A D E 1 Chapter 1: Amplying Excel 3 40.000 Year 2 Quarter 2 3 60 000 100.000 4 50.000 Year 3 Quarter 1 2 70,000 80,000 30 perunt 5.65000 75% 25% 30% of the bodgeted unt sales of the next quarter 12.000 units 5 pounds 10% of the Quarter's production needs 23 000 pounds $0 80 per pound 50% in pequenter the purchases are made 40% ngurter following purchase SE1,500 1 40.000 4 Year 2 Quarter 2. 3 2 3 ? 7 7 2 2 2 ? 2 Year 3 Quarter f 3 7 ? 7 2 7 7 7 Year 2 Quar 2 3 1 F F 4 Year ? 2 7 ? 2 5 Budgeted unt sales 6 7 Seling price per unit Accounts receivable, beginning balance 9 Sales collected in the quarter sales made 10 Sales collected in the quarter after sales are made 11 Desired ending frihed goods inventory 12 Fhished goods inventory beginning 13. Raw material required in producere unit 14. Desired ending inventory of raw materials is 15. Raw materials inventory beginning 16 - Raw material costs 17. Raw materias purchases are paid 18 and 19 Accounts payable for raw materials, beginning balance 20 21 Entera formula into each of the colis marked with a box 22 Review Problem: Budget Schedules 23 24 Construct the sales budget 25 26 Budgeted unt sales 27 Seing priceperunt 28 Total sales 29 30 Construct the schedule of expected cash collections 31 32 Accounts receivable beginning balance 33 First quarter sales 34 Second quarter sales 35 Third quarter sales 36 Four-quarter sales 37 Total cash collections 39 39 Construct the production budget 40 41 Budgeted unt sales 42 Add desired finished goods invento 43 Total needs 44 Lose beginning inventory 45 Required production 45 47 Construct the raw materials purchases budget 48 49 Required production unita) SO Raw materials required to produce one unit 51 Production needs (pounds) 52 Add desired ending inventory of raw material pounds) 53 Total needs (pounds) 5. Les beginning inventory of how materiais pounda) 55 Raw materials to be purchased 56 cost of raw materials per pound 57 Cost of raw materials to be purchased 58 55 Conset the schedule of expected cash payments 60 6 Accounts payable, beginning balance 67 Fint quarter purchases 63 Second-quarter purchases 64 Third quarter purchases 65 Fourth quarter purchases tio Total cash dabunements 7 7 7 7 7 7. 7 7 7 ? 7 1 4 Year ? 7 2 2 2 7 2 Year 2 Quarter 2 3 ? 7 ? 2 7 ? 7 2 2 7 2 ? 7 7 7 7 7 2 7 2 Year 3 Quarter 1 2 7 7 ? 7 2 1 4 Year Year 3 Quarter 1 7 7 ? 7 7 2 7 7 2 2 2 ? Year 2 Quarter 3 2 2 2 7 2 7 7 ? 2 2 2 2 7 2 2 2 ? 2 7 ? 2 7 7 7 21 2 7 ? 2 7 2 2 7 7 2 + Year 2 Quarter 2 Year 2 7 2 2 2 7 ? 7 7 ? 2 ? 2 7 ? 1 7 68 69 70 71 Provide formulas for the question marks