(a) As explolned in closs. inchuding the Ist "development" stoge, there are five (5) stogos in a procluct's life cycle. The stoges are, in sequence: development: introduction; growthc maturity; and, decline. (1) in which stoge is the daily profit ot its peok, ot leost in theory? (I mark) (3) In details, explain why for your choice of answer in (a)(i) (4 marks) (iii) As explalned ln class. NOr including the "development" stoge, whish main odvertising objective should be used for eoch of the remaining four stoges of the product lite cyche ( 4 marks) (iv) As explained in ciass which one ot the symbols used in the Boston Consulting Group could be appled to the introduction stoge (I mark) (v) As. oxplained in cioss. which one of the symbols used in the Boston Consuiting Group could be oppliod to the decline stoge (I mark) (b) As explained In.class. why ahoud one of the communication methods under the promotional mix not be "digital medio" but "difitei marketing"? (2 marks) (c) in the determinotion ot a consumer product as to whether it is a "shopping product" or a "speciaity product" sheuld we find ourselves not being oble to use the common factors to making the decisions (such as information needed; time and effprt spent on the search price toctor; and frequencyof purchase relovant to the product), which is the one possible handie that might help us break the tle even though it may not be opplicable to oll situations? (I mark) (a) As ouplained in class there are three (3) distanct ievels/loyers/components in a product. Thay are the core level the phiysical level and the ougmented levil. (1) Stote the company and product of cholce in your finol project in the ontwer sheot ond identify the prochucts core benelit for its customers. both the tongibie benefit and the intangible benefit. (3 marks. 1.5 mork eoch) (9) Again, hosed on the compary and product of choice in your final project, thould you be in the shoes of the ve of marketing tor the compary, hew woud you derign the added volues of the product of the augmented lovel? (a marks)