- 6 Lube. R1000 - 15.00 . 375.00 The home DubeChannes the hero anche Charms the charge for any Mfums for . Other charms the older . Tarp the home when there Clear Oute. Ce deres for changed Cash Cleanserahan Clear Clears the check boormare Gerhard Charles Cash that the label But the Conformed Pune OM T e's perform the flowing routine maintenance services Ol change. 126.00 ob 1800 Radiator in 10.00 Tranmision flush 315.00 Inspection 11.00 Muffler replacement 1100.00 Tire rotation 520.00 Jovano performs other nonroute services and charges for parts and labor (520 per hour). Create an application that displays the total for a customer's visit to the form thout resemble the one pictured bow The application should have the following value returning methods . ollubeCharge Returns the total charges for an oil change andior a lub job if any FushCharges Returns the total charges for a radiator flush and/or transmissions for Michares. Netura the total changes for an inspection muller placement and/or atre rotation any Other Charges. Heturns the total changes frother services parts and labor any TaxCharges returns the amount of sales taxit any Sales tax 6 and charged only on parts of the customer nurchases services only, no sales taxis charged TotalCharges - Returns the total charges The application should have the following void methods, called when the user did the ear button ClearCube Clears the check boxes for oil change and lube ClearFlushes Clears the check boxes for radiator flush and tranumission flush Clear Misc Clear the check boxes for inspection muter replacement and sire rotation . Clarother Clears the text boxes for parts and labor Clearfees.Clears the labels that display the labels in the section marked Summary Bulid the CW application for oes Automotive based on the design below Build the C# application for Joe's Automotive based on the design below. Automotive Olland Lube Change ($26.00) web ($18.00) Fushes Radiator Push (33000 Transion Fush (580.00) Pats and Labor Parts Mac hapection ($1500) Replace Muffle (510000) Tire Rotation ($20.00) Libor (5) Summary Service and Labor Parts Tax fon pato) Total Fees Calculate Clear Bat