8. In a certain country, the compensation in occupational accident insur- ance for temporary incapacity for work is fixed as follows: a) 70% from daily wage, but max. 50 per day; b) if the incapacity for work lasts 4 weeks or less, then first week will not be compensated, otherwise the first 7 days will be compensated as well; c) compensation will be paid for at most 120 days. There following facts are known for three employees: Employee 1 Employee 2 Employee 3 Daily wage 20 53 80 Duration of incapacity (in days) 144 35 21 Calculate the compensations that will be paid to these employees. I 7. Determine the types of compensation and deductible and calculate the size of compensation, the part of compensation insurer has to pay and policyholder's retention in the following cases: a) insured library (books) with the limit of indemnity 200 000, de- ductible 5%, replacing the books destroyed in fire costs 30 000; b) insured painting with deductible 1000, needs 500 to cover dam- ages caused by an accident; c) medical insurance with limit 50 000, the deductible equal to cal- culated compensation is applied only to losses of size 1000 or less, loss size 65 000; d) a house is insured taking in account the under- and over-insurance principles, sum insured 50 000, deductible 1500, reinstatement value 120 000, needs 60 000 to cover the damages caused by an accident; e) liability insurance with 15% deductible, loss 100 000; f) car insurance, sum insured 20 000, deductible 10%, market value 12 000, becomes totally unusable because of an accident. A policyholder will insure his car (value 12 000) as follows: sum insured 10 000, fixed amount deductible 200. Two months later an accident occurs, loss 5000. Calculate the value of the compensation function, and insurer's and policyholder's part of damages in case of first risk and pro-rata com- pensation principles. Another policyholder will insure his car under same conditions, but with franchise deductible. How will the 5000 of damage be com- pensated for this policyholder, if the limit of deductible is di = 400, d2 = 4000 or dz 4500