A ) Data IBTrACS The data for this project it comes from the International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS) website: https :/ /www .nodc .noaa .gov /ibtracs /index .php ?name = ib-v4 -access The specific dataset is part of IBTrACS v04, and you will be working with its Comma Separated Values (CSV ) file ibtracs . NA . list . v04r00 . csv . The link to download the CSV file is available in the following page: https ://www .ncei .noaa .gov / data /international -best -track -archive -for -climate -stewardship ibtracs / v04r00 / access / csv / The associated data dictionary is in the following pdf file . This is the document that provides detailed descriptions about the fields (i.e. columns ) of the CSV data file . https :/ /www .nedc .noaa .gov /ibtracs /pdf /IBTrACS_v04_column_documentation .pdf A.1) Recommended R Packages The first code chunk in you Rmd should contain commands to load any R packages. We recommend that use "tidyverse " and "lubridate " (you can use other packages if you want to ) # your first code chunk should load any used packages ! ! ! library (tidyverse # includes dplyr , ggplot2 and other pkgs library (lubridate ) # for working with dates library (spData ) # contains "world " data for maps library (gganimate ) # for animated graphs ( and maps ) A.2) Importing Data in R You will have to download the CSV file to your computer. You are allowed to use any data-table importing function, either with base R functions e.g. read . table (), or with functions from other packages : e.g. read_table () from "readr " Regardless of the importing approach you decide to use, you have to import the data following these specifications: Import only the first 16 columns (from SID to LANDFALL ) Specify data types for the 16 imported columns as: SEASON , NUMBER , WMO_WIND , WMO_PRES , , DIST2LAND , and LANDFALL must be of type " integer " LAT and LON must be of type "double " or "real " the rest of the columns must be of type " character 11