a. 10. Min Jee wants to combine the sales data from each of the art fairs. Switch to the Combined Sales worksheet, and then update the worksheet as follows: In cell A5, enter a formula without using a function that references cell AS in the Madison worksheet. b. Copy the formula from cell A5 to the range A6:A8 without copying the formatting. In cell B5, enter a formula using the SUM function, 3-D references, and grouped worksheets that totals the values from cell B5 in the Chicago:Madison worksheets. C. d. e. Copy the formula from cell B5 to the range B6:38 without copying the formatting. Copy the formulas and the formatting from the range B5:38 to the range C5:E8. (Hint: You can ignore the error about empty cells because Min Jee will enter the Madison sales data later.) A5 LetS E G H B 1 Art Fairs Chicago 2021 2 3 QI 612.50 $ $ 4 5 Ceramics 6 Fiber 7 Glass 8 Stone 9 Total Sales $ $ $ $ 586.70 $ 657.85 $ 605.65 $ 2,462.70 $ Q2 724.35 $ 803.45 $ 698.75 $ 656.80 $ 2,883.35 $ Q3 1.115.80 $ 1.222.75 $ 1.205.15 $ 760.75 $ 4.304.45 $ 04 845.00 $ 934.50 $ 1,435.25 $ 1,093.45 $ 4,308.20 $ Total 3,297.65 3,547.40 3,997.00 3,116.65 13,958.70 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 Documentation Art Fairs Chicago St. Los Minneapolis Madison Combined Sales A D 1 Art Fairs 2 St. Louis 2021 3 QI $ 4 5 Ceramics 6 Fiber 7 Glass 8 Stone 9 Total Sales $ $ $ $ 644.50 $ 516.70 $ 607.95 $ 710.65 $ 2.479.80 $ Q2 733.30 $ 801.15$ 628.95 $ 696.95 $ 2,860.35 $ Q3 1,105.50 $ 1.242.15 $ 1.185.75 $ 785.75 $ 4,319.15 $ Q4 825.29 $ 913.15$ 1,385.20 $ 1.143.35 $ 4,266.95 $ Total 3,308.55 3,473.15 3,807.85 3,336.70 13,926.25 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 Documentation Art Fairs Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Madison Combined Sales Ready D E F 1 Art Fairs Minneapolis 2021 2 3 QI Q4 $ 5 Ceramics 6 Fiber 7 Glass 885.50 933.75 $ $ $ $ $ 544.50 516.40 707.05 725.65 $ $ $ $ Q2 740.30 $ 781.15 $ 658.15 $ 762.95 $ 2.942.55 $ Q3 1,135.55 $ 1,278.15 $ 1,155.50 $ 725.25 $ 4,294.45 $ Total 3,305.85 3,509.45 3,905.90 3,157.50 13,878.70 8 Stone 9 Total Sales 1,385.20 $ 943.65 $ 4,148.10 $ $ 2,493.60 $ 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Documentation Art Fairs Chicago St. Louis Mis seapolis Madison Combined Sales Ready B C D F H Art Fairs Madison 2021 2 3 QI Q2 Q3 04 Total $ $ 4 5 Ceramics 6 Fiber 7 Glass 8 Stone 9 Total Sales 10 11 $ $ $ $ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Documentation Art Fair Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Madison Combined Sales Ready B D E F G H Art Fairs Combined Sales 2021 2 3 4 QI Q2 Q3 04 Total 2020 Total 5 6 7 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 8 9 Total sales 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Documentation Art Fairs Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Madison Combined Sales Read