- 511 per inear foot for ground service lees (front footage x oepth) 1. Or the fees fised in the sthedule. which fees are variable with respect to the - 16% of concessoes (food kales) number of customers at the book? Which fees ars fred? - sts per 10-day parking pormit 2. What is the proptodod total fee that Solar Coccossiona wil nest pay to The - $340 tor 100 -anp oioctrical service New York: State Far assuming it meets its expectind sales leved for aach of the 10 days of the fain? - $35 per to-day far admittance pass (one is included wath besic rental agreoment? 3. Acsume that varatie coss are 60% s of sales rivenue. (Thas cons ncludes the 16% concesslon fee charged by the How York State faic) How much in total saths tevenue is needed for Solar Concessions la trnak enver? 4. Caloulate folit Concestions" mangin of safoty boef in dollars and gerentagne More info Concetsigns exsects is have tales ansraging 34.500 pet doy for each if the 10 the entive 10-day period. Solse Concessigns paye for each employee s fale admiseion and patigng Acsume that the derioyee wajos for the 10 -dby penved are expeded to kex 56,699 - 511 per inear foot for ground service lees (front footage x oepth) 1. Or the fees fised in the sthedule. which fees are variable with respect to the - 16% of concessoes (food kales) number of customers at the book? Which fees ars fred? - sts per 10-day parking pormit 2. What is the proptodod total fee that Solar Coccossiona wil nest pay to The - $340 tor 100 -anp oioctrical service New York: State Far assuming it meets its expectind sales leved for aach of the 10 days of the fain? - $35 per to-day far admittance pass (one is included wath besic rental agreoment? 3. Acsume that varatie coss are 60% s of sales rivenue. (Thas cons ncludes the 16% concesslon fee charged by the How York State faic) How much in total saths tevenue is needed for Solar Concessions la trnak enver? 4. Caloulate folit Concestions" mangin of safoty boef in dollars and gerentagne More info Concetsigns exsects is have tales ansraging 34.500 pet doy for each if the 10 the entive 10-day period. Solse Concessigns paye for each employee s fale admiseion and patigng Acsume that the derioyee wajos for the 10 -dby penved are expeded to kex 56,699