A depreciation schedule for semitrucks of Marigold Manufacturing Company was requestsd by your ausitar soon after Decarber 2003 to 2026 , incluske. The following data ware ascertained. No charges had been thade against the account before darcary 1,2023. Tranasctions between January 1.2023 and December 31 . 2d2. which were recorded in the ledger, ars as followis. July 1.2023 Truck No.3 was traded for a larger one Mo. Si, the igreed purchase prics of which was 541,600 Marigsid paid the automable dewer $22.850 cash on the trantaction, The entryas a desit to Truds and a cresit to Cast. 522.890. The transuction has commercial substance. July 1,2025 Anew truck(Na di was acquared for 543,680 cah and was charged it that amount to the Trucks ascount. thesume truckelo. 2 was not retired) July 1.2025 Truck Na. 4 was damagedin a wreck to such an cutent that it was sold a junk for 5728 cash Marigold reckived 52.600 from the insurance compary The entry made by the booldewper was a debit to Casin. 53.326, and credisto Miscelancous income. 5728 , and Truck. 32,600. Ertries for straight tine depreciation had best made at the close of each year as followe: 2023, 521,040;2024,523,400:2025. $26,052 and 2026,531,616 For each of the 4 yewrs. compute se parately the increase or decrease in net incoene ariuing from the coenpary/s errors in deternining or entering depreclation or in reconding transactions alfectine trucks lgnoring incometasconjiderations . Enter orndit, underitated and decrease amount uing ether a negotive sign preceding the number es 45 or parintheses e. (454) For each of the 4 years, comoute separately the increase or decrease in net income arish strem the conpany/s errors in determining or entering deprociation or in necordint transactions affecting trucks, lyoring income tax considerations. (E)ter credit, understoted and decrotie amounts using elther a negative sign preceding the number e 345 or parchtheies es (45). For each of the 4 years compute separately the increase or decrease in net income arisingfrom the compary/s errors in determining or entering depreciation or in rscordinstransactions aff ccting trucks, ignoringincome tax considerationa (Enter