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A B C D E F G H 1 Date Unilever PLC (ULVR.L) easyJet plc (EZJ.L) Vodafone Group PIc (VOD.L) BP p.I.c. (BP Rio Tinto

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A B C D E F G H 1 Date Unilever PLC (ULVR.L) easyJet plc (EZJ.L) Vodafone Group PIc (VOD.L) BP p.I.c. (BP Rio Tinto plc (RIO.L) Rolls-Royce Holdings pic (RR.L GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK.L) The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc (RBS.L) 01/07/2015 2907 1644 241.850006 395.45001 2486.5 794 1396 342.200012 3 01/08/2015 2623 1683 226.699997 360.5 2388 743.5 1340.5 336.799988 4 01/09/2015 2686 1777 208.449997 334 2210 677 1266 315 5 01/10/2015 2893 1750 214.25 386.39999 2358.5 687.5 1405 317.600006 6 01/11/2015 2834 1653 224.25 385.25 2208.5 606.5 1355.5 302.399994 01/12/2015 2926.5 1740 221 354 1979.5 575 1373 302 8 01/01/2016 3085 1548 223.899994 376.10001 1714 555 1439 252.699997 9 01/02/2016 3092 1506 219.699997 351.45001 1904 679 1399.5 223.899994 10 01/03/2016 3152.5 1519 221.199997 350.14999 1955.5 682 1412 222.699997 11 01/04/2016 3054.5 1473 219.199997 373.75 2300.5 669.5 1459 230 12 01/05/2016 3146 1533 230.850006 357.25 1942.5 619 1445 246.5 13 01/06/2016 3579 1086 227.649994 438.14999 2294 711.5 1604.5 171.600006 14 01/07/2016 3533.5 1041 229.550003 426.85001 2461.5 791 1688 192.399994 15 01/08/2016 3529 1105 229.850006 427.89999 2301 770 1639 201.5 16 01/09/2016 3654.5 1007 221.75 450 2574.5 720 1643 178.800003 17 01/10/2016 3418 937 224.800003 483.70001 2839.5 726.5 1618.5 189.100006 18 01/11/2016 3196 990 193.899994 459.45001 2990 676.5 1495.5 194.300003 19 01/12/2016 3292.5 1005 199.850006 509.60001 3158.5 668 1562 224.600006 20 01/01/2017 3227.5 950 194.350006 472.85001 3491 667.5 1528 221.800003 21 01/02/2017 3819 951 201.899994 453.54999 3297 787 1648 237.800003 22 01/03/2017 3939.5 1026 208.100006 457.54999 3209.5 754 1659.5 242.100006 23 01/04/2017 3972 1168 199.050003 442.5 3062 812 1550 265.399994 24 01/05/2017 4331.5 1414 231.5 466.70001 3102.5 867.5 1703.5 260 5 01/06/2017 4155 1359 217.75 442.79999 3242 891 1635.5 247.199997 26 01/07/2017 4321.5 1236 222 445.79999 3520 888 1514.5 248.600006 27 01/08/2017 4519 1196 221.399994 445.14999 3746.5 914 1533.5 251.899994 28 01/09/2017 4319 1217 208.800003 477.29999 3473 887 1488.5 268.299988 29 01/10/2017 4269.5 1339 215.600006 510.20001 3548.5 973 1357.5 282.5 30 01/11/2017 4164 1406 224.300003 489.10001 3501.5 857 1279.5 274A B C D E F G H 31 01/12/2017 4125.5 1464 235 522.70001 3942 847 1322.5 278 32 01/01/2018 4000 1660 224.600006 501.10001 3922 872 1320.400024 287.700012 33 01/02/2018 3733.5 1679 203.75 475.14999 3926 839.599976 1307.199951 267.700012 34 01/03/2018 3955.5 1604.5 194.220001 479.25 3611 871.599976 1394 258.799988 35 01/04/2018 4077.5 1590 211.600006 538 3946 840 1461.400024 270.200012 36 01/05/2018 4146.5 1709 191.820007 576.29999 4240 824.599976 1524 275.100006 37 01/06/2018 4192 1673 183.820007 578.29999 4201 988.200012 1529.800049 256.100006 38 01/07/2018 4355 1619 186 573.29999 4196.5 991 1581.599976 255.399994 39 01/08/2018 4392 1525 164.5 547.29999 3659 1010 1560.400024 241.300003 40 01/09/2018 4216 1314 164.5 589.29999 3880 987.400024 1536.800049 250 41 01/10/2018 4146.5 1200 147.820007 567.29999 3803.5 839 1511.199951 236.399994 42 01/11/2018 4243.5 1112.5 168.940002 520 3559 849.599976 1621.599976 218.199997 43 01/12/2018 4108.5 1105 152.899994 495.95001 3730 830 1491.199951 216.699997 4 01/01/2019 3984.5 1264 138.580002 520.09998 4187.5 884.400024 1477.199951 240.899994 5 01/02/2019 4008 1227.5 134.279999 534.40002 4336 955 1497.400024 265.700012 46 01/03/2019 4395 1117.5 139.800003 558.5 4461 903.200012 1596.800049 247 47 01/04/2019 4657.5 1163.5 142 559 4465 914.599976 1573.400024 239.600006 48 01/05/2019 4837 871.200012; 129.419998 540.09998 4536.5 860 1527 213.699997 49 01/06/2019 4894.5 953.200012 129.320007 548.59998 4880.5 840.400024 1576.599976 219.800003 50 01/07/2019 4955.5 964 150.080002 545.70001 4698; 362 1702.599976 217 51 01/08/2019 5196 963.400024 155.240005 500.20001 4149.5 771.200012 1711.599976 185.449997 52 01/09/2019 4890 1150 162 515.79999 4209 792.400024 1744.599976 207.600006 53 01/10/2019 4622.5 1238 157.399994 489.29999 4014 709 1768.599976 212.699997 4 01/11/2019 4578 1338 153.360001 480.20001 4201.5 711.599976 1754 226.199997 55 01/12/2019 4350.5 1424.5 146.759995 471.60001 4503 683.200012 1779 240.300003 56 01/01/2020 4533.5 1393 149.300003 456.70001 4084 670 1784 218.300003 57 01/02/2020 4170 1100.5 134.360001 396.14999 3608 620 1562.199951 178.649994 58 01/03/2020 4075.5 571 113 344.20001 3718.5 340.600006 1514.599976 112.900002 59 01/04/2020 4102 603.200012 112.139999 313.10001 3684.5 330 1661 110.550003 60 01/05/2020 4332 680 133.020004 305.75 4313 271.600006 1671.800049 110.349998A G H K M Date Rolls-Royce Holdings plc (RR.L GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK.L) The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc (RBS.L) United Utilities Group PLC (UU.L) Legal & General Group PIc (LOFTSE All UK 3 MONTHS TREASURY BILLS YI 01/07/2015 794 1396 342.200012 892 260.700012 3652.79 0.469 3 01/08/2015 743.5 1340.5 336.799988 855 252.699997 3434.66 0.46 01/09/2015 677 1266 315 925 238.100006 3335.92 0.489 01/10/2015 687.5 1405 317.600006 988.5 261.600006 3484.6 0.478 6 01/11/2015 606.5 1355.5 302.399994 966.5 271.5 3492.13 0.483 01/12/2015 575 1373 302 935.5 267.799988 3444.26 0.459 8 01/01/2016 555 1439 252.699997 956.5 243.5 3335.9 0.468 9 01/02/2016 679 1399.5 223.899994 925.5 227 3345.84 0.463 10 01/03/2016 682 1412 222.699997 23 235.199997 3395.19 0.468 11 01/04/2016 669.5 1459 230 939.5 223.100006 3421.7 0.453 12 01/05/2016 619 1445 246.5 970 239.399994 3429.77 0.478 13 01/06/2016 711.5 1604.5 171.600006 1035 190.699997 3515.45 0.442 14 01/07/2016 791 1688 192.399994 1017 205.699997 3653.83 0.293 15 01/08/2016 770 1639 201.5 971.5 210.300003 3697.19 0.23 16 01/09/2016 720 1643 178.800003 1003 218.699997 3755.34 0.217 01/10/2016 726.5 1618.5 189.100006 940 209.399994 3768.14 0.233 8 01/11/2016 676.5 1495.5 194.300003 883 235.800003 3692.4 0.203 19 01/12/2016 668 1562 224.600006 901 247.600006 3873.22 0.218 20 01/01/2017 667.5 1528 221.800003 917 234.899994 3858.26 0.226 21 01/02/2017 787 1648 237.800003 978.5 248.300003 3953.42 0.213 22 01/03/2017 754 1659.5 242.100006 993.5 247.300003 3990 0.217 23 01/04/2017 812 1550 265.399994 973.5 246.100006 3962.49 0.165 24 01/05/2017 867.5 1703.5 260 1029 251.800003 4116.08 0.182 25 : 01/06/2017 891 1635.5 247.199997 867.5 258.299988 4002.18 0.207 26 01/07/2017 888 1514.5 248.600006 897.5 268.399994 4046.2 0.153 27 01/08/2017 914 1533.5 251.899994 10 260.200012 4072.98 0.207 28 01/09/2017 887 1488.5 268.299988 854.5 259.899994 4049.89 0.242 29 : 01/10/2017 973 1357.5 282.5 833 267 4117.69 0.369 30 01/11/2017 857 1279.5 274 820.5 267.200012 4033.84 0.399G M F H J K 31 3942 847 1322.5 278 829.5 273.299988 4221.82 0.34 32 3922 872 1320.400024 287.700012 738 270.600006 4137.66 0.312 3926 839.599976 1307.199951 267.700012 666.200012 262.600006 3981.61 0.361 33 34 3611 871.599976 1394 258.799988 715.400024 257.799988 3894.17 0.448 35 3946 840 1461.400024 270.200012 743.200012 270 4127.68 0.496 36 4240 824.599976 1524 275.100006 775.799988 269.799988 4222.2 0.447 37 4201 988.200012 1529.800049 256.100006 763.200012 266 4202.25 0.58 4196.5 1581.599976 719.200012 4253.31 0.699 38 991 255.399994 262.700012 39 3659 1010 1560.400024 241.300003 741.599976 257 4106.14 0.744 40 3880 987.400024 1536.800049 250 704 262.200012 4127.91 0.731 41 3803.5 839 1511.199951 236.399994 726.599976 251.5 3904.23 0.715 42 3559 849.599976 1621.599976 218.199997 760.400024 244.899994 3823.34 0.701 43 3730 830 1491.199951 216.699997 736.200012 231 3675.06 0.727 44 4187.5 884.400024 1477.199951 240.899994 830.799988 259.399994 3825.62 0.698 45 4336 955 1497.400024 265.700012 840.200012 280.600006 3888.81 0.628 46 4461 903.200012 1596.800049 247 814.400024 275.299988 3978.28 0.769 47 4465 914.599976 1573.400024 239.600006 828.799988 278.200012 4067.98 0.752 48 4536.5 360 1527 213.699997 797.400024 256.600006 3923.87 0.731 49 4880.5 840.400024 1576.599976 219.800003 782.799988 269.5 4056.88 0.74 50 4698 862 1702.599976 217 788.599976 261.799988 4134.03 0.76 51 4149.5 771.200012 1711.599976 185.449997 314 219.600006 3953.02 0.752 52 4209 792.400024 1744.599976 207.600006 825.799988 248.399994 4061.74 0.775 53 4014 09 1768.599976 212.699997 870.200012 263.700012 3993.46 0.76 54 4201.5 711.599976 1754 226.199997 853.400024 280.899994 4066.73 0.759 303 4196.47 0.771 55 4503 683.200012 1779 240.300003 943.400024 4084 670 1784 218.300003 1013.5 305.5 4057.47 0.731 56 3608 620 1562.199951 178.649994 944.200012 260 3673.61 0.644 57 58 3718.5 340.600006 1514.599976 112.900002 902.799988 193.850006 3107.42 0.274 59 3684.5 330 1661 110.550003 902.200012 204.600006 3262.51 0.083 60 4313 271.600006 1671.800049 110.349998 917.599976 198.5 3363.67 0.08

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