6.3. 6.4-. 6.5. 6.6. Ccnsider the feliewittg twc-factcr mcdel fer the returns cf three stcclts. Assume that the teeters and epsilehs have means cl acre. Alec. assume the lecture have variances cf .6] and are uncen'clated with each ether. \"is. = .13 + sf. + 413': + an FB=.15+2F1+ aF2+EB inc = -er + 5F] ti?"2 + EC avast...) = m veriEB] = 6.4 mate} = .te, what are the variances cf the returns cf the three stacks. as well as the eevari ances and curretetiens between thern'ir 1What are the expected returns cf the three steaks in exercise 6.3? 1iiit'rite cut the factcr betas, faster cqueticns. and expected returns at the fellcwing ptirtfeiies: {i} A pertielic cf the three stacks in exercise 6.3 with $26,606 invested in steels: A. -$E.li invested in steel: B, and $16.66!] invested in steels C. {2} A. perti'elie ccnsisting cf the eertfelie formed in part {I} cf this exercise and a $3,111) shert pnsitinn in steclt C cfexercise 6.3. Haw much sheuld be invested in each cf the attacks in exercise 6.3 te design [we pet'tfelics? The rst penfelic hes the fellcwing attributes: factcr 1 beta = 1 races? hcte = {I The seccnti pertfelie hes the attributes: teeter 1 beta = factcr 2 beta = l Cempute the expected returns at these twn pertfelies. Then cempute the rislt premiums ei' these twa anrtfnlitxs essamins the risk-free rate is the \"acrebeta rate\" implied by the faetcr equaticns fer the three steclts in exercise 6.3. This is the expected retturt cf a pcrtfclie with feeter betas el' ELIE]- 6.} I. Find the weights cf the twc pure teeter pertfelins censtruetetl Erma the fellewing three securities: r. as + 2?. + 2151 r1 .es + 313. + [6. r3 = xii + 3151+ eh. Then write cut tlte faster equetiens fer the eve pure teeter pertt'elies. and determine their risk premiums. Assume a riskafree rate that is implied by the faster equeticns and ac arbitrege