9. The City of Henderson reported a change in fund balances of $2,20 governmental funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures ted a change in fund balances of $2,267,000 in its Balances for the year ended December 31, 2017. In a of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund information is relevant: the year ended December 31, 2017. In addition, the following A. Capital outlay expenditures amounted to $8,755,000 statement. General government capital assets amoun enditures amounted to $8,755,000 in the modified accrual excluding land and had an average life of 20 years. vernment capital assets amounted to $90,000,000, B. The modified accrual statement reported proceeds 1 amount of $500,000. The land had a basis of $390,000. statement reported proceeds from the sale of land in the C. y taxes had been levied in the amount of $10,000,000. It was estimated that 3% would never be collected, that $500,000 would be collected within 60 days of year-end, and that $217.000 would be collected more than 60 days from year-end. The City had recognized the maximum permitted under modified accrual accounting. D. $205,000 of property taxes had been deferred at the end of the previous year and was recognized under modified accrual as revenue in the current year. E. The modified accrual statement reflected debt service expenditures in the amount of $500,000 for interest and $612,000 for principal. No adjustment was necessary for interest accruals at year-end. F. Long term compensated absences liabilities increased $120,000 from the previous year. Required: Prepare a reconciliation from the change in fund balances reported above o the change in Net Position in the governmental column in the government-wide statement of Activities for the year ended December 31, 2017