7". PC 3 311.2. {a} Every person who lmowingly sends or causes to be sent , or brings or causes to be brought , into this state for sale or distribution , or in this state possesses prepares =publishes , produces , or prints , with intent to distribute or to exhibit to others , or who offers to distribute ,distributes ,or exhibits to others any obscene matter is for a first offense= guilty ofa misdemeanor. Actus reus sends or causes to be sent Men rea who knowingly 3. PC 4665 _ (a) Every person who , with the intent to use it in the commission of an unlawful act , possesses a motor vehicle master lrey or a motor vehicle wheel lock master key is guilty of a misdemeanor. Actus reus to use it in the commission of an unlawil act Men rea with the intent 9. PC 594. Every person who maliciously commits any of the following acts with respect to any real or personal property not his or her own , in cases other than those specified by state law= is guilty of vandalism: {l} Defaces with graffiti or other inscribed material _ (2) Damages _ (3) Destroys Actus rea commits any of the following acts with respect to any real or personal property not his or her own Men rea who maliciously 10'. PC l43fi _ (a) (\"Every person who les any allegation of misconduct against any peace officer knowing the allegation to be false= is guilty of a misdemeanor. Actus reus allegation of misconduct against any peace officer Men rea guilty of a misdemeanor ll _ PC Zol .{b} Any driver or owner of any vehicle ='Iai-'liether or not the owner of the vehicle is occupying the vehicle =iii-ho knowingly permits any other person to discharge any rearm om the vehicle is punishable by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year or in state prison for 16 months or two or three years