A cover letter for the Repeated Measures ANOVA should follow this format: A. Your academic Integrity Sheet. B. A complete cover sheet with all 5
A cover letter for the Repeated Measures ANOVA should follow this format:
A. Your academic Integrity Sheet.
B. A complete cover sheet with all 5 elements:
1. A brief description of the scenario, identifying the IV, DV, sample selected,
implied population and the nature of the data of the DV (ratio, equal interval,
ordinal, or nominal). This should be in paragraph form.
Your null and alternative hypotheses.
2. Your statistical results indicating whether the results are significant or
3. Make certain you present both your data and your statistics.
The descriptive data can easily be presented in tabular form by copying the
appropriate table from the SPSS Output and including it in your results.
section. You may choose to delete some information from the SPSS Table and
add an appropriate, more descriptive, title.
See also sample write-up (on Sakai)
4. An explanation of the results for "Grandma;" (i.e., in plain English explaining
your findings in terms a non-statistician can easily understand).
Here it is especially important that you describe the pattern of differences that you.
found in your results.
5. A statement of the rationale explaining why the test you selected was the most
appropriate for the problem you have analyzed. You may write this in
paragraph form or as a bullet list. (See sample write-up from SPSS # 6 for an
example of how to justify the test you chose)
C. A "cleaned" SPSS Output including the more sophisticated line graph with labels,
standard errors, and appropriate titles for the Y-axis and the main title
The data for the cover letter is attached below: