468). All five components (a, b, c, d, e) of the following exercise carry equal marks. El. J M] evaluation worksheet (Table 1): Using the point method and the four basic compensable factors (see figure 8.1 textbook as guide) to construct your job evaluation worksheet for the "Eastern Provincial University" (case given in page 468 of textbook in the Appendix). b. Allocate job evaluation points (Table 2): Then apply your job evaluation worksheet to the different jobs of Eastern Provincial University (page 468 of textbook) to derive job evaluation poins (see table 8.2 of textbook as guide). (3. Compare job evaluation points and annual salary (Table 3). Prepare the table of job evaluation poins and their associate annual salaries of The jobs you have just evaluated: ' Clerk Steno I: $36,000; II: 47,000; III: $69,000 (Job class 95% female) ' Draftsman]: $41,000; II: 47,000; III: $58, 500 (Job class 80% male) ' Grounds Worker I: $30,000; II: 36,500; III: $41,000 (Job class 85% male) ' Medical Laboratory TechnologistI : $47,500; 11: $58,500 (Job class 90% female) Applying Ontario Pay Equity guidelines, evaluate whether pay equity exists for the female job classes of at Eastern Provincial University. d. Scatter plot, market pay line and equation: Your market survey of some of the jobs (let us consider them as benchmark jobs for the sake of our exercise) have found the following average salaries: Clerk Steno (junior): $40,000 Clerk Steno (senior): $66,000 Draftsman (junior): 38,000 Draftsman (senior): 57,000 Grounds Worker (junior): $31,000 Grounds Worker (senior): $37,000 Medical technologist I: $46,000 Considering 'junior' and \"senior equivalent to the I and II of Eastern Provincial University's jobs, show your .IE points (Xfindependent variable) and average market pay (deependent variable) in a scatter plot, and run a simple linear regression to derive the market pay equation (an sample excel worksheet is attached). e. Calculate salary using market pay line equation: Then using your market pay line equation calculate the salary of Clerk Steno II, Draf'sman II, Grounds Worker II, and Medical technologist II. Based on your calculated market competitive annual salary, do you recommend any changes in Eastern Provincial University's annual pay structure of the jobs