9:36 .nl 56 [iv Done Case 2 Q Comfortable Hands Comfortable Hands is a company which features a product line of winter gloves for the entire familymen, women, and children. They are trying to decide what mix of these three types of gloves to produce. Comfortable Hands' manufacturing labor force is unionized. Each fulLtime employee works a 40-hour week. In addition, by union contract, the number of full-time employees can never drop below 20. Nonunion part-time workers can also be hired with the following union-imposed restrictions: (1) each part-time worker works 20 hours per week, and (2) there must be at least 2 full-time employees for each part-time employee. All three types of gloves are made out of the same genuine cotton. Comfortable Hands has a long-term contract with a supplier of the cotton, and receives a 5,000 kg shipment of the material each week. The material requirements and labor requirements, along with the gross prot per glove sold (not considering labor costs) is given in the following table. Material llequlnd Labor Required Gross Profit Glove (kg) (Minutes) (per Pair) Men's 2 30 38 Women's 15 45 310 Children's 1 40 36 Each full-time employee earns $13 per hour, while each part-time employee earns $10 per hour. Management wishes to know what mix of each of the three types of gloves to produce per week, as well as how many full-time and how many part-time workers to employ. They would like to maximize their net prottheir gross prot from sales minus their labor costs. Milestone 1 requirements: Your submission materials for this milestone are (1) Group Project Peer Evaluation Form (the template of this le is provided in Canvas), (2) presentation video , and (3) using the presentation template provided in Canvas, develop a structured presentation le (maximum 10 slides), addressing the following: a. What are the key elements in the problem: output(s)/objective(s), decision variable(s), input parameters and constraints? b. What are the key relationships in the problem? c. Construct an inuence chart for the problem. Your presentation will be evaluated for this milestone based on the following criteria: (I) the appearance, design, clarity and organization of the presentation le itself (2) the ability of the team to communicate the message clearly and (3) teamwork level while presenting the material. Milestone 2 requirements: Your submission materials for this milestone are (1) Group Project Peer Evaluation Form (the template of this le is provided in Canvas), (2) presentation video (only for the slides made for Milestone 2), (3) an Excel spreadsheet containing the solver solution to your problem (also include screenshots of the solver window with your inputs), and (4) using the presentation template provided in Canvas, develop a structured presentation le (append maximum of 10 more slides to the presentation le from Milestone 1) to present your spreadsheet and its optimization results (you may take screenshots). In addition, your presentation le should address the followings: a. What is the mathematical LP formulation of the problem? bl Which input parameter in the problem has the greatest impact on the objective function? c. What is optimal solution to the problem? Describe it in words. Your spreadsheet model should be contained in a single Excelle and it will be evaluated based on the following criteria: ( I ) organization, neatness, and design of the spreadsheet, (2) capturing all the facts of the presented project and (3) quality and impact of the results derived. Your presentation will be evaluated for this milestone based on the following criteria: (I) the appearance, design, clarity and organization of the presentation le itself, (2) the ability of the team to communicate the message clearly and (3) teamwork level while presenting the material