A bank's balance sheet information is shown below (in $000 ). off-talance-sheet Iteins U.S. Governient Counterparty Loan conaltients: 15 year. Standby letters of credit: performance-related Direct-credit substitute U.S. Depository Institutions Counterparty Loan commltments: 61 year $1 year 5tondty letters of credit: Performance-related Direct-credit substitute. Conmercial letters of credit state and tocal Government Counterparty (revenue municipals) Lah connitinents: >1 year: Standby letters of credit: ferformance-related Corporate Custooer counterparty toan combltment s: (1) year 31 year standby letters of sredit. Perfornance-related Direct-credit, substitute Conerclal letees of credit Soverelgh Counterparty toan comitaents, otco cac rated 1 : \&1 year 21 year Soverelgn Counterparty toan comeitments, OECD CRC rated 2 . c) yeer 21 year Sovereign Counterparty Loan comalteeots, OLCD CAC rated z1 2 year Ieterest rate narket contracts (current exposure assued to be zero): \& year (not lonal amount) \$1-s year (not fonal anount) onswers to the nearest whole dollar amount. (e,9,32) ) (x) Face Valus \begin{tabular}{rr} 20 & $390 \\ 50 & 1,140 \\ 50 & 209 \\ 100 & 100 \end{tabular} A bank's balance sheet information is shown below (in $000 ). off-talance-sheet Iteins U.S. Governient Counterparty Loan conaltients: 15 year. Standby letters of credit: performance-related Direct-credit substitute U.S. Depository Institutions Counterparty Loan commltments: 61 year $1 year 5tondty letters of credit: Performance-related Direct-credit substitute. Conmercial letters of credit state and tocal Government Counterparty (revenue municipals) Lah connitinents: >1 year: Standby letters of credit: ferformance-related Corporate Custooer counterparty toan combltment s: (1) year 31 year standby letters of sredit. Perfornance-related Direct-credit, substitute Conerclal letees of credit Soverelgh Counterparty toan comitaents, otco cac rated 1 : \&1 year 21 year Soverelgn Counterparty toan comeitments, OECD CRC rated 2 . c) yeer 21 year Sovereign Counterparty Loan comalteeots, OLCD CAC rated z1 2 year Ieterest rate narket contracts (current exposure assued to be zero): \& year (not lonal amount) \$1-s year (not fonal anount) onswers to the nearest whole dollar amount. (e,9,32) ) (x) Face Valus \begin{tabular}{rr} 20 & $390 \\ 50 & 1,140 \\ 50 & 209 \\ 100 & 100 \end{tabular}