8. If the happy student in the previous problem receives another duck of mass 1.0 kg (they now have 3 ducks), and they put the
8. If the happy student in the previous problem receives another duck of mass 1.0 kg (they now have 3 ducks), and they put the new duck at the front of the row, find:
a) the acceleration of the three ducks. (1.2 m/s2)
b) the tension in the string connecting ducks 1 and 2. (8.8 N)
c) the tension in the string connecting ducks 2 and 3. (2.5 N)
the previous problem is
Two toy ducks, attached to each other by a string, are being pulled by a very happy student who just got them as a graduation present. The front duck is 5.0 kg and the back duck is 2.0 kg. If the happy student pulls them with a force of 10 N, and there is no friction, calculate:
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