8. What is it called when someone intentionally changes data before, dining, or after it is entered into the computer (with the intent to illegally obtain information or a. trojan horse b. logic bomb c. data diddling d. cookie 9. Which of the following is not an example of computer fraud ? a entering invoices in the AlS for services that were not provided, and depositing the check in a private bank account b. sending an e-mail to everyone in your address book asking for a $1 donation C. programming a change to decrease the dividend payment to stockholders of a firm and issuing a check to your friend for the total change d. using a university computer to set up a realistic-looking virtual "store front to sell toys, although you don't have any-you just don't have time to get a real job and need some money to covert the rent 10. The TRW case is notable because a the amount of dollars involved was not significant b. no one got caught c. the fraud was detected by a surprise audit d. the real victims were TRW customers 11. Which of the following is not one of the four objectives of an internal control system? a internal control b. SAS No.94 C. Risk assessment d control activities 12. Which of the following is not one of the four objectives of an internal control system? a safeguard assets b. promote firm profitability c promote operational efficiency d encourage employees to follow managerial policies 13. Section 404 affirms that management is responsible for establishing and maintain an adequate internal control structure. This Section may be found in which of the following ? A The 1992 Coso Report B. The 2004 Coso Report c. The Sarbanes-oxley Act of 2002 D. CObiT 14. COSO recommends that firms-. to determined whether they should