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a) Binary search tree is considered as a better data structure for many computations if the data can be organized into a balanced binary

a) Binary search tree is considered as a better data structure for many computations if the data can be e) Build the binary search tree for the following items that represents fast-food company names McDonald's,

a) Binary search tree is considered as a better data structure for many computations if the data can be organized into a balanced binary search tree. What is the height of the balanced binary search tree. Clearly explain your answer b) Explain a situation where a binary search tree can be very unbalanced c)Build the binary search tree for the following data items 689, 78, 67, 34, 456, 234, 890, 12, 0, 23, 45 4 d)Perform pre-order, post-order, and in-order tree traversal for the binary search tree above (c)? e) Build the binary search tree for the following items that represents fast-food company names McDonald's, Popeyes, Quizno's, Subway, Taco Bell, TCBY, Tim Hortons, Wendy's, Wingstop WingStreet f) Perform pre-order, post-order, and in-order tree traversal for the binary search tree above (e)?

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