"); mClearButton.addActionListener(this); panelButtons.add(mClearButton); mSaveButton = new JButton("Save"); mSaveButton.addActionListener(this); panelButtons.add(mSaveButton); mExitButton = new JButton("Exit"); mExitButton.addActionListener(this); panelButtons.add(mExitButton);
// PSEUDOCODE: // Create a JPanel named panelMain using a vertical BoxLayout. // Add panelSearch to panelMain. // Add panelHomework to panelMain. // Add panelexam1 to panelMain. // Add panelButtons to panelMain. JPanel panelMain = new JPanel(); panelMain.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panelMain, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); panelMain.add(panelSearch); panelMain.add(panelHomework); panelMain.add(panelexam1); panelMain.add(panelButtons);
// Initialize the remainder of the frame, add the main panel to the frame, and make the frame visible. setTitle("Gradebook Viewer"); setSize(FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT); setResizable(false); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); add(panelMain); setVisible(true); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent pEvent) {
switch (pEvent.getActionCommand()) { case "Search": String lastName = mSearchText.getText(); if (lastName.isEmpty()) { this.messageBox("Please enter the student's last name."); } else { Student student =; if (student == null) { this.messageBox("Student not found. Try again."); } else { mStudent = student; displayStudent(student); } } break; case "Save": if (mStudent != null) { saveStudent(mStudent); } break; case "Clear": clear(); break; case "Exit": if (mStudent != null) { saveStudent(mStudent); } mMain.exit(); break; } }
/** * clear() * * Called when the Clear button is clicked. Clears all of the text fields by setting the contents to the empty string. * After clear() returns, no student information is being edited or displayed. * * PSEUDOCODE: * Set the mSearchText text field to "" * Set each of the homework text fields to "" * Set each of the exam1 text fields to "" * Set the mStudent reference to null */ private void clear() { mSearchText.setText(""); for (int x = 0; x < CourseConstants.NUM_HOMEWORKS; ++x) { mHomeworkText[x].setText(""); } for (int x = 0; x < CourseConstants.NUM_exam1S; ++x) { mexam1Text[x].setText(""); } mStudent = null; }
/** * displayStudent() * * Displays the homework and exam1 scores for a student in the mHomeworkText and mexam1Text text fields. * * PSEUDOCODE: * For i = 0 to CourseConstants.NUM_HOMEWORKS - 1 Do * int hw = pStudent.getHomework(i) * String hwstr = convert hw to a String (Hint: Integer.toString()) * mHomeworkText[i].setText(hwstr) * End For * Write another for loop similar to the one above to place the exam1s scores into the text fields */ private void displayStudent(Student pStudent) { for (int x = 0; x < CourseConstants.NUM_HOMEWORKS; ++x) { Integer hw = pStudent.getHomework(x); String hwStr = hw.toString(); mHomeworkText[x].setText(hwStr); } for (int x = 0; x < CourseConstants.NUM_exam1S; ++x) { Integer exam1 = pStudent.getexam1(x); String exam1Str = exam1.toString(); mexam1Text[x].setText(exam1Str); } }
/** * messageBox() * * Displays a message box containing some text. */ public void messageBox(String pMessage) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, pMessage, "Message", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); }
/** * saveStudent() * * Retrieves the homework and exam1 scores for pStudent from the text fields and writes the results to the Student record * in the Roster. * * PSEUDOCODE: * For i = 0 to CourseConstants.NUM_HOMEWORKS - 1 Do * String hwstr = mHomeworkText[i].getText() * int hw = convert hwstr to an int (Hint: Integer.parseInt()) * Call pStudent.setHomework(i, hw) * End For * Write another for loop similar to the one above to save the exam1 scores */ private void saveStudent(Student pStudent) {
for (int x = 0; x < CourseConstants.NUM_HOMEWORKS; ++x) { String hwStr = mHomeworkText[x].getText(); Integer hw = Integer.parseInt(hwStr); pStudent.setHomework(x, hw); } for (int x = 0; x < CourseConstants.NUM_exam1S; ++x) { String exam1Str = mexam1Text[x].getText(); Integer exam1 = Integer.parseInt(exam1Str); pStudent.setexam1(x, exam1); }
int studentIdx =, pStudent.getLastName());
mMain.getRoster().getStudentList().set(studentIdx, pStudent);
} public class CourseConstants {
public static final int NUM_exam1S = 2; public static final int NUM_HOMEWORKS = 4;
import; import; import java.util.Scanner;
/** * GradebookReader reads the gradebook info from the file name passed to the ctor. */ public class GradebookReader {
private Scanner mIn;
/** * Attempts to open the gradebook file for reading. If successful, mIn will be used to read from the file. If the file * cannot be opened, a FileNotFoundException will be thrown. */ public GradebookReader(String pFname) throws FileNotFoundException { mIn = new Scanner(new File(pFname)); }
/** * Reads the exam1 scores for a Student. */ private void readexam1(Student pStudent) { for (int n = 0; n < CourseConstants.NUM_exam1S; ++n) { pStudent.addexam1(mIn.nextInt()); } }
/** * Called to read the gradebook information. Calls readRoster() to read the student records and then sorts the roster * by last name. */ public Roster readGradebook() { Roster roster = readRoster(); roster.sortRoster(); return roster; }
/** * Reads the homework scores for a Student. */ private void readHomework(Student pStudent) { for (int n = 0; n < CourseConstants.NUM_HOMEWORKS; ++n) { pStudent.addHomework(mIn.nextInt()); } }
/** * Reads the student information from the input file adding Student objecs to the roster. */ private Roster readRoster() { Roster roster = new Roster(); while (mIn.hasNext()) { String lastName =; String firstName =; Student student = new Student(firstName, lastName); readHomework(student); readexam1(student); roster.addStudent(student); } return roster; } }
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Searcher {
public static int search(ArrayList
// recursive search used to find the student by last name private static int recBinarySearch(ArrayList
int result = pList.get(middle).getLastName().compareTo(pKey);
if (result < 0) { // value is less than key, recurse with pLow = middle + 1 return recBinarySearch(pList, pKey, middle + 1, pHigh); } else if (result > 0) { // value is greater than key, recurse with pHigh = middle - 1 return recBinarySearch(pList, pKey, pLow, middle - 1); } else { // value matches with key; return 'middle' return middle; } }
import; import; import;
/** * GradebookWriter inherits from PrintWriter and writes the gradebook info to the file name passed to the ctor. */ public class GradebookWriter extends PrintWriter {
private PrintWriter mOut;
/** * GradebookWriter() * Call the super class ctor that takes a String. */ public GradebookWriter(String pFname) throws FileNotFoundException { super(new File(pFname)); mOut = this; }
/** * writeGradebook() * Writes the gradebook info to the file, which was opened in the ctor. * * PSEUDOCODE: * EnhancedFor each student in pRoster.getStudentList() Do * Call println(student) * End For * Call close() */ public void writeGradebook(Roster pRoster) {
for (Student student : pRoster.getStudentList()) { mOut.println(student); } mOut.close(); } } import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Sorter {
// Partition the list into 'two' lists (within the same list) private static int partition(ArrayList
int leftIndex = pFromIdx - 1; int rightIndex = pToIdx + 1;
while (leftIndex < rightIndex) { leftIndex++; while (pList.get(leftIndex).compareTo(pivot) == -1) { leftIndex++; } rightIndex--; while (pList.get(rightIndex).compareTo(pivot) == 1) { rightIndex--; } if (leftIndex < rightIndex) { swap(pList, leftIndex, rightIndex); } } return rightIndex; }
// Implementation of the quickSort method from notes private static void quickSort(ArrayList
// Entry point for the Sorter public static void sort(ArrayList
quickSort(pList, 0, pList.size() - 1);
// Method to swap two elements within the list private static void swap(ArrayList
Simpson Lisa 25 25 25 25 100 100 Flintstone Fred 15 17 22 18 80 60 Jetson George 20 21 22 23 70 83 Explosion Nathan 5 4 3 2 1 0 Muntz Nelson 20 15 10 5 60 70 Terwilliger Robert 23 21 19 17 80 90 Flanders Ned 12 14 17 23 85 95 Bouvier Selma 16 16 16 16 16 16 Spuckler Cletus 1 2 3 4 5 6 Wiggum Clancy 6 5 4 3 2 1 Skinner Seymour 19 23 21 24 78 83
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