6. What is the difference between a wrowth stock and a value stock? a) Growth stocks are more likely to pay dividends, while value stocks typically reitwest peofits into the company bf Grewith stocks are comparies with high earnings growth potential, while value stocks are companies that are currently sndervalued by the market c) Groath stocks have a lower P/E ratio, while value stocks have a higher p/E ratio d) Growth stocks are typically larger, well-established companies, while value stocks are smaller, newer companies with more potential for growth 7. What is the sharpe ratio? a) A meaure of a pertholio's tink-adjusted retuen b) The ratio of a compaey's debt to equity c) The dAerence between a security's market price and its intrinsic value d) The amount by which a security's grice exceeds its face value 8. What is akwt allocation? a) The process of dividing imvestments amone different asset classes b) The process of buyieg and selling wecuntiet in a portiolio e) The process of seiecting individual securities for a portfolio d) The process of hedging againat market rak 9. What is the difference between active and passive investing? a) Active investing invohes selecting individual securities based on market analysh, while pasive imesting hvolves buving a dieersified portiolio that tracks a market indes b) Active investing involves buying and holding a diveryified portfolo, while pasive investing involve: actively trading individual securities c) Active imvesting imvolves investing in high-risk asseth whle pasive investing imvolves investing in lowrisk assets d) Active imesting iewolves imesting in alternative ansets, while pandve imvesting involves investing if tradinional assets 10. What is a beta coefficiert? a) A meavire of a stock's volatility relative to the market b) The ditterence between a stock's macket price and its intrimic vallee c) A measure of a stock's dividend yleid d) A measure of a stock's price-to-eamings ratio